Biting into a burger and having the juices drip out of it has, until recently, been an experience only enjoyed by meat eaters. Vegetarians might join them soon, with a new meatless burger for sale at Whole Foods that bleeds beet juice instead of beef juice.

Meatless Burger That Bleeds Pulverized Beet Juice Debuts At Colorado Whole Foods

Burger King’s Mascot Is Actually Fluent In Sign Language, Seeks ‘Whopper’ Sign
All this time that Burger King has had commercials featuring their silent, plastic-headed King mascot, have you ever wondered what the King might have to say if he did more than stare at people with his mouth frozen open? The King, it turns out, is fluent in American Sign Language, and just hasn’t had anyone to talk to in his previous ad appearances. Maybe. Friday, however, is National ASL Day, and the King wants to have a new sign for “Whopper” ready for the occasion. [More]

Competing Chain Offers Five Guys Hamburglar A Year Of Free Burgers If He Turns Himself In
Who says competitors can’t try to help each other out? Wayback Burgers is stepping up to help lure in the real life hamburglar who cooked himself up a snack in the kitchen of a closed Five Guys in Washington D.C. with what should be a tempting reward: free burgers for a year. [More]

Police: Real Life Hamburglar Breaks Into Five Guys, Cooks Himself A Snack
In yet another episode that shows real life hamburglars are walking among us, police say a man made himself the sixth guy at a Five Guys restaurant, breaking into the joint at night and cooking himself a bite to eat. [More]

Real Life Hamburglar Stole 33 Cases Of Burger King Whoppers From Back Of Delivery Truck
Contrary to what you may have believed your entire life, it turns out that the Hamburglar is not a character limited solely to pilfering beef patties from McDonald’s. How else might one explain how 33 cases of Burger King Whoppers went missing from the back of a truck recently? [More]

Black Angus Burgers Sold At Walmart May Contain Pieces Of Wood
Do you have any boxes of Walmart house brand Black Angus beef burgers with Vidalia onions lurking in your freezer? If so, time to check labels: almost 90,000 pounds of that specific burger type (about 44,784 boxes) has been recalled because there may be “extraneous wood materials” in the meat. [More]

Canadian Chain Decides To Stuff Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Into A Burger And Call It A Day
Sometimes, when you make a big move, you don’t have to do anything, just sit back and watch the jaws drop and arteries clog: a Canadian restaurant chain has lit up the internet by debuting a burger stuffed — and topped — with Reese’s peanut butter cups. [More]

McDonald’s Now Offering A 100% Organic Burger… In Germany
In an attempt to turn around sluggish sales and capture the always desirable millennial market, McDonald’s has introduced new and revised old menu items: offering kale, beefing up the Quarter Pounder, and adding all-day breakfast just to name a few. The company’s latest ploy: an organic hamburger. But there’s a catch — it’s only available in Germany. [More]

We Tried It: 4 Ways To Cook A Burger That’s Safe To Eat But Doesn’t Taste Like Leather
For many beef buffs, the idea of a hamburger cooked anything beyond medium rare is blasphemous. Unfortunately, not cooking your ground beef to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit puts you at risk of ingesting bacteria like E. coli or enterococcus, including some strains that are resistant to multiple antibiotics. But does cooking beef to a safe temperature mean you’re doomed to a dry, tasteless hockey puck sandwich? [More]

Do You Have A Secret For Cooking A Well-Done Burger That Doesn’t Taste Like A Hockey Puck?
To all the burger buffs out there: When you’re cooking your favorite sandwich and someone asks for their burger to be cooked well-done, do you ostracize them and declare them unwelcome on your lands until they apologize, or do you have a go-to method for cooking a non-pink patty that you’re not ashamed of? [More]

Will A Toastier Bun Make You Want To Eat A McDonald’s Burger?
By now, most of us are aware that McDonald’s is struggling to attract and retain new customers – mainly those labeled as millennials. The fast food giant’s latest attempt to turn things around doesn’t involve a plethora of new artisanal or healthy menu items. Instead, it entails making sure your order comes out piping hot and correct. [More]

Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr. Slaps A Hot Dog & Potato Chips On A Cheeseburger, Calls It “Most American Thickburger”
When it comes to stacking meat-upon-meat, pretty much nothing surprises us these days. So a hot dog on a hamburger? Pretty much inevitable (see: bacon on hamburgers). Adding potato chips? Sure, why not get it all done with at once. That’s the lineup for the Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s upcoming Most American Thickburger. [More]

McDonald’s Launching Line Of Bigger Burgers For A Limited Time
In the latest in a series of changes announced by McDonald’s as it tries to win its way back into the hearts and mouths of consumers, the chain is launching a line of larger burgers starting later this month, for a limited time. [More]

Zambia Will Soon Be The Home Of The Whopper
Burger King has spent this decade changing up its business model and potentially the way the entire fast food business works. Part of their bold strategy has been rapid international expansion with the help of their franchisees. What’s the next big growth market for the chain? Africa. [More]