time warner cable

Time Warner Cable Loses 300,000 Customers Because Of Idiotic CBS Blackout

Time Warner Cable Loses 300,000 Customers Because Of Idiotic CBS Blackout

While we didn’t pick sides in the moronic month-long fight between Time Warner Cable and CBS (because they both hate you and are just using you for your money), it always seemed like TWC was fighting the more pointless battle, as it needs the network more than the network needs it and it will be the one that ultimately has to anger customers by increasing their monthly bills. The utter pointlessness of the blackout was made even more evident today when TWC blamed the loss of hundreds of thousands of subscribers on the prolonged spat. [More]

DirecTV, TWC, Charter Mulling Over Aereo-Like Services

DirecTV, TWC, Charter Mulling Over Aereo-Like Services

While Aereo — the online service that transmits over-the-air network feeds to subscribers’ computers and mobile devices — is slugging it out with broadcasters in court, the operators of several cable and satellite services are reportedly looking to launch similar products of their own, setting the stage for an all-new TV war. [More]


Time Warner Cable Gives Superintendents Free Cable If They Snoop On Tenants

The superintendent of a Manhattan condo building says Time Warner Cable offered him a deal that was too evil to accept — get free cable TV service in exchange for, among other things, snooping on tenants to make sure they aren’t stealing cable service. [More]


Time Warner Cable Says Customers Left Because Of Blackout; CBS Unaffected

In news that will hopefully sour cable companies’ view of blackouts as a viable negotiation tool, Time Warner Cable has admitted that its pointless, month-long standoff with CBS ended up costing it customers. Meanwhile, the network came out of the dust-up unscathed. [More]

(Drriss & Marionn)

Proposed Law Aims To Curb TV Blackouts, Let You Choose To Pay For Broadcast Channels

In the wake of the month-long blackout that affected 3 million CBS viewers in several major cities and Showtime subscribers nationwide, Congresswoman Anna Eshoo of California has drafted legislation that would give the Federal Communications Commission the authority to prevent blackouts, and give consumers the right to decide whether or not they want to pay for watching broadcast networks on cable. [More]

So What Was The Point Of The Whole Time Warner Cable, CBS Blackout?

So What Was The Point Of The Whole Time Warner Cable, CBS Blackout?

When Time Warner Cable pulled CBS from subscribers in L.A., NYC, Dallas, and others on Aug. 2, everyone knew it was inevitable the cable company would cave and make a deal with the broadcaster resulting in it paying higher fees — and subscribers paying higher rates. So was there any point to the month-long staring contest? [More]

Millions of people in L.A., Dallas, and NYC were not able to watch the residents of the Big Brother house sit around and do absolutely nothing.

Time Warner Cable, CBS Get In Holiday Spirit, End Blackouts In NYC, L.A., Dallas

With the fall broadcast season cresting on the horizon and only a few days to go before the start of the NFL season, Time Warner Cable and CBS have ended their standoff that had resulted in a month of no CBS for 3 million Time Warner Cable customers in L.A., New York, Dallas, and other areas, along with a nationwide Time Warner Cable blackout for Showtime and The Movie Channel. [More]


Will Football Finally Bring An End To Time Warner Cable/CBS Standoff?

For 3 million Time Warner Cable customers in New York City, L.A., Dallas, and a few other pockets around the country, it’s been almost four weeks since the cable company pulled CBS and Showtime from its lineup over the latest stupid fee dispute. The final season of Dexter wasn’t enough to end the standoff, and it seems like people stopped caring about what was going on Under the Dome several weeks ago. But could the NFL season put enough pressure on the two parties to finally play nice and end this nonsense? [More]


Time Warner Cable Hands Out Free Antennas In Markets Without CBS: That Solves Everything

Sure, Time Warner Cable customers in major markets including New York, Los Angeles, and Dallas have to spend this summer without reruns of “Undercover Boss” and that show with the people trapped inside a mystery dome. The company has an answer for that, though: no, not an amicable agreement with CBS. They’re handing out free indoor rabbit ears while supplies last, or $20 antenna vouchers in these markets. [More]


