Little kids ask questions. Unfortunately, they don’t always realize that their questions may be insensitive or inappropriate. Lots of adults let kids slide for their occasionally tactless queries, but the mother of one 4-year-old says a local doughnut shop is taking a hard line regarding her son’s behavior. [More]
no kids allowed

Samsung Suspends Work At Supplier Over Child Labor Concerns
Last week, a group called out a Samsung supplier for alleged exploitation of child labor in a Chinese factory. This morning, Samsung announced that it has suspended its business with this contractor after its own investigation turned up some sketchy hiring practices. [More]

Restaurant Just Says No To Children Under 6
Less than a year after a North Carolina restaurant made headlines by saying it would eject “crying, screaming, whining” kids, a Pennsylvania eatery has gone one step further and banned anyone under the age of 6 from eating there. [More]