Life can be dangerous for pizza delivery drivers, who are often carrying cash and food and rarely have anyone to protect them. Now a Pizza Hut employee in Maryland says he’s been pulled off deliveries because he used a tent pole to defend himself against a group of attackers. [More]
crime news

Pizza Hut Driver Claims He Was Demoted For Using Fiberglass Tent Pole To Fight Off Attackers

Please Don’t Shoot At The Pizza Delivery Guy If You Think Your Pie Is Too Small
Among the myriad acceptable ways to resolve a complaint with a pizzeria, you won’t find listed “Pull out a gun and begin shooting.” Someone should have told this to the man in Minnesota who is now facing second-degree assault charges for doing just that. [More]

Couple Arrested Following Physical Confrontation With Best Buy Receipt-Checker
No one really likes to have their receipt checked when they leave a store — and some people will outright refuse to show the receipt if their local laws say they don’t have to. But there’s really no need for receipt-checking incidents to get physical. [More]

Xmas Tree Lot Owner “Impressed” By Scammer Who Sold His Trees And Pocketed Cash
A man in Tacoma who runs a Christmas tree lot to raise money for his charity is out around $500 because a scammer allegedly pretended to be a lot employee, selling trees at a deep discount and pocketing the cash. But while he’s unhappy about the loss, he seems to have mixed feelings about the scammer. [More]

Report: HSBC To Pay $1.9 Billion To Wash Away Money-Laundering Claims
Remember earlier this year when a Senate investigation found that HSBC had effectively turned its head while customers laundered billions of dollars for drug cartels and other illegal entities? Well, it looks like the bank will be hit with a record-setting settlement of $1.9 billion over the mess. [More]

Walmart Shoplifter Dies After Being Shot By Off-Duty Deputy
An off-duty sheriff’s deputy, working in uniform as a security officer for a Texas Walmart, reportedly shot an alleged shoplifter after being dragged by her car in the store’s parking lot. [More]

If You’re Not Happy With A Handyman’s Work, Kidnapping Him To Do More Repairs Is A Bad Idea
If you saw it in a movie you wouldn’t believe it. A couple in California are accused of taking a handyman hostage and forcing him to do fix-it jobs around the house, apparently because they were unsatisfied with his previous efforts. [More]

Credit-Repair Scammers Hit With $7.4 Million Penalty, Continued To Break Law
I don’t know about you, but if I’m running a scammy business and get hit with a $7.4 million penalty from the federal government, I’m at least going to think twice about running the same scam again. And yet, a Florida couple completely disregarded court orders by continuing to sell people on their illegal credit-repair system. [More]

Video Game Store Clerk Denies Robber, Tells Him “It’s Messed Up” To Steal From Small Businesses
Usually when you hear about retail employees standing up to criminals, it involves playing the hero (and often getting fired for their efforts), but one clerk at a Denver video game store managed to deny a would-be robber by simply telling him it’s not cool to hold up his little store. [More]

Threatening To Blow Up A Nuclear Power Plant Will Not Lower Your Utility Bill
Upset about some new surcharges on his power bill, a Louisiana man did what no one should absolutely ever, in any world, even consider doing — he allegedly threatened to blow up a nuclear power plant. [More]

Home Depot Employee Accused Of Making $26,000 Off Of Fake Returns
We’ve heard of shoplifters trying to “return” products they never actually purchased for cash. And we’ve heard of employees pretending to enter a return and then taking that returned item and fencing it. But this may be the first time we’ve heard of a retail employee using customer’s personal info to cook up fake returns for illicit profit. [More]

Chevy Dealer Really Sorry About Having Customer Arrested Over Pricing Error
When the folks at a Chevy dealership in Virginia realized they had accidentally sold a customer a car for $5,600 less than they should have, they could have just eaten the difference and stewed about it for a bit. Instead, they tried to get the customer to pay the extra money — and then had him arrested for car theft when he refused. [More]

Rent-To-Own Companies Busted Using Tracking Software To Spy On Customers
For years, we’ve been warning consumers about rent-to-own electronics businesses because they usually end up costing customers a heck of a lot more money in the long term. Now there is another reason to avoid them: The Federal Trade Commission has caught seven rent-to-own companies installing tracking software on computers to do everything from tracking their locations to capturing screenshots of confidential info to secretly snapping photos of customers. [More]

Police Offer PlayStation 3 As Reward For Return Of Guns
Police in Snellville, GA, are trying to recover a pile of recently stolen guns and ammunition, but rather than offer the usual cash reward, cops are offering Sony PlayStation 3 video game consoles. [More]

Man Arrested For Fondling Himself, Looking At Porn On Southwest Flight
Flying from Baltimore to Denver isn’t very exciting. If you’re going to provide your own in-flight entertainment, though, please don’t follow the lead of a 63-year-old man who took that flight on Saturday. His choice of distraction got him arrested once he was on the ground for committing lewd, indecent or obscene acts in public aboard an aircraft. [More]

Airline Passenger With Her Own Bottle Of Gin Steals Food, Cigarettes, Demands Crew Put Some "F****** Music On"
Judging by the number of stories we see every week about airline passengers who have a few too many drinks, we sometimes wonder if the cabin crews are being a bit too free with the in-flight beverages. But then we hear about those terrible travelers who bring their own booze, freeing themselves up to cause a higher level of mayhem. [More]

Man Behind Fake-Cop Debt Collection Scam Could Get To Know Some Very Real Convicts
We write a lot about multimillion dollar settlements over alleged frauds and scams, but it often seems like there is an inverse relationship between the amount of money involved and the amount of time spent in jail by the perpetrators. So we’re glad to hear that the man in the center of a debt collection scam that involved callers pretending to be police officers, and which defrauded American consumers out of millions, now faces criminal charges. [More]