I once knew a guy who said that with the right outfit and enough confidence, you can get through any door. Looks like a 17-year-old in Oklahoma took that lesson to heart, walking into multiple area Walmarts and walking out with wads of cash in his pocket. [More]

Why Would Anyone Steal $342 In Cat Food? To Sell To A Friend With 300 Cats, Obviously
There are always going to be bad consumers out there doing bad things, like stealing from Walmart. Awful. But not all bad consumers have reasons for thieving that can make us start laughing uncontrollably, then in starts and fits every time we think about it again. Presenting: The guy who stole $342 worth in cat food so he could sell it to his friend who has 300 cats. [More]

Man Posing As Walmart Worker Rewarded With A Swift Hit In The Junk After Flashing Customer
Listen, if you’re going to go around pretending you work for Walmart when really you’re just set on flashing your naughty bits at unsuspecting customers, you better believe you’ve got some pain heading your way. Because no one wants to see that, sir. [More]

Walmart Is Serious About Keeping Its Customers Hydrated
The good news is that Walmart has set their prices to encourage customers to buy larger quantities of water. The bad news is that they’re also giving us price incentives to drink more Dr Pepper. Mmm, sugar water. [More]

Asking Police If You Can Do Heroin After You’re Arrested For Shoplifting Will Prove Troublesome
It’s one thing to get in hot water for shoplifting but you might as well just jump into a lake of boiling water if you follow that by asking police if you can do a little heroin while under arrest. Cops in Minnesota stopped a woman suspected of shoplifting at Walmart and subsequently faced an odd request for someone in handcuffs: Mind if I do some drugs? [More]

Walmart Customers Charged With Beating Security Guard, Running Off With 55 DVDs
On Friday, a Walmart security guard in South Carolina confronted a woman who was pushing a cart filled with DVDs that she hadn’t paid for out the door. That’s his job. Instead of surrendering or simply running off, the two women allegedly started hitting the guard and then ran off. [More]

Single Bodywash Bottle Trying Not To Be Jealous Of Bottle Couples Selling For Less On Same Shelf
Hear those woebegone sighs? They’re the lonely exhalations of a row of “Man-Sized” Old Spice bodywash bottles on the shelf at a Maryland Walmart. See, they’re sad because they know the discerning consumer will skip all 946ml of “Fiji” wash for $7.47 and head straight for the two-bottle value pack with the same amount of product for only $6.97. [More]

Walmart Laying Off 2,300 Sam’s Club Workers
In a move intended to thin the herd of too many assistant managers, Walmart announced over the weekend that it will be laying off 2,300 employees of its Sam’s Club warehouse stores, and that about half of those being let go are salaried assistant managers. [More]

If Walmart Won’t Accept Returns Without A Receipt, Pointing A BB Gun Is Not The Answer
On the one hand, it might’ve been a relief to a Walmart worker in Baltimore to find out that the weapon pointed at her recently at his workplace wasn’t in fact, a machine gun. But on the other hand, it’s still not a pleasing prospect to face an angry customer with a CO2-powered BB gun. [More]

NJ Walmart Kept Tanks Full Of Dead, Dying Fish In Full View Of Customers
We’ve written before about Walmart failing to keep its shelves stocked, but here’s a story about a different kind of neglect at the nation’s largest retailer. Shoppers at a New Jersey Walmart say the store was allowing the live fish in its pet department to fester in dirty, unfiltered water with dead fish sitting on the bottom of the tanks. [More]

If Walmart Won’t Take Your Printer Back, Don’t Throw It At The Customer Service Rep
When we advise unhappy consumers to escalate their customer service complaints, we mean to take your issue to a store manager or someone at corporate HQ. We don’t suggest that you ramp up your anger by smashing things and tossing printers at store employees. [More]

NLRB Files Complaint Against Walmart For Alleged Retaliations Against Workers
Back in November, the General Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board said he had investigated allegations that Walmart had violated the rights of some employees who protested for higher wages and better working conditions. Today, the NLRB says it has actually issued a complaint against the nation’s largest retailer, possibly setting the stage for a hearing later this year. [More]

We Don’t Understand How Walmart Oil Changes Keep Going Terribly Awry, But Here We Are
There’s something afoot in the oil at Walmart. Or least that’s what one could believe as we hear yet another story of your average customer bringing in a vehicle for an oil change at the store and leaving with a headache-inducing damaged car situation. [More]

77-Year-Old Walmart Shopper Attacks Man With Cart For Having Too Many Items In Express Lane
We’ve all been in the express checkout line, grumbling about the person in front of us who has more than the maximum number of items in his or her cart. We may have even said something to this person, or complained to the cashier. But I’m guessing that most of us have not been charged with assault for attacking that other customer with a shopping cart. [More]

Walmart’s Pricing On This Puzzle Book Is Puzzling
Reader Richard spotted this bit of Walmart price wizardry and just had to send it along. Apparently, this $2 puzzle book was so amazing that they could charge $29 for it. [More]

Introducing Walmart’s New “Items Endorsed By Controversial TV Stars” Section
When it comes to convenience, whoever works at this Walmart is doing a great job grouping items if the category is “Controversial Celebrity Endorsed Things.” Consumerist reader Fernando snapped this pic showing a display stocked with Duck Dynasty- and Paula Deen-branded merchandise. Because see, hot topics in the media and all that. [More]

The Gift Card I Bought At Walmart Is Blank. What Should I Do?
If you buy a prepaid debit card at Walmart as a gift and only receive a blank Starbucks card in return, who is responsible for getting you your money back? One family in California learned a very inconvenient lesson: customers who buy empty gift cards must go to the company that issued the gift card, not Walmart. [More]

Walmart Recalls 73,400 Card Table And Chair Sets Because Finger Amputations Are No Fun
The thing about fingers is that they work best when each one is nice and complete. Since it’s much harder to complete everyday tasks with only half a finger, not to mention it’s a very uncomfortable experience to have the tip of your digit squeezed off, Walmart has issued a recall for 73,400 card table and chair sets. [More]