time warner cable

Abe would not approve of his $5 bill being associated with this bad offer. Then again, he died 100 years before Comcast was founded. (Photo: frankieleon)

Comcast Thinks $5 Discount Is All Customers Need To Give Up 95% Of Monthly Data Allotment

More than a year after Time Warner Cable somehow began suckering people into severely limiting their broadband usage to only 5GB/month — the equivalent of a few HD Netflix movies — for a mere $5 drop in monthly rates, Comcast has decided it wants in on this sucker’s bet too. [More]

Marc (not Mark) has the right idea.

Buy One Of These Modems If You Don’t Want To Pay Time Warner’s Rental Fee

Are you grumbling over Time Warner Cable’s recent decision to jack up the monthly fee for its modems from $3.95 to $5.99? Yeah, we thought you might be. You don’t need to sit in your darkened TV room/office/den cackling maniacally and thinking up ways to get revenge on TWC, however: Just buy a different modem that will work with the cable service. [More]

Time Warner Cable & CBS Hate You: Network (Briefly) Blacked Out In 8 Markets [UPDATED]

Time Warner Cable & CBS Hate You: Network (Briefly) Blacked Out In 8 Markets [UPDATED]

UPDATE 2: About 30 minutes after first pulling the plug on a number of CBS stations around the country, Time Warner Cable plugged them back in. The company now says it has extended the deadline to Friday Aug. 2 at 5 p.m. ET. Given that this deadline was originally June 30 and has been extended approximately 832 times (give or take), don’t expect that new drop-dead date/time to be carved in stone either. [More]

Important information: Time Warner Cable hates you.

Time Warner Cable Jacking Up Modem Fees

Not even a year after Time Warner Cable ticked off its entire customer base (except maybe some who are also heavily invested in TWC) by deciding to charge a $3.95/month modem rental fee for equipment that customers already had in their homes, the company has done as we predicted and begun raising that rate to $5.99 a month for equipment that is now even older and more out-of-date than it was last October. [More]

CBS has already launched an anti-TWC website aimed at blaming the cable company for the looming blackout.

CBS Threatens To Block Network From Time Warner Cable If No Deal Reached By July 24

If you’re one of the millions of Time Warner Cable customers in cities like New York, L.A., and Dallas, who also happens to like such fine CBS fare as Big Bang Theory and Big Brother, you can start the blackout countdown clock now. The broadcaster says it might turn off its signal for TWC customers if it doesn’t have a new contract with the cable company by 5 p.m. on July 24. [More]

(funny strange or funny haha)

Report: Google Interested In Providing Cable TV On Internet Channels, But It Won’t Be Easy

The still waters of the cable TV industry might run deep, but if companies like Google keep splashing around in them, we might see an alternative to the traditional bundling model — but it ain’t gonna be easy. A new report says Google is entertaining the idea of possibly offering cable channels over broadband Internet connections, something that would likely meet with a major pushback from cable and satellite providers. [More]


Report: Apple TV, Time Warner Close To Deal Allowing Set-Top Box Access To Cable Shows

While we’re still not quite in the midst of cord-cutting revolution, at least the TV industry is opening up and broadening customers’ options for how we watch our shows. Apple TV and Time Warner Cable are reportedly close to inking a deal that would give cable subscribers access to channels on the set-top device. [More]

Charter Owners Looking To Snatch Up Time Warner Cable And Possibly Cablevision, Claims Report

Charter Owners Looking To Snatch Up Time Warner Cable And Possibly Cablevision, Claims Report

Relatively small cable and Internet company Charter Communications has earned a number of Worst Company In America brackets but often fails to progress beyond the first round because it’s just not big enough to be hated by a nationwide audience. That could change, as the company’s owner reportedly seeks to acquire Time Warner Cable and possibly Cablevision. [More]

Time Warner Cable CEO Warns Price Hikes May Come Back To Bite Industry On The Derriere

Time Warner Cable CEO Warns Price Hikes May Come Back To Bite Industry On The Derriere

Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn “Two Ns, Two Ts” Britt has been an outspoken critic on broadcasters who package desirable, high-viewership channels with niche-market offerings and tell cable companies to pay for them all or get access to none, which results in the cable providers passing these bundles (and the price tag) on to customers, many of whom only watch a handful of the hundreds of available channels. It’s a model, says Britt, that could have dire consequences. [More]


Time Warner Cable Holds Up My New Account Over Nine Cents

Gary tells Consumerist that he was all ready to rejoin the ranks of Time Warner Cable customers, but something stood in his way. He had an outstanding balance with the company, so they wouldn’t start service for him again until he settled up. Well, that’s totally reasonable: how big was the balance? Nine cents. [More]


Comcast, Time Warner Cable Bring Up Rear In Cable Customer Satisfaction

Comcast and Time Warner Cable may be two of the largest cable and Internet providers in the country, but they’re also the two worst, according to the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index. [More]

Time Warner Technicians Rescue Kitten Snuggled Up Against Cable Lines

Time Warner Technicians Rescue Kitten Snuggled Up Against Cable Lines

Late on Saturday night, a San Antonio apartment complex needed an urgent visit from Time Warner Cable. Was it a building-wide Internet outage? Disrupted movie-viewing? No… a tiny kitten was stuck in one of the plastic pipes that contain Time Warner’s lines below the building, and wouldn’t come out. [More]


Time Warner Cable Considers Offering Broadcast Channels Over The Internet

While all the network broadcasters are suing Aereo — the startup that captures over-the-air signals then transmits them to subscribers over the Internet for a monthly fee — the CEO of Time Warner Cable is looking that the tech and thinking it may be a pretty good idea for his company. [More]


Time Warner Cable Entices Us Back With Discounts, Forgets To Give Them To Us

When Michael quit Time Warner Cable, it was easy. Too easy. He didn’t face retention staff begging him to stay. They canceled the account, and let the couple go. Temporarily. After only a few days, Time Warner began to call them to win them back, With some coaxing and special discounts, Michael and Mrs. Michael came back. Then they learned that the deal that enticed them back was not, strictly speaking, real. [More]


Time Warner Cable Impersonators Ask: What Can We Do Worse For Our Customers?

Clearly disappointed that they weren’t able to progress beyond the second round in Consumerist’s Worst Company in America Tournament, Time Warner Cable has put out a call to their customers asking for tips on how they can possibly do things worse. No… that can’t be right. We have a strong suspicion that this press release did not actually come from Time Warner. [More]

Worst Company In America Quarterfinals: Comcast Vs. Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America Quarterfinals: Comcast Vs. Time Warner Cable

Two spots remain in the WCIA semifinals, but only one of these craptastic cable companies will be moving on. [More]


Tracking Down An Executive Means I Get Actual Good Service From Time Warner Cable

In contrast to the post from earlier today about Time Warner Cable refusing to acknowledge that they’re giving a customer free cable, here’s a story about the cable giant that will makes them look much more warm, cuddly, and competent. LJ’s Tivo got stolen during her move, and Time Warner Cable charged her for the missing cable card, which she thought she had turned in with her TWC tuner. Of course, it was only after tracking down higher powers within Time Warner that she was able to actually get anything done. [More]


Time Warner Refuses To Believe I Still Have Internet Access

Time Warner closed Boris’s account, and charged him a fee for not returning his modem. Which is weird, because he never canceled his account. That’s why he didn’t turn his modem. Time Warner sent him to collections over the modem, but there’s still Internet access coming into his house. So he paid the modem fee, and gave up trying to convince the company that they’re making him steal Internet access. [More]