Not in the mood to call, go online, or send an emoji text or Tweet to order pizza? How about just yelling your order at the speaker in your living room? Now you can, at least if that speaker is the Amazon Echo, and you want Domino’s. [More]

Truck Full Of Domino’s Pizza Dough Hits Overpass, Spills Across Road
Here at Consumerist, we’re fascinated with incidents where truck crashes result in food (or future food) spilled across the highway. We’ve brought you tales of spilled milk, cheese, beer, frozen chicken, and one weird day where a truck of bacon and a truck of piglets crashed in different states. However, we never expected to hear about a highway full of pizza. Future pizza. Pizza dough, scattered across the highway. [More]

Domino’s Launches Custom-Built Chevy Pizzamobile With Built-In Ovens
Pizza delivery is a tricky business. You have to get a pizza from the restaurant to the car, let it sit in the car for a while, then get it from the car to the customer, all without tilting the box so the cheese slides off. Delivery drivers normally use their own cars for this… but what if there were a purpose-built car designed to keep food warm and advertise Domino’s in traffic? [More]

Domino’s Gives Customer Who Returned $1,300 He Found In Wings Box Free Pizza For A Year
Stumbling upon a pile of cash might be an easy way to get rich quick for some, but being the kind of person who turns in lost money has its own rewards, too. There’s the satisfied feeling one might get from being a good human… and also there could be the gift of food, like the guy who scored free Domino’s pizza for a year after returning a wad of cash he found stashed in his box of wings. [More]

Coming Soon: Tweet The Pizza Emoji At Domino’s, Get Pizza Delivered
It’s a good thing for Domino’s customers that there’s a pizza emoji (even if there’s no hot dog or taco yet, what is going on there?!?) because now they’ll barely have to lift a finger to order pizza on Twitter. The chain says it’s launching a Tweet-a-pizza delivery service starting May 20, allowing customers to simply send 🍕 [pizza emoji if you can’t see it on your device] to @Dominos to place their order. [More]

New York Fines Domino’s Franchise Owners $970K For Violating A Slew Of Labor Laws
Four franchise owners operating 29 Domino’s franchises and a former owner of six resturants in New York state will have to fork over a hefty wad of cash — $970,000 — to Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office, to settle a slew of charges involving labor law violations. [More]

Domino’s Offering 50% Off All Pizzas Ordered Online Through March 22
Because sitting in front of the TV watching basketball game after basketball game can really get your appetite worked up, Domino’s is trying to capitalize on March Madness by offering a 50% discount on all pizzas ordered online this week. [More]

ID Thieves Use Domino’s Ordering App To Check Stolen Card Numbers
Let’s say you’re a criminal who has just purchased a bunch of credit/debit card numbers stolen from one of the data breaches that occur every day. How do you check to see if the numbers you’ve purchased are any good? For ID thieves in Brooklyn, the Domino’s Pizza ordering app provided a quick and easy way to run through those numbers — and get pizza for people. [More]

Customer Sues Domino’s Because Intestine-Piercing Wire Bristles Are Not A Pizza Topping
If you’ve ordered enough pizzas, you’ve probably come across a few with a stray topping that shouldn’t be there. In most cases, the worst that can happen is you eat some green pepper, sausage, or mushroom that you hadn’t intended on consuming. But one Washington state man claims he didn’t realize until it was too late — and he was having emergency surgery — that he’d eaten some Domino’s Pizza topped with wire bristles. [More]

You Can Now Get Hot Doughnuts From Domino’s (In The U.K.)
Have you spent the morning moping in your cubicle, wishing that someone would bring you a box of donuts and a vat of coffee? A new item from Domino’s in the United Kingdom would get you halfway there: the chain pizzeria is now rather inexplicably selling donuts. Hot donuts. [More]

Domino’s Customer: I Wasn’t Trying To Get “Go F**k Yourself” Manager Fired
You may have heard about the recent incident in which a since-fired Domino’s Pizza manager was caught on camera calling a customer a “retard” and telling her that his manager’s name was Mr. “Go F*ck Yourself.” Now the customer who shot that video is saying it was never her intention to get the man fired from his job. [More]

Everyone Wants To Believe Photo Of Domino’s Worker Delivering Pizza Directly To Bed Of Hungover Man Is Real
There are some things on the Internet that are just too good to be true, I know, but oh man, I really hope this isn’t one of them: A guy reportedly in the death grip of a truly heinous hangover wasn’t feeling like answering the door to get his Domino’s pizza delivery, but it all worked out because of a brave worker, unafraid to see a lazy customer in his skivvies, watching James Bond movies. That is, if this all really happened. [More]

Can Math Determine Whether Pizza Hut Or Domino’s Is Better?
While some people swear by certain pizza chains, others see little difference between a pie from Domino’s or one from Pizza Hut. At that point, it probably comes down to which offers a better value. So how to determine which one provides more bang for your buck? Perhaps some basic math will suffice. [More]

Dozens Of Arrests Made In Fast Food Wage Protests Around Country
As we mentioned earlier this week, supporters of higher wages for fast food workers staged protests in cities all over the country today. According to reports, a number of these demonstrations resulted arrests. [More]

Court: Domino’s Not Responsible For Sexual Harassment Of 16-Year-Old Employee
When a worker at a fast food franchise acts like an a-hole, it’s obviously his boss’s immediate responsibility to investigate and discipline that employee if necessary. But does the corporate office share any liability when things go wrong at the franchisee level? What about when people from company HQ are involved in the decision of whether or not to dismiss an employee? According to California’s highest court, the buck stops at the franchisee’s door. [More]

More Fast Food Strikes Expected For Thursday
Getting a Big Mac, Whopper, Baconator, Double Down, or Chalupa might be a bit of an inconvenience on Thursday, as supporters of the movement for higher pay and union membership for fast food workers say employees will strike in 150 cities. [More]

Domino’s And Contest Winner Disagree About How Calendars Work
This baseball season, Domino’s Pizza is running a promotion where fans can get a code for a free pizza after the first two no-hitters of the year. While many people were shut out of the code-generating website, reader Jim wasn’t one of them. He got a code. The problem is that he and Domino’s disagree about how calendars work, and now he has no free pizza. [More]