My Web Host Bought Me A Domino’s Pizza Just Because I Asked

You never know unless you ask. Glen scored a free pizza from his hosting company just by asking on Twitter.
It all began when Glen recently Tweeted “@bigwetfish Just rejoined after a long time away #feelsgoodbra” to Big Wet Fish, the hosting company, which just happens to be located in the same city as Glen.
Big Wet Fish replied the way any number of companies would: “great to hear… let us know if you need anything at all.”
So of course Glen asked for a pizza from Domino’s and gave his address, not ever thinking he’d get one.
“Be careful what you wish for – it may come true,” replied Big Wet Fish, which then went through the entire ordering process with Glen via Twitter, even posting a photo of the online tracker to show that the pie was indeed baking in the oven.
Just a little bit later, Glen and pals were chowing down on a pile of free grub. As you can see from the photo above, they even put the Big Wet Fish company logo on the board outside their door as a thank you.
“They are a local company here in Belfast and it was amazing to see this type of interaction from a company,” Glen tells Consumerist. “I haven’t experienced this type of treatment before, so I thought it would be fun to share the story.”
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