
Time To Look Up Attorneys In Verizon SuperPages

Time To Look Up Attorneys In Verizon SuperPages

It’s nice to tell Verizon they can’t have any more of your money. Less nice? When they decide to just take it anyway.

Truth in Used Car Advertising

Well, at least they tell it like it is. [NSFW]

Catherine Zeta Crab Walk

Not just her train tunnel gaze or air of casual refinement, but Catherine Zeta Jones has certain je ne sais quois captivating us towards her ouevre, most recently her dramatic turn as spokesmodel for T-Mobile.

Carl’s Jr. Follows Up Sexy Paris Hilton Ad

What does this half naked fat man washing his car have to do with Carl’s Jr. hamburgers? We didn’t hear any of you asking that same question when it was Paris Hilton getting water sprayed in slow motion all over her ass to advertise the Carl’s Jr. Spicy BBQ Burger…

Fun With Contextual Advertising: Consumerist

Fun With Contextual Advertising: Consumerist

Hoisted then atomic wedgied by our own petard! After our recent post about the dangers of contextual advertising in regards to KFC, Consumerist Daniel M. wrote us with a screenshot of our contextual advertising… specifically in regards to our Reader Tries To Cancel AOL post. Click it to the right to see what Daniel saw.

How Much is that HSBC in the Window?

How Much is that HSBC in the Window?

At an HSBC bank, trapped inside glass cages, performing for strangers, are a beauty queen, an artist, and three guys watching football. Passersby text their thoughts to ticker screens behind the subjects heads. Like most things that make no fucking sense, it’s part of a multi-million-dollar ad campaign.

Laptop Reward Traps the Myopic

Laptop Reward Traps the Myopic

Angry Sex Sells Vacuums

Angry Sex Sells Vacuums

Leave it to the Germans to use s AND m to pitch electronics. A gentle people known for their thrift, in Germany, they use the whole Lebensraum.

The Anti-McDonald’s Advergame Game Punks Kotaku!

The Anti-McDonald’s Advergame Game Punks Kotaku!

Imagine if this happened: at a British gaming conference, the director of McDonald’s nascent video game division divulges that their first project for the chain was to program a fast food empire simulator to help train management. However, during beta testing of the game, McDonald’s green-friendly game programmers become more and more disturbed as McDonald’s managers time and time again trigger global armageddon within the game. Consequently, McDonald’s Interactive publicly calls its parent corporation a bunch of blood thirsty baby murderers and severs their umbilical cord with their righteously gnashing teeth.

11 Things to Be Learned From Country Billboards

11 Things to Be Learned From Country Billboards

His eyeballs on sabbatical from ocular saturation in the frenzied consumerism of modern day civilization, John over at American Copywriter decided to go on a long, relaxing drive through the barren heartland of America. To daydream while golden fields of wheat oscillated in the summer breeze! Where the only advertisements were the brand marks on the flanks of lowing cows!

Red Stripe Beer Makes You Pretty

As I found out to my horror at a wedding on Saturday night, beer can make even the ugliest girls beautiful when ingested in acuity crippling quantities. But Red Stripe Beer won’t just make that belching anthropomorphic sow beautiful… just holding a bottle will make you lovely.

Burn, Brand, Burn

Burn, Brand, Burn

On August 8th, Neil Borman will gather up everything he owns that has a logo on it.



Don’t say we never do anything for you. Print out these Stella Artois coupons for the privilege of saving negative dollars on your next importesque beer run.



From Gaping Void:

LG Says Life’s Good in the Ghetto

LG Says Life’s Good in the Ghetto

This is an LG billboard in Caracas, Venezuela, shot from one of the city’s worst slums.

Maine, By Proxy, Sues Blogger

Maine, By Proxy, Sues Blogger

Your tax dollars at work, trampling the First Amendment.

Sic Crocodile Dundee on these Marketers

Sic Crocodile Dundee on these Marketers

You’ll need a gator-skinning knife to slice through this hogwash.

AMEX Clear a Little Cloudy

AMEX Clear a Little Cloudy

AMEX has a new card, “Clear,” boasting “no fees of any kind.”