FiOS Installer Drills Through Wife's Wedding Dress

FiOS Installer Drills Through Wife's Wedding Dress

A Verizon FiOS installer showed up yesterday to install the service in Sam’s house, but misjudged the location of the laundry room by 4 feet and drilled directly into the closet where his wife kept her wedding dress.

Amazon Apologizes For "Ham-Fisted" Catalog Error

Amazon Apologizes For "Ham-Fisted" Catalog Error

Was it a hacker? Probably not. Was it a translation error? Who knows. Here’s the official #Amazonfail apology email (again) for your reading pleasure. It is, apparently, the final word on the matter.

Former Employee Says AmazonFail Caused By The French (Well, By One Of Them At Least)

Former Employee Says AmazonFail Caused By The French (Well, By One Of Them At Least)

Mike Daisey, the monologist and former employee at, told the Seattle PI that the weekend’s gay and feminist book fiasco was actually caused by an employee at who confused the term “adult”—which refers to porn stuff in Amazon’s system—with “erotic” and “sexuality.” That sharp-toothed troll who claimed all the credit is going to be pretty miffed to find out about this.

Gay and Lesbian Books Lose Amazon Sales Rank For Some Reason

Gay and Lesbian Books Lose Amazon Sales Rank For Some Reason

UPDATE: Amazon Gay Book Removal Was Massive Prank, I Did It, Claims Troll

TweetCongress Lets You Succinctly Shout At Your Congresspeople Online

TweetCongress Lets You Succinctly Shout At Your Congresspeople Online

Missouri Senator and prolific Twitterer Claire McCaskill called our attention to TweetCongress which lets you look up your representative and senators and talk to them.

Twittering With DISH Scores Free Local HD Channels

Twittering With DISH Scores Free Local HD Channels

Like anything that’s cool and people use to organically connect to one another, companies have rushed into Twittering. To take advantage of this, reader Justin says he’s started following all the companies he gets service from on Twitter. When he saw @dishnetwork tweet about an area getting local HD channels, he asked in reply when Cincinnati would get them. @dishnetwork replied back that Cincinnati should have them and asked for his account for so they could check into it. Turned out he needed a different Dish and the rep agreed to have it installed at no cost instead of the usual $60. “The tech showed up this morning, and I have local HD channels for free,” writes Justin. “I’m finding tracking companies on Twitter is useful because they people monitoring the accounts are ones who can actually do something.”

How To Delete Your Online Accounts

How To Delete Your Online Accounts

PC Mag has assembled a list of instructions on how to wipe your account from a long list of websites, including (you’ll have to call), Windows Live ID (it’s complicated), and Friendster (ha ha ha). In many cases, canceling is as straightforward as clicking a link and authorizing the cancellation, but it’s nice to see all the phone numbers and tips collected in one spot.

A Day In The Life Of Comcast's Frank Eliason

A Day In The Life Of Comcast's Frank Eliason

Ever wonder what it’s like to be Comcast’s resident Twitter wizard, Frank Eliason, for a day? BusinessWeek did, so they sent a reporter to watch Frank, described as a “maverick,” spend a day responding to scorned customers.

UPS Gets A Twitter Monitor To Solve Your Problems

UPS Gets A Twitter Monitor To Solve Your Problems

Looks like UPS has set a guy on Twitter to search for complaints and offer help as well as act as customer service ombudsman. If that package just never seems to be coming or you’d like the guy to just stop playing skeeball with it on your front porch, and regular customer service isn’t of help, Thomas looks like your guy. In addition to being a web-dude at UPS, he’s been blogging since ’99 and founded a theater company in ’06. Sounds like a cool cat to me. You need a real human being non-drone your face-fronting Twitter presence. He’s ThomasAtUPS on Twitter.

The Place to Go For BofA Justice: Twitter

The Place to Go For BofA Justice: Twitter

Reader Alex was at his wits end with Bank of America and their ever-present rate changing. After using every other resource, he turned to BofA’s Twitter, and actually got some resolution. Full letter inside.


H&R Block now has a Twitter account. You can send your problems/mundane wisps of reality their way via @hrblock .


Twitter genius from badbanana: “They should make a Matlock reunion special where the plot fully explains the upcoming digital TV transition.” [via BestAt]

Bank Of America On Twitter Solving Readers' Problems

Bank Of America On Twitter Solving Readers' Problems

Several readers have reported getting their problems solved after contacting Bank of America’s new Twitter-based rep. Here are their stories…

Reach BoA Customer Service On Twitter

Reach BoA Customer Service On Twitter

Bank of America is now on Twitter, user “BofA_help.” They have a pretty boy named David Knapp who is here to solve your problems and answer your questions about Bank of America. He seems to be both handling inbound requests and scanning for people on Twitter with BofA problems and reaching out to them. Certainly faster than sending Ken Lewis a letter. (Thanks to Brandon Savage!)

Retail Management Re-defines Holiday $pirit

Retail Management Re-defines Holiday $pirit

I’m sure many Consumerist readers either currently or previously had to work as a part-time wage-slave. Now that the holidays are over, what are the ‘best’ sickening sales creeds that management has ever given you?

@JetBlue: Twitter Faster Than Customer Service Rep

@JetBlue: Twitter Faster Than Customer Service Rep

JetBlue, I need a Wheelchair!

Desperate Atlantans Use Twitter To Find Gas

Desperate Atlantans Use Twitter To Find Gas

There’s a gas shortage in Atlanta, GA, so consumers are using Twitter to help each other find gas. They’re tagging their posts #atlgas whenever they spot some and letting others know the price and location, as well as tossing out requests for information. The tag was created by Tessa Horehled who writes the DriveAFasterCar blog.

Comcast Admits Error In Requiring SSN Under "Patriot Act"

Comcast Admits Error In Requiring SSN Under "Patriot Act"

Comcast’s customer service czar Frank responded to our post “Comcast: “The Patriot Act” Mandates We Need Your SSN” by saying it was an error on part of the agent. Via Twitter he said: