If the idea of a group of clowns descending en masse on a restaurant sounds terrifies you down to your bones, you may not want to keep reading: A gang of people dressed as Ronald McDonald recently stormed a Welsh Burger King for a bit of good-natured ribbing. [More]
big mac attack

Man Employs Rare “I Had To Finish My Big Mac First” Defense To Explain Not Stopping For Police
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy a burger after a night of drinking — but it is in no way legal or safe on a car chase just so you can finish your meal. Police in Ohio say an intoxicated driver led them on a brief chase because he still had some snacking to do before he stopped the car. [More]

McDonald's In Legal Battle With Houston Mac & Cheese Restaurant Over The Word "Mac"
A Houston-area gourmet macaroni and cheese eatery is involved in a trademark battle with fast food behemoth Big Mac because it dared to use the word “mac” in the restaurant’s name. [More]