After you buy food at the grocery store, it’s pretty much yours to do with as you wish, right? But a Kroger manager in Georgia didn’t believe that an elderly customer would just want to hand out food to hungry people, and allegedly attacked the man, losing his job in the process. [More]
crime news

Kroger Manager Fired For Allegedly Attacking Man Who Handed Out Food In Parking Lot

Locking Yourself Inside An Airplane Cockpit Is One Way To Get Yourself Arrested
Not that we suggest in any way that anyone try storming a jetway to hole up in a locked airplane cockpit, but if you’re going to do it, you should probably expect to end up in jail. [More]

A Look Back At Customer-On-Greeter Violence At Walmart
For most of us who shop at Walmart, the elderly greeters are merely something to smile at and say “hi” to as we enter the store — and to occasionally hand over your receipt for checking-over as you exit. But as any regular readers of Consumerist know, some folks out there seem to have a grudge against greeters and have opted for fisticuffs over anger management. [More]

Comcast Employees Caught Taking Payments From 5,975 Customers To Permanently Lower Bills
Most of us wince at our cable bills each month, but what would you do if someone from the cable company approached you and said they could permanently lower your bill — if you gave them a one-time payment of $150? [More]

If You Steal A Bike From The Store, Don't Go Back Right Away To Buy A Lock
They say that crime doesn’t pay. But we have a feeling that this is mostly due to the fact that a lot of criminals happen to be really stupid people. [More]

Convenience Store Owner Calls Cops On Unruly Customer, Ends Up Getting Arrested
The owner of a Chevron gas station and convenience store in Georgia says that when she called the cops to handle an allegedly rude and unruly customer, things got turned around on her and she ended up being the one in cuffs — all because she couldn’t figure out how to operate the security camera system. [More]

Dressing Up Like Batman And Offering To "Save The Day" At Home Depot Now Gets You Arrested
What only a few weeks ago would have been brushed off by most people as a bizarre bit of performance art — or just someone having a laugh — is now suspicious enough to merit arrest. That’s why we’re asking everyone to call off their plans to dress up like Batman and skulk around their local Home Depot to see if anyone needs assistance. [More]

Man Tries To Rob Cash Register, Opts To Put A Puppy Down His Pants Instead
What sets a quality retail thief apart from your run-of-the-mill shoplifter is their ability to adapt. Take for example, the man in NYC who, realizing that he couldn’t crack open the cash register, saw possibility for profit by stashing a pricey puppy in his pants. [More]

Probation For Lottery Winner Who Continued To Collect Food Stamps
Remember the Michigan woman who was charged with fraud because she continued to collect welfare and food stamps even after she won the lottery? Well, a decision has been reached in the case and she has been sentenced to six months’ probation. [More]

Yes, You Can Be Charged With DWI For Driving Drunk On A Walmart Scooter
If you think you have to be driving a car, truck, SUV, motorcycle or even a Vespa to qualify for a DWI, the police in Houma, Louisiana, would disagree. On Sunday night, they arrested a man for operating a Walmart motorized scooter while having a blood alcohol content of .179. [More]

If A Stranger Wants To Suck Your Toe At Walmart, He Probably Isn’t Really A TV Producer
Just a bit of advice to the shoppers of the world: If a man approaches you at Walmart — or really any retailer — and says he works for America’s Funniest Home Videos and that the show will pay for your stuff if you let him kiss your foot, he’s almost certainly lying. And yet, a teenager in Georgia says she was a sucker for a toe-sucker in disguise. [More]

That Overdue ‘Twilight’ Book & DVD Could Get You Arrested
For more than four years we’ve been telling you about libraries turning to the police to crack down on overdue items, and yet some book-borrowing people out there have not gotten the message. Thus, a woman in New Mexico recently spent a night in jail because she spent two years not returning a copy of sparkly vampire novel Twilight and the DVD of one of the films in the series. [More]

TD Bank Teller Accused Of Stealing $100K From Customer Accused Of Cheating State Out Of $545K In Tax Refunds
Two wrongs don’t make a right, and stealing money from someone who stole it to begin with does not earn you a Get Out of Jail Free card. At least that’s what the authorities are telling a former TD Bank teller who stands accused of siphoning off nearly $100,000 from a customer who has been indicted on charges of deceiving the state of New Jersey into paying out $545,000 in tax refunds. [More]

Del Taco Worker Out On Bail After Allegedly Stabbing Customer Over Food Dispute
Arguments between customers and fast food restaurant employees do occasionally result in fisticuffs, but it’s the rare dispute that ends with the customer being stabbed in the gut. Well, not only did that happen at a Del Taco eatery in California, but the accused stabber is now out on bail. [More]

Free Sample Contractor Arrested Following Fight In Crowded Walmart
You could cut the tension between two women, both working for a contractor hired to hand out free samples in Walmart, with a knife. All you’d need is a cutting board, which also happens to be the item at the center of a fight that ended with one woman in a fruit display and the other being arrested. [More]

Woman Spends Night In Jail Over 10-Year-Old Traffic Ticket
Back in 2002, a 17-year-old New Jersey driver received a ticket in New York for not having her insurance card on her. And even though she apparently didn’t pay the fine, she was able to renew her license and commute by car to New York City ever day for the last six years. That is, until she was arrested last week. [More]

Health Care Scammers Must Hand Over Keys To Aston Martin, Maserati, Yacht
The phrase “crime doesn’t pay” would probably more accurately be stated as “crime can pay quite well, at least until you get caught.” Just ask the operators of an Arizona-based health care telemarketing scam, who now have to surrender all their expensive toys to the federal government. [More]

It’s Probably Best To Not Bring Your Mini Meth Lab Into Walmart With You
We understand that a lot of people have hobbies — I like to bake bread; I’ve also been known to craft elaborate leather outfits for my carrier pigeons — but while it may be acceptable to knit as you stroll the aisles of your local retailer, cooking up a batch of meth in your purse is really just going to end badly. [More]