
Coke Stole Slogan, Claims Cricket-Cola

Coke Stole Slogan, Claims Cricket-Cola

A small soda company is suing Coca-Cola for trademark infringement. And they’re wrong.

Deceptive Mouseprint Advertising Given Boldface Exposure

Deceptive Mouseprint Advertising Given Boldface Exposure

The Mouseprint blog is dedicated to pointing out the hilarious juxtaposition between the the big bold print in ads and the sometimes completely contradictory caveats buried in the fine print.

Virgin Express’ David Cronenberg’s The Brood

Virgin Express’ David Cronenberg’s The Brood

Over at the illustrious AdFreak, we saw this European ad for Virgin express, in which the fetal claw of an unborn child rips through the plushy layers of its mother’s belly to grasp at what appears to be an Apple brand Mighty Mouse. Or maybe someone punched their fist through her back, we’re not quite sure. The slogan? The earlier you book, the cheaper you fly.

The Real Quiznos Prime Rib Sub

The Real Quiznos Prime Rib Sub

We really can’t resist another Quiznos post. This is what Quiznos is advertising as their nine dollar and twenty nine cent Prime Rib Sub…

Why Does Ronald McDonald Hate Black Children?

Why Does Ronald McDonald Hate Black Children?

The Chicago Sun Times reported on the exorbitant amount of fast and junk food advertisements that dominate black-oriented television networks like BET. They compared them against the junk food ads on the WB and the Disney Channel. Here are the results, for children’s programming exclusively:

Verizon Fined For DC Graffiti Campaign

Verizon Fined For DC Graffiti Campaign

More guerrilla marketing via public vandalism: Verizon has been fined $1050 for spraying graffiti on Washington D.C. sidewalks advertising the Yellow Pages.

Wal-Mart Rips Off Sears Ads

Wal-Mart Rips Off Sears Ads

German Girl Has Skills

Oh, we really shouldn’t post this German optometrist commercial…

Big Watch Mocked

Big Watch Mocked

This gaudy watch struck Copyranter ‘s eye. After he got the blood out, he wrote:

Companies Ask You To Do Advertising For Their Lazy Asses

Companies Ask You To Do Advertising For Their Lazy Asses

Is it just us, or does it seem like a lot of companies lately are trying to turn a profit by letting us do their jobs for them? We reported earlier today on early indications that fast food is going to be going self-service, and now, companies are trying to get us to create their ads for them.

How Healthy is Advertising Drugs to Consumers?

How Healthy is Advertising Drugs to Consumers?

    “Only two industrialized countries, the United States and New Zealand, allow direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription medicines.”

Seattle Times Says “SayWA?!?!”

We wrote last week about “SayWA,” the new Washington state travel slogan that was the product of an ecstasy-fueled 18 month brainstorming session by 32 marketing geniuses. What sort of powerful emotions does the SayWA message evoke? Nothing besides puzzlement and the nagging suspicion that someone just came up with a me which actually infects the listener with a highly contagious form of mental retardation.

Fred Flintstone: “Winston Tastes Good Like A Cigarette Should”

Ah, the halcyon days of advertising, where Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble relax with a refreshing Winston cigarette while their wives slavishly toil.

Michael Jackson Pro-Pedophile Poster Boy in Hungary

Michael Jackson Pro-Pedophile Poster Boy in Hungary

Poor Michael Jackson. Although found not guilty of molesting a child over at the Neverland ranch, he can’t quite get over the stigma of being an accused child molester. Not only have the authorities shut down Neverland, but now Hungarian political parties are featuring his unique, ghoulish visage on candidacy posters, accusing their opponents of being pro-pedophilia.

Mesothelioma, Debt, Lawsuits Tops Google AdWords List

Mesothelioma, Debt, Lawsuits Tops Google AdWords List

Seen via Boing Boing, seen via Battelle, this list of the top Google AdWords. We’re not ashamed to admit that we’re amazed at the strong showing of mesothelioma on the list… hell, we had to look it up. Who knew absestos huffers were such a lucrative clientele? The rest of the list, of course, is an interesting vivisection of the American psyche: debt and lawsuits are the biggest businesses.

Continental’s Tagline Enrages Man, to Comedic Effect

Continental’s Tagline Enrages Man, to Comedic Effect

Continental’s tagline always reminds us off that old jazz standard about heroin addiction, “Straighten Up and Fly Right.”

Follow The Finger. Actually, Don’t.

Follow The Finger. Actually, Don’t.

The Butterfinger — chocolate, peanut butter monolith otherwise known as the “Instant Cavity” bar — has started an innovative new advertising campaign in which the association between the Butterfinger and sticking one’s finger up one’s butt is indelibly etched into the minds of customers forever.

Truth In Advertising

A rather eerie and existential summary of the American consumer experience. By Negativland, from 1997. How little things change.