Time Warner Cable, CBS Will Briefly Cease Fire To Air NYC Political Debates

If you’re a Time Warner Cable customer in NYC, don’t get all happy if you turn on CBS tonight and see actual TV on your screen, as it won’t last long. The cable company and the broadcaster have called a brief truce so that tonight’s NYC political debate can be seen on the local CBS affiliate. [More]

Verizon FiOS Tries To Win Over Blacked-Out CBS Employees

Verizon FiOS Tries To Win Over Blacked-Out CBS Employees

Millions of Time Warner Cable customers have now gone more than two weeks without knowing which attention-starved individuals got kicked out of the Big Brother house or if the people of Chester’s Mill ever got out from under the dome (Spoiler: Maybe). Many employees of CBS have been unable to watch the shows they air if they have TWC as their cable provider (which in NYC, Dallas, and L.A. is highly likely), so Verizon is trying to reach out to them and lure them over to FiOS. [More]

Time Warner Cable Customers Sue Over CBS Blackout

Time Warner Cable Customers Sue Over CBS Blackout

It’s two weeks into the Time Warner Cable vs. CBS staring contest and millions of TV viewers around the country still have no access to the network or its premium counterpart Showtime. That means it’s apparently time to call in the lawyers. [More]

Acting FCC Chair Mignon Clyburn, pictured here speaking to school children, who are probably a better audience than lawyers for TWC and CBS.

FCC Will “Consider Appropriate Action” If CBS Blackout Continues, But Does That Mean Anything?

While it could (and probably does) mean absolutely nothing, the acting Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission did something her predecessors have rarely done — expressed an opinion on, and hinted at possible intervention in, the ongoing war of words and numbers between Time Warner Cable and CBS. [More]

Time Warner Cable, CBS Still Fighting; Customers Wait For Inevitable Rate Hike

Time Warner Cable, CBS Still Fighting; Customers Wait For Inevitable Rate Hike

Six full days into Time Warner Cable’s blackout of CBS in several major markets and Showtime nationwide and neither side is willing to admit that all this screaming and yelling is really just hurting the customers, who are hiding in the bedroom with their ear against the door waiting for it all to end. [More]

CBS Blackout Leads To Increase In Pirating Of That Show With The People Under The Dome

CBS Blackout Leads To Increase In Pirating Of That Show With The People Under The Dome

CBS’s Under the Dome is typical summer network TV junk food — it might not be up to standards of great shows, but it’s on and it will do until the fall season starts up in a few weeks, so people are watching it. Now that Time Warner Cable customers in the nation’s two largest markets and several others can no longer watch the weekly goings-on of the trapped residents of Chester’s Mill, Maine, viewers are going to the Internet to get their fix. [More]

Time Warner Cable Makes Offer That CBS Can Easily Refuse

Time Warner Cable Makes Offer That CBS Can Easily Refuse

We’re soon going to hit the 96-hour mark for the CBS blackout on Time Warner Cable in three major markets (NYC, L.A., and Dallas) and the national blackout of Showtime. In a move that offers an olive branch with one hand and pokes a finger in the CBS eye with the other, TWC CEO Glenn “Two Ns, two Ts” Britt has reached out to the broadcaster with an offer that is really more of a publicity stunt. [More]

Don’t Be Fooled: Both Time Warner Cable & CBS Hate Your Guts

Don’t Be Fooled: Both Time Warner Cable & CBS Hate Your Guts

Since Friday afternoon, Time Warner Cable customers in New York, L.A., Dallas, and other markets have had to go without CBS, while all TWC subscribers are having to ask their friends what happened on Dexter last night because that premium network is blacked out nationwide. Meanwhile, both sides of the fight are attempting to win over public sentiment. But don’t be fooled — they both hate consumers very, very much. [More]

Time Warner Cable Makes Good On Threat To Pull CBS In Certain Markets, Showtime Nationwide

Time Warner Cable Makes Good On Threat To Pull CBS In Certain Markets, Showtime Nationwide

Days after only briefly pulling the plug on CBS in New York, L.A., and a handful of other markets and nationwide access to Showtime, Time Warner Cable has gone and done the deed for real this afternoon, as negotiations between the two parties failed to reach a happy ending by today’s 5 p.m. ET deadline. [More]