On the one hand, there’s the flabbergasted look on someone’s face when 20 pizzas she didn’t order arrive at her door. On the other, she’s not going to eat all those and she certainly isn’t going to pay for it, and now the Domino’s delivery driver made a trip with all those darn pizzas for nothing and seriously, guy who pranked his ex-girlfriend? You just caused a pricy headache. [More]

Man Claims He Was Burned Having Relations With A Pizza, Domino’s Responds Perfectly
Listen, pizzas are for eating. Whatever else you do with them — and we won’t judge you but also do not necessarily want to know — you’re probably on your own, so far as injuries go. That being said, whoever runs the Domino’s UK Twitter account is more than patient than someone else might be when dealing with complaints of alleged burns incurred during pizza fornication. [More]

Maybe The Domino’s Delivery Guy Spotted In Taco Bell’s Drive-Thru Line Is Just Sick Of Pizza
Let’s say you like pizza. Because really, who doesn’t? But perhaps if it’s your job to be around pizzas all the time, bringing them hither and thither and wherever paying customers want them delivered, you might kinda get sick of the pie scene. There’s no law saying you can’t patronize other fast food establishments, but it’s still pretty funny to see the Domino’s guy cruising through the Taco Bell drive-thru line. [More]

Domino’s Not Clear About How Daylight Saving Time Works
Donna decided to be all efficient and stuff. She knew that she needed some pizzas for a high school team event on Monday, November 4th, so she placed the online order the previous Friday. Seven pizzas at 2:30 on Monday afternoon. The pizzas weren’t ready, though. Why? The system had corrected her order for Daylight Saving Time, and it wouldn’t be ready until 2:30. [More]

Domino’s Pizza Delivery Man Shoots, Kills Would-Be Robber While On The Job
It can be tough out there for delivery guys and gals, as the job description makes it necessary to carry around cash, sometimes in large amounts. That makes delivery workers a prime target for ne’er-do-wells, and a bit of a scary situation for anyone caught unawares. One Domino’s pizza delivery man was prepared enough to shoot and kill someone apparently trying to take his cash. [More]

Domino’s Pizza Is So Used To Complaints, It Can’t Take A Compliment
You know how some people are conditioned to believe that any statement directed at them must be a complaint, so they don’t know how to react when someone says something nice? That’s apparently the mindset of whatever robot responds to customers on the Domino’s Pizza Facebook page. [More]

Should An Apology Credit Make Up For The Screwed-Up Order?
Ryan and his wife wanted to munch on pizza while watching Game of Thrones, because that’s a pretty great way to pass an evening. They ordered from Domino’s, but the wrong pizzas arrived with the wrong toppings pretty late. When they complained, they received a credit for a replacement order…that didn’t replace the items they had ordered. [More]

Please, Domino’s, We Need To Know: What Constitutes “Misuse Of The Pizza”?
One of the main reasons we here at Consumerist HQ love our readers so much? You’re all very good at reading the fine print. And sometimes, as a result, we get to consider what’s going on in the brains of companies’ legal departments. For example, the terms of Domino’s pizza giveaway going on right now includes a clause regarding “misuse of the pizza.” Oh, please, Domino’s, do tell. [More]

Domino’s Has A Very Limited Notion Of What “All Your Favorite Toppings” Means
Given that Domino’s has around two dozen toppings to choose from, and that some folks love to layer their pizza with multiple toppings, a franchisee could lose big by offering a pizza with “all your favorite toppings” for as little as $9. That is, until you see that Domino’s thinks you wouldn’t possibly want more than three toppings. [More]

We’ll Remain Unimpressed With Domino’s DVDs That Smell Like Pizza Until We Can Eat Them
What’s the point of a DVD that smells and looks kind of like pizza once it’s “heated up” in a player? If it’s just to get us hungry and thinking about pizza, that is a cruel, cruel marketing trick. Take a note, Domino’s Brazil — don’t bring your pizza invention around these parts until you’ve created a DVD we can watch and then consume with our mouths. [More]

Because Pizza Tracker Isn’t Enough, Domino’s Places Live Cams In Store
Yesterday, we discussed the dual-edged sword that is the Domino’s Pizza Tracker — allowing customers to see exactly where their pizzas are at any given moment, but also highlighting that some employees just don’t give a hoot. But the ever-confident pizza chain has decided to ramp up the accountability, installing live cameras in at least one Domino’s store. [More]

Dear Domino’s: Maybe Cut The Marketing Budget, Boost Employee Training
Misti has some advice for Domino’s that perhaps would be wise for other businesses to follow: spending money on marketing is all very well and good, but ultimately pointless if you don’t train franchisees and staff on how to not treat customers like crap. [More]

Climbing The Pepperoni Ladder: 90% Of Domino’s Franchise Owners Started As Deliverymen
Ah, the humble pizza delivery guy — bringing hot cheese and sweet satisfaction to the door for Americans everywhere. But lest you think it’s a dead-end job or something for pimply teenagers just to make some extra cash, Domino’s would beg to differ. The company says about 90% of its franchise owners either started out as deliverymen or in similar entry level positions. [More]

Domino’s Online Pizza Ordering Now Featuring Pick Your Own Price Option
We write a lot about fuzzy math here at Consumerist, mostly because if you’re observant, you can often get what you want for a lower price than perhaps the retailer intended to sell it for. Case in point: Consumerist reader Tyler was gearing up to order pizza online from Domino’s the other night, and noticed some bizarro pricing. [More]

My Web Host Bought Me A Domino’s Pizza Just Because I Asked
Glen is a web developer in Northern Ireland. He recently switched back to using a web-hosting company he’d left about a year before. And when the provider asked if it could help with anything else and Glen jokingly requested a pizza, he was in for a surprise. [More]

Pizza Deliverer: If You Live In A $650K House And Don’t Tip, There’s Something Wrong With You
Tipping waiters at a restaurant is relatively easy — so long as you know how to calculate the standard 15-20% — but tipping for delivery is always a topic of much debate, as there are factors involved like the cost of the meal, the weather, how long you had to wait, and how much was being carried. [More]