
This Apology Letter From Southwest Is Refreshingly Honest And Informative

This Apology Letter From Southwest Is Refreshingly Honest And Informative

A fluid leak forced Deepak’s Southwest flight from Oakland to Seattle back to the airport. Southwest shifted passengers to a waiting plane, and everyone made it to Seattle about two hours late. Within a week, Southwest sent passengers an extraordinarily honest and informative letter detailing exactly what went wrong, and by way of apology, tossed in a $175 voucher.

United's "Bad Weather" Excuse Isn't Very Believable

United's "Bad Weather" Excuse Isn't Very Believable

Jonathan wants to know how long an airline can blame a cancellation on bad weather, and whether there’s any way to get such a claim rejected when it’s used inappropriately. Is it legitimate, for example, to say tomorrow’s flight is canceled due to weather, when what you really mean is an isolated thunderstorm the day before—which evidently affected no other airlines in the area—triggered a domino effect in getting a certain plane to the right airport a full day later?

Sprint Makes Customer Wait 6 Hours For Chat

Sprint Makes Customer Wait 6 Hours For Chat

Adam had a question on his bill—either about the $9.68 adjustment in his favor, or the $102,861.30 they say he still owes, we’re not sure—so he decided to take advantage of their online chat. He writes, “Conveniently, they have a link that says ‘Questions about your bill?’ When you click it, it brings you to a live agent. This is a picture of our session.”

Delta Makes Woman With Muscular Dystrophy Crawl Off Plane

Delta Makes Woman With Muscular Dystrophy Crawl Off Plane

On July 20th, Julianna’s (delayed) Delta flight landed in Atlanta at 7:30pm, with a connecting flight scheduled for 8:05pm. Julianna, who has muscular dystrophy, missed the connecting flight because nobody came with a wheelchair until 8:05—the same time the connecting flight took off. To make matters worse, the plane crew told Julianna she might make the flight anyway if she stopped waiting for help and got off the plane right now, so she crawled down the stairs on her own. When the wheelchair came she was “wheeled into a back room and advised” that her plane had taken off. But that was just the first half of her ordeal, and the next eight hours only got worse.

Passengers Stuck Overnight At Dulles—First On Plane, Then In Luggage Area

Passengers Stuck Overnight At Dulles—First On Plane, Then In Luggage Area

Here’s further proof you should never get on an airplane these days without a handful of energy bars and one of these: over 100 passengers of an American Airlines flight out of Miami were diverted to Dulles after it had pretty much closed up for the night, and consequently they were stuck for almost two and a half hours on the tarmac, then had to wait until after 4 a.m. to get their luggage this morning. The flight was supposed to land a little before midnight last night. “We regret the inconvenience, but the decision has to be safety first,” an AA spokesman told WTOP News.

American Airlines Cancels Flight Because Their Customers Are Too Pissed Off To Fly

American Airlines Cancels Flight Because Their Customers Are Too Pissed Off To Fly

Can it actually be unsafe to fly a plane full of seething, rage-filled passengers from Florida to New York? Apparently so. Flight 1908 from Miami to LaGuardia was delayed because the flight crew didn’t arrive on time. When they did finally show up, the angry passengers started to boo.

USPS Says Guaranteed Overnight Isn't Guaranteed. What?

USPS Says Guaranteed Overnight Isn't Guaranteed. What?

Dorothy found out that the USPS’s guaranteed overnight delivery doesn’t apply if you use their Express Mail boxes, because “Letters get stuck up in the top of the box all the time. Sometimes, it takes days or even a week before we find them.” Hey post office, maybe you should try to check the top of the box every day. Problem solved!

Will June 29th Be A Big Cluster#@$! For Airlines?

Will June 29th Be A Big Cluster#@$! For Airlines?

Matt writes in to warn us all not to fly on June 29th and 30th if we can help it, because the 29th is when flight plans for all domestic flights have to switch over to the international standard. Matt adds that it’s just his personal opinion, so we’re not sure how worried we should really be (remember the fake-out of the Y2K bug?). But then again, we’re talking about airlines, so at the very least you should pack some extra energy bars if you’re traveling on the day of the switchover.

5 Ways To Get Your Laptop Back From HP

5 Ways To Get Your Laptop Back From HP

Republicans Have Killed The Passenger's Bill Of Rights. Long Live The Passenger's Bill Of Rights!

Republicans Have Killed The Passenger's Bill Of Rights. Long Live The Passenger's Bill Of Rights!

Get ready to spend nine hours on the tarmac without food or water. Senate Republicans yesterday shoved the Passenger’s Bill of Rights into the chamber’s overhead bin, killing off hope that the bill will pass before the elections. Even worse, the shot-down bill had transformed into a gleaming marvel of consumer protection.

Two Months Later, Circuit City Still Hasn't Refunded Customer His $338

Two Months Later, Circuit City Still Hasn't Refunded Customer His $338

You'd Better Know Your Balance, Because WaMu Certainly Doesn't

You'd Better Know Your Balance, Because WaMu Certainly Doesn't

“Keep track of your bank balances!”—pretty much every week on Consumerist either we or our readers say something like this.

4 Facts About Rule 240

4 Facts About Rule 240

Last week, travel consumer advocate Christopher Elliott listed four secrets about rule 240—that borderline mythic rule that describes how an airline will behave regarding a canceled or delayed flight—that he says are too often overlooked by travel experts and regular folk:”It’s hardly an all-powerful provision that can be invoked by every stranded passenger. Somewhere between myth and a magic bullet lies the truth about Rule 240.”

Barnes & Noble Error Leaves Gift Card Unused, Doubles Charges On Credit Card

Barnes & Noble Error Leaves Gift Card Unused, Doubles Charges On Credit Card

It’s bad enough when a glitch on a retailer’s side screws up your method of payment, but Barnes & Noble took so long to investigate and respond to one customer’s emails that by the time they acknowledged they’d made a mistake, they said it was too late to do anything about it.

TSA Won't Let Parents Bring Extra Baby Food In Anticipation Of Delays

TSA Won't Let Parents Bring Extra Baby Food In Anticipation Of Delays

Two Boston doctors brought, by their admission, “probably two and a half times as much as we’d need” of baby food on a recent flight from Chicago Midway Airport to Manchester, N.H. The TSA agent told them it was above the official limit and confiscated it. The parents argued that in light of record delays, winter weather, and stranded-on-the-tarmac stories, they wanted to be fully prepared. The TSA officers told them they’d need a doctor’s note to bring that much food on board—but, um, from another doctor who wasn’t one of the parents.

5 Things Airlines Don't Want You To Know About Weather Delays

5 Things Airlines Don't Want You To Know About Weather Delays

When an airplane is delayed due to the weather, they get out of a lot of obligations, and there’s little oversight over what they get to call a weather-related delay. interviewed industry experts and came up with five interesting things the industry is keeping from you about weather delays…

Post Office Offers Refund In Stamps After Delivering Priority Mail Package Five Weeks Late

Post Office Offers Refund In Stamps After Delivering Priority Mail Package Five Weeks Late

“I wanted to let you and my fellow readers know about the agonizing experience I had with the US postal service recently. They didn’t quite lose my “2 to 3 day” Priority Mail package, but inexplicably shipped it back and forth across the country for over 5 weeks, missing Christmas by over a week, and then told me I did not deserve a refund!”

Top 10 Airports With Worst On-Time Departures

Top 10 Airports With Worst On-Time Departures

Rank / Airport / On-time departure percentage