Sam’s Club Offers Great Thanksgiving Week Deals, Abruptly Cancels Orders

Free shipping, free cancellations
Is Sam’s Club the new Best Buy? Last year, Best Buy canceled orders for many of their hottest doorbusters just before Christmas, leaving customers sad and giftless. If that’s Sam’s Club’s plan, at least they’re operating on a shorter timeline before canceling their hottest deals. Readers report to us that Sam’s sold and then canceled these deals all in the space of Thanksgiving weekend.
First up, Anna, who nabbed a sweet deal on a 65″ Vizio TV. They claimed to have oversold their inventory, but still had the same set for sale on their website.
Sam’s Club has been advertising the Vizio 65″ M650VSE HDTV for $998 for Black Friday. On the website, they announced that they would start on Wednesday night at around 10PM. We staked out their website just in time and were able to place an order (or so we thought).
I went to check the order in my account this morning and find out that Sams Club has left us a nice Turkey Day present by cancelling the order. I follow up with Sams via their 1-800 number to see what happened and they claim they oversold the TV.
Now, I sit here staring at the front page of advertising this TV front and center telling me to “Buy Now” and no TV in site.
No emails or anything from Sam’s telling me that it was even cancelled. Not that I expected anything on Thanksgiving Day, but it’s still disappointing. How hard is it to count how many TVs you have and sell only that amount?
I’m attaching a picture of the website to this email just to show how ridiculous it is to sell this TV out in a few minutes and have it advertised all day on the main page of their website…
Aakash had a similar experience with ordering a luggage set and some Wolfgang Puck-branded kitchen items.
Sams club system glitch [lost] me my time and Black Friday deals. I got confirmation, my orders are placed and being processed but I guess someone just decided to choose who they want to give the deals and canceled my orders and gave it to someone.
When I called first time [to ask] how come my confirmed orders are cancelled, they told me that they will make same items available on cyber Monday and I should login at 12am and order same items again. But that was bluff and those items were never made available again. When I called again they simply told me can’t help it. What a poor service and rip off.
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