Raw seafood might be delicious, but there’s always that chance that it could make you sick: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that while it hasn’t conclusively determined the cause of a recent salmonella outbreak that’s spread to nine states and infected up to 53 people, it could be linked to sushi made with raw tuna. [More]
something’s fishy

NJ Walmart Kept Tanks Full Of Dead, Dying Fish In Full View Of Customers
We’ve written before about Walmart failing to keep its shelves stocked, but here’s a story about a different kind of neglect at the nation’s largest retailer. Shoppers at a New Jersey Walmart say the store was allowing the live fish in its pet department to fester in dirty, unfiltered water with dead fish sitting on the bottom of the tanks. [More]

High Bid Of $605K For Coffee With Tim Cook Rejected Because Bidder Used Stolen Credit Card
The Internet was all abuzz last week when Apple announced it was auctioning off a coffee date with CEO Tim Cook for charity. But whoever submitted last week’s high bid of $605,000 is likely going to get a date with law enforcement instead — the charity says the bidding is back at $600,000 today after discovering the high bidder used a stolen credit card. [More]

Tainted Smoked Salmon Blamed For Salmonella Outbreak In U.S. & The Netherlands
I remember asking my mom when I was little after being warned not to eat raw eggs, “But how can I get salmonella if I’m not even eating salmon?” The answer back then didn’t make sense, but now my 7-year-old self would nod at the inevitability of salmon actually being linked to salmonella. In this case, it’s smoked salmon that’s reportedly sickening hundreds in the Netherlands and the U.S. [More]

Eateries Fudge Fish Labels To Make Them More Appealing
The menu may identify a fish dish as one thing, but that doesn’t necessarily stop the cook from sending in a stunt-fish to take its place. The practice of baiting diners with an attractive-sounding fish and switching it with something less appealing may be more common than most people realize. [More]

Are You Ready For Smoked Salmon Vodka?
Because there is apparently a lack of meat-flavored vodkas in the world, a distillery in Alaska has recently unleashed a version of the distilled spirit infused with the unmistakable taste of smoked salmon. [More]