Follow Virgin America's Twitter For Fare Drop Alerts

Follow Virgin America's Twitter For Fare Drop Alerts

Follow for a super-duper fast way to get fare-drop info. [via Xeni Jardin]

Catch Consumerist On Twitter

Catch Consumerist On Twitter

Carey Greenberg-Berger (Tumblr)

Comcast Frank Is Real And We Have Photographic Proof From The New York Times

Comcast Frank Is Real And We Have Photographic Proof From The New York Times

Comcast’s Twitter-jockey has his own New York Times story. Awww. We love Frank, even though we probably make his life really crappy by posting lots of Comcast complaints. Oh well! Sorry, Frank.

Comcast Threatens You With Termination Because You Use Too Much Internet

Comcast Threatens You With Termination Because You Use Too Much Internet

Dave Winer uses a lot of internet. Too much, it seems, for Comcast’s tastes. They shut his connection down because he was clogging up the pipes.

Comcast Monitors Twitter For Angry Customers?

Comcast Monitors Twitter For Angry Customers?

The brass at Comcast are keeping an eye on Twitter, according to Michael Arrington of TechCrunch. He spewed some bile about Comcast via Twitter and got an immediate response from their internet damage control team.