
What Do You Do When Family Friends Don't Provide The Furniture You Already Paid For?

What Do You Do When Family Friends Don't Provide The Furniture You Already Paid For?

Ryan is stuck in a bad situation. His father is friends with a the guy who owns a local furniture store, and the store has failed to deliver some custom-made furniture that was fully paid for up front as a goodwill gesture. Now Ryan wants the order canceled, but the owner and his wife are refusing to cooperate.

Watch Out For Throttling If You're On A Blockbuster Rental Plan

Watch Out For Throttling If You're On A Blockbuster Rental Plan

Robert’s recent experience with his local Blockbuster just underscores how ill-equipped the rental chain is to compete against Netflix and new-star-on-the-block Redbox. Whether Robert has caught them deliberately throttling his account, or he’s just the victim of a poorly implemented system, it’s not the kind of customer experience you should have to settle for anymore.

House Passes Passengers Bill Of Rights, But Don't Rejoice Yet

House Passes Passengers Bill Of Rights, But Don't Rejoice Yet

The House this week finally passed the Passengers Bill of Rights, ensuring that delayed passengers will have adequate access to food, water, and even restrooms. The ironically delayed piece of consumer legislation has languished for years, but the bill that passed the House still isn’t good enough. Under the House legislation, airlines themselves get to decide what constitutes an “excessive delay,” allowing them to keep stranded passengers on the tarmac for hours. Let’s look at the bill and see what changes need to be made in the Senate…

Reckon Offers 12 Months of Excuses, Still No T-Shirt

Reckon Offers 12 Months of Excuses, Still No T-Shirt

Reckon is a company that sells silkscreened designs of celebrities on various articles of clothing. Seriously, where else can you get a Morrissey onesie? Dan ordered a custom t-shirt with a design of Larry David on it in April of 2008. He’d like to report on the fit and quality of the shirt, but he can’t, because he hasn’t received it yet.

Is Tentacle Grape Soda Real? Because Their Shipment Dates Aren't

Is Tentacle Grape Soda Real? Because Their Shipment Dates Aren't

Really, grape soda with a tentacle hentai theme (don’t Google it if you’re not sure what we’re talking about, especially if you’re at work) just makes sense. Sex-starved tentacled monsters getting it on with anime vixens just cries out to be packaged as a grape drink and sold. But one reader, Lincoln, says he bought his own 6-pack of the drink back at the start of the year and has yet to see it.

Outside Magazine Will Send Your Free 2009 Calendar When It's In The Discount Bin

Outside Magazine Will Send Your Free 2009 Calendar When It's In The Discount Bin

Outside Magazine offered Tracey two free 2009 Calendars if she signed up for an annual subscription early last December. She thought her dad would enjoy the magazine and the calendar, so she accepted. Now it’s March and there’s still no calendar, and Tracey says every time she calls to complain, they tell her they’ll send it. In the meantime, her dad still has no idea what day it is.

Dell Has Separation Anxiety Over Scanner, Can't Bring Itself To Ship It

Dell Has Separation Anxiety Over Scanner, Can't Bring Itself To Ship It

Sean can’t get Dell to ship the scanner he ordered on January 20th. They keep canceling it at the last minute, then promising to ship it the next week. They really like your scanner, Sean. Can’t you just leave them alone and let them have their forbidden love?

Polite Complaint Letter To Delta Earns Passenger 5,000 Extra Miles

Polite Complaint Letter To Delta Earns Passenger 5,000 Extra Miles

A glitch in Delta’s website bumped Jesse’s return date up by a month, which sort of interfered with his travel plans when he showed up at the airport to check in. Here’s the complaint letter he sent to Delta, and their response.

Sorry Chicago: O'Hare Airport Is Worst In The Nation, Midway Not Far Behind

Sorry Chicago: O'Hare Airport Is Worst In The Nation, Midway Not Far Behind

If you flew out of O’Hare in December — we are so sorry. Only 55 percent of O’Hare flights departed on time. If you thought you were smart and chose to fly out of Midway instead — you were, but it was the second worst airport in the US, so don’t get too excited.


