High winds and an impending snowstorm have brought a number of delays and cancellations to air travel into and out of Chicago airports today. As a result, many airlines are now offering to waive fees for travelers seeking to change their plans. [More]

Lufthansa’s Pilots Ordered To End Strike, Wednesday Flights Remain Canceled
The Lufthansa pilot strike that led to the cancellation of more than 1,000 flights on Tuesday and Wednesday has ended after a German court ordered the pilots to return to work. [More]

Spirit The Latest Airline To Suffer Delays, Cancellations Because Of Computer Glitch
Customers flying Spirit Airlines to or from O’Hare International Airport in Chicago faced a few hiccups today, as the company reportedly suffered a computer glitch, which has since been fixed. [More]

Spirit Confirms Delays & Cancellations Are Due To Weather, Not Strike
Earlier today we heard from several Spirit Airlines passengers who had been stranded at airports, sometimes for several days this week, for what they thought was an unofficial pilot strike. After hearing back from Spirit, the company has confirmed there is no strike. [More]

If You’re Flying Anywhere Near The Northeast Today Or Tomorrow, Call Your Airline Now
If you watch TV, read newspapers, or consume any news source at all on the internet up to and including Facebook and Twitter, you’ve probably heard that there’s a monster snowstorm bearing down on the northeast. And that means bad times at the airport: over 2000 flights for today have already been cancelled, along with nearly as many tomorrow. [More]

Should Airlines Be Required To Find Stranded Travelers Flights On Competitors’ Planes?
So far this year, more than 162,000 flights have been canceled for one reason or another, including the polar vortex and a torched air traffic control center in Chicago. While the airlines may call these cancellations a small inconvenience, passengers know that’s not true, especially since it has become increasingly difficult to rebook their travel. Now, passenger rights groups are seeking changes to make traveling an easier experience for consumers. [More]

More Than 2,000 Flights Canceled Today & Tomorrow Because Of Snow
Remember when you looked forward to lots of snow? Neither do we. [More]

T-Mobile Promises Not To Extend My Contract After Replacing Phone, Extends Contract
Philip’s wife’s phone wasn’t working very well. It would power-cycle and drain its own battery, and her texts get delayed. So he set out to get her a new phone, but this was a bigger challenge than he had expected. A replacement phone without extending the family’s contract apparently wasn’t an option. He managed to get a comparable new phone at no cost without extending his contract by calling the retention line to cancel, but this concession came with a price. [More]

Toys ‘R’ Us Either Restores Canceled Order Or Screws It Up Again
Some good news out of Toys ‘R’ Us: after a seeming fit of disorganization, randomly canceled orders, and no information getting out to customers, we’re getting reports that maybe–just maybe–things are getting straightened out over at Big Giraffe. [More]

Toys R Us Keeps Canceling Orders, Ignoring Customers
Sure, some hiccups in the ordering and delivery process are to be expected at a toy store during the toy-buying-frenzy that is the holiday season. You’d think, though, that Toys ‘R’ Us would be aware that their business picks up quite a bit in the winter, and would prepare for this kind of thing. If our mailbox is any indication, not so. They’re canceling orders and leaving customers on hold for extended periods. At least they aren’t canceling all of these orders a few days before Christmas? [More]

Sam’s Club Offers Great Thanksgiving Week Deals, Abruptly Cancels Orders
Is Sam’s Club the new Best Buy? Last year, Best Buy canceled orders for many of their hottest doorbusters just before Christmas, leaving customers sad and giftless. If that’s Sam’s Club’s plan, at least they’re operating on a shorter timeline before canceling their hottest deals. Readers report to us that Sam’s sold and then canceled these deals all in the space of Thanksgiving weekend. [More]

My Flight Was Canceled Due To Sandy, Frontier Airlines Doesn’t Bother To Tell Me
If your flight gets canceled, how are you supposed to find out? Melinda was scheduled to fly on Frontier Airlines, and figured that her flight would get canceled due to Hurricane Sandy. She at least expected a robocall from the airline once the cancellation happened. Or for her flight info to no longer be in the “flight checker.” [More]

Despite No Service, AT&T Refuses To Waive ETF
Last week we brought you the story of Ross who had no AT&T service after the nearby cellphone tower went down and the other towers weren’t working. Even still, AT&T wouldn’t let him leave service without paying an early termination fee, despite the fact that it could be 4 months before the towers were repaired. That means 4 months more without service while still getting a monthly bill. I counseled Ross on how he might fight the power by going through the retentions department, and he wrote back with an update on his progress. [More]

I Have No Bars But AT&T Won't Let Me Leave
Ross and his neighbors have had to drive a few miles down the road to get any bars on their cellphone after a nearby AT&T tower went down and the other two nearby weren’t working well either. Despite the fact that he has no service and there is no fix in sight for several months, AT&T won’t let him leave his contract. [More]

Well, At Least Netflix Is Being Realistic
Say what you will about this exit survey for unsubscribing Netflix customers, but at least it’s realistic about why people cancel Netflix. It’s especially thoughtful of Netflix to include the addresses of still-functioning torrent sites for those users who aren’t yet familiar with them. (Thanks, MedicallyNeedy!)

TV Continues To Cleanse Itself Of Soap Operas
Soap operas were once advertising vehicles for cleaning product manufacturers to promote their goods to homemakers, but their time is now slipping away like sands through the hourglass. [More]

Kaiser Permanente Makes Cancelling Hard, Then Sends Me To Collections
Tim has been stuck in a 7-month limbo with his ex-health insurer Kaiser Permanente that he is trying to break it off with. First he was told to write in a fax that said “I [name here] no longer want health care coverage by KP.” Then it turned out they gave him the wrong fax number, which he found out after he got a bill for missing payment. He called back and got the right fax number, was promised a refund and prorated payment, and sent in all his info. Instead, he got back a letter from the collections department. [More]

Gym Guards Beat Man To Pulp When He Tried To Cancel
A computer programmer who has been trying to cancel his gym membership since August says two gym security guards jumped him and pulverized his face when he wouldn’t back down from his cancellation request. [More]