
McDonald’s Spicy Chicken Gets Hosed

McDonald’s Spicy Chicken Gets Hosed

McDonald’s pulled a “guerilla” stunt to promote its new spicy chicken sandwich. As shown, a boring billboard was sprayed down with by a fireman with a hose from a fire truck.

Lancer’s Shirts’ Machofascismo

Lancer’s Shirts’ Machofascismo

ve got a nice campaign piece for jackboots. From 1996 issue of Playboy.

Nightmare Dual-Cyclops Dog Advertisies Kodak Camera

Nightmare Dual-Cyclops Dog Advertisies Kodak Camera

Episcopalian Monster Truck Radio Spot

Episcopalian Monster Truck Radio Spot

We’re uncomfortable with advertising for churches. Perhaps they are too blunt for our tastes — open disclosure that churches are the businesses they, in fact, are. That the churches most likely to engage in the practice are the kind who brag about saved souls like Wilt Chamberlain talking about the notches on his bed post makes us no less uncomfortable with the practice. Call us naive and daintily uncynical, but we like to think of churches as places where people with common beliefs can go for support, love and communion, without being suckered or manipulated into it.

Volkswagen GTI 2006: Turbo Testicles

Volkswagen GTI 2006: Turbo Testicles

Volkswagen has opted to remove billboards in New York, Los Angeles and Miami for the new GTI 2006 after Hispanics in the neighborhood found it either offensive or hysterical. The GTI’s slogan? “Turbo Cojones.”

SayWA The Fuck?

SayWA The Fuck?

Washington State — unhappy with the stalwart, imperative “Experience Washington” — have changed their advertising slogan to “SayWA: The Sound of Jaws Dropping.” You said it.

Spitzer Settles False Advertising Suit Against Macy’s Daddy

Spitzer Settles False Advertising Suit Against Macy’s Daddy


What If Microsoft Designed The “What If Microsoft Designed The iPod Box” Video?

What If Microsoft Designed The “What If Microsoft Designed The iPod Box” Video?

A couple weeks ago, we posted a video that has been taking the Internet by storm: What If Microsoft Designed The iPod Box? At the time, we wondered about the funny guys who’d so perfectly hoisted Microsoft’s petard.

The Streaker Game: Get Brand Recognition Through Nudity

The Streaker Game: Get Brand Recognition Through Nudity

Ahhhh, the Frenshhh… Orson Welles for Paul Masson

It’s Monday morning. After a weekend of lubricated excess, our skulls seem just about ready to split open in jagged cranial shards, expelling the alcohol-befuddled goop inside. The universe does dizzying pirouettes about us; all we want to do is lay on the couch, watch the Sleepover Club on Nickelodeon, remark to ourselves how some of those girls are definitely long-term investments and sweat out our delirium tremens. Yet here we are, soldiering forth against our body’s most desperate urges to our loathed jobs, where being drunk is simply not a valid excuse for absence. Except in Ireland.

Sony to Customers: Kill Others

Sony to Customers: Kill Others

Earlier, we here at the Consumerist were brave enough to tell you about a recent London subway PSP advertisement that gleefully encouraged Sony customers to kill themselves. We took the opportunity in reporting this to wonder whether or not Sony’s next subversive advertisement tact might be to encourage their customers to start killing people.

Sony to Customers: Kill Yourselves

Sony to Customers: Kill Yourselves

Sony might want to start rethinking their subversive ad strategy. First, they came under fire for paying street hooligans to spray paint their logos on private property. And now, in London, they are posting advertisements openly encouraging their customers to kill themselves.

Mind Hacks On The Endowment Effect

Mind Hacks On The Endowment Effect

Mind Hacks is continuing its excellent coverage on the neuroscientific implications of advertising, marketing and consumerism with a short post about the endowment effect.

Stupid Advertising: Harrison Ford for Equifax

Stupid Advertising: Harrison Ford for Equifax

How-To Run A Viral Marketing Campaign

How-To Run A Viral Marketing Campaign

We’re not as hip as our editor, Ben Whatsisface [ed: Popken!]. How could we be? We live in Dublin, for Chrissakes. We don’t have a crewcut, we don’t have glasses. By extension, we probably don’t have his panache with the ladies, nor his disestablishmentarianist fervor.

What If… Microsoft Designed the iPod Box?

This has been going around lately, but is directly indicative of the cluelessness of corporate branding philosophies that we at the Consumerist so love to rail against.

Life 360: Twirl Around And Head Away From Christ!

Life 360: Twirl Around And Head Away From Christ!

Our pale blue brethren over at Kotaku, raspily wheezing through collapsed rib cages, have called our attention to this fascinating Christian rip-off of the X-Box 360 logo, happily plagiarized by a local church.

Cloaked Client Behind Pherotones Revealed

Cloaked Client Behind Pherotones Revealed

Fake BoingBoing interviews and declarations of Proof Found! complete with video followed, carefully throttled out by, as the adbloggers quickly gleaned, ad agency McKinney Silver in a viral marketing effort for an undisclosed client.