Knife to the eye! The Digital TV transition will not be delayed after all, according to the House vote today. Will the Senate try again? [Washington Post] (Thanks to Ult3!)

West Elm Excels At Taking Your Money, Not At Shipping Your Items

West Elm Excels At Taking Your Money, Not At Shipping Your Items

Add West Elm to your list of online retailers who don’t believe shipping should be part of the business plan. It would be one thing if West Elm stated up front that they don’t know when they’ll send you the goods, but we guess it’s just easier to makes sales when you list everything as available for “immediate delivery” on the website, no matter when you plan on shipping it.

UPS Coughs Up $50 But Still Hasn't Delivered Your Daughter's Christmas Present

UPS Coughs Up $50 But Still Hasn't Delivered Your Daughter's Christmas Present

Reader Michael wants to know why it’s taking UPS almost a month to ship his daughter’s Christmas gift from Los Angeles to Seattle. Michael thinks his package might have been eaten by the snowstorm that broke Seattle a few weeks back, but UPS swears that they have the gift and that this is all a simple matter of “the driver forgot to put it on the truck.” Worried that it that it might have been faster for a messenger to walk between Los Angeles and Seattle with his daughter’s present, Michael decided to launch an Executive Email Carpet Bomb at UPS executives.

Amtrak Strands Passengers Without Food, Water, Toilets

Amtrak Strands Passengers Without Food, Water, Toilets

About 450 Amtrak passengers were stranded in Chicago’s Union Station for almost 24 hours — without food, water or access to reliable functioning restrooms.

Shipping Delays For Dell's New Mini Laptop?

Shipping Delays For Dell's New Mini Laptop?

Reader Steven wrote in to let us know that his Dell Mini’s ship date keeps getting pushed back and he’s starting to become annoyed.

Canon's Rebate Program Is Blurry And Poorly Lit

Canon's Rebate Program Is Blurry And Poorly Lit

Brett has now been the victim of two failed rebate attempts through Canon. They ignored the first one, and rejected the second one with a claim that he can clearly disprove. He’s trying again. Unfortunately, it looks like Brett’s experience with Canon isn’t unique.

Indoo Ships Your Textbooks To You When They Feel Like It

Indoo Ships Your Textbooks To You When They Feel Like It

Don’t order textbooks from if you need them right away, because they’re a little casual with their shipping. Joe ordered two textbooks on September 5th. Four days later on September 9th, they sent him an email saying they’d been shipped via USPS Priority mail. They hadn’t arrived by the 16th, so Joe emailed to ask what was going on. They responded that actually the books had been shipped on September 11th via USPS Priority and that “the arrival expectation is 4 to 5 business days.” Joe received one of the two books yesterday, on September 17th, which would have been 5 business days after the 11th. Still no sign of the other book.

DirecTV Won't Even Show Up For Whoopi Goldberg

DirecTV Won't Even Show Up For Whoopi Goldberg

UPDATE: Here’s the video.

Continental Confuses California With NYC?

Continental Confuses California With NYC?

[Update: Several commenters have pointed out that “Ontario, CA” actually refers to Ontario, California, which is near L.A. And to be fair to the OP, we’re the ones who misinterpreted Ontario, not her. We’ve updated the post. Also, check out Fly Girl’s insider explanation as to what likely happened.]
Continental canceled one leg of Lesley’s flight from NYC to California without notice—she only discovered it when she went online to check that everything was okay this morning. What’s worse, however, is the alternative flight plan they proposed, which would have her going from NYC to Houston to California and immediately back to Houston to NYC again, depositing her 20+ hours later in Newark, New Jersey—where we presume a gang of Continental employees will be waiting for Lesley at the gate to beat the crap out of her with confiscated water bottles. East Coast hates West Coast, Lesley!