The Big Mac-McChicken: A sandwich that looks like a Big Mac, but uses McChicken patties instead. McDonald’s customers have long been able to make the sandwich mashup on their own by ordering both sandwiches and stacking them together. But guests in Australia will no longer have to pay for two sandwiches when looking to cure their Chicken Big Mac craving. [More]
big mac

New Big Macs, Cheaper Drinks Help Boost McDonald’s Sales
Last year, McDonald’s had all-day breakfast to thank for a boost in sales, beating earning expectations. Now, the company has its three sizes of Big Macs and cheaper drinks to hang its fatter wallet on. [More]

McDonald’s Manager Arrested For Refunding $3,800 Worth Of Big Macs … To Herself
Each day, fast food managers around the world refund money to unhappy customers, but one burger-brained McDonald’s manager realized she could issue a fake refund for a Big Mac and pocket the money… Then she did it nearly 1,100 times. [More]

Bottles Of McDonald’s Big Mac Special Sauce Already On eBay
When McDonald’s decided to give away bottles of its Big Mac Special Sauce, you could already picture these containers of yellow-ish condiment ending up for sale on the secondary sauce market. So it comes as little surprise that folks are selling their Special Sauce on eBay. [More]

McDonald’s To Give Away 10,000 Bottles Of Big Mac Sauce
Who has the time or energy to make a copycat version of McDonald’s special sauce for their home-cooked burgers when you could just use a bottle of the stuff? While you still can’t buy the not-so-secret sauce from the fast food giant, you could win one. [More]

The ‘Legendary Franchisee’ Who Invented The Big Mac Has Died
While you might want to believe that Ronald McDonald cooked up the first Big Mac, McDonald’s signature sandwich was in fact created by a Pittsburgh-area franchisee who had the earth-shattering idea of stacking two patties and buns into a single sandwich that would fill the bellies of his super-hungry customers. Now we bring you the sad news that this visionary franchisee has passed away. [More]

McDonald’s Big Mac Getting Both Bigger And Smaller
Even though McDonald’s franchisees have complained about having their corporate overlords force too many limited-time menu items on them, the fast food giant continues to tinker. This time, it’s the company’s signature sandwich, the Big Mac, which is getting both smaller and bigger versions in 2017. [More]

Why Hasn’t McDonald’s Gotten Rid Of Artificial Additives In The Big Mac’s Special Sauce?
It seems like every day we hear about yet another fast food chain that’s cleaning up this or that menu item to appeal to health-conscious consumers, and McDonald’s is no different: only last week, the Golden Arches announced 100% antibiotic-free McNuggets, and that it would remove high fructose corn syrup from its buns. But there’s still one popular item on its menu that contains a slew of artificial preservatives, and that same HFCS: the Big Mac’s special sauce. What gives? [More]

McDonald’s Restaurants In Venezuela Stop Selling Big Macs
If you’re visiting a McDonald’s in Venezuela in the next few days, you’ll need to find something other than the Big Mac to chow down on. The fast food giant’s largest franchisee in the country, Latin America, and Caribbean has temporarily stopped selling the menu item over a lack of bread. [More]

McDonald’s Testing Different Sized Big Mac Sandwiches: Grand Mac, Mac Jr.
Is the Big Mac too big for you? Or maybe you want a bigger Big Mac. In an effort to get its signature sandwich in the hands of as many people as possible, McDonald’s is testing tweaked versions of the iconic Big Mac in a variety of sizes.

Report: Apple Planning To Share Siri With Mac Users
A new report says Mac users who don’t have an iPhone, Apple Watch, or Apple TV will soon be able to get the same Siri experience as everyone else with an Apple device, as part of the company’s next major OS release. Yes, that means they’ll be able to ask Siri a series of “tough” questions about why we all exist or a math question that results in a fun answer before they get bored and then never speak to her again.* [More]

McDonald’s Is Selling Tubes Of Big Mac Special Sauce… But Only In Australia
If you’ve ever wanted to slather McDonald’s Big Mac special sauce on a home-cooked burger but didn’t have the energy or motivation to make your own copycat version, then the idea that company is now selling bottles of the yellow-orange sauce is probably exciting. That is until you find out you can only get it in Australia. [More]

For The Love Of God, McDonald’s Is Not Getting Rid Of The Big Mac Or Apple Pie
You’ve probably seen your Facebook news feed overrun in recent days with people bemoaning the death of the McDonald’s Big Mac and apple pie. But there’s no need to start a petition or put on mourning garb, it’s just another hoax. [More]

Burger King Resurrects Big Mac Clone, Complete With Third Bun
Think back all the way to 1997 and you might recall something called the Big King on the menu at Burger King. It had a lot of thee same fixings as the Big Mac, but it never caught the hearts and stomachs of consumers and was pulled from the menu before it went national, and it lacked the all-important middle bun. Now it’s back from the dead with a few new additions in an effort to put the heat on the Big Mac. [More]

Man Employs Rare “I Had To Finish My Big Mac First” Defense To Explain Not Stopping For Police
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy a burger after a night of drinking — but it is in no way legal or safe on a car chase just so you can finish your meal. Police in Ohio say an intoxicated driver led them on a brief chase because he still had some snacking to do before he stopped the car. [More]

Don’t Block The McDonald’s Drive-Thru Just Because You Can’t Get Free Breakfast
We understand that it can be annoying when you have a craving for a certain fast food item, only to realize it isn’t available because of time constraints. But police say an intoxicated woman took that a few steps too far by blocking the McDonald’s drive-thru early Sunday morning in her quest for Big Macs, or at least, a free breakfast. [More]

McDonald’s Pulls Ad Since Crippling Depression Isn’t Quite The Same As Loving Big Macs
While it might seem like your day is ruined if you can’t get a Big Mac, in no way is it the same as suffering from a mental illness. That’s a point McDonald’s apparently missed with a regional ad in the Boston area: It featured a familiar image of a distraught woman with her head in her hands with the copy, “You Are Not Alone.” Below it? “Millions of people love the Big Mac.” [More]