time warner cable

These 8 Remaining Worst Company In America Contenders Sure Are Elite

These 8 Remaining Worst Company In America Contenders Sure Are Elite

The madness of March, when 32 bad businesses began pummeling each other mercilessly in an orgy of blood and denied extended warranties, has been refined and honed into the brutal fiery fury of April, as only eight names cling tenuously to their claim to be the Worst Company In America. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 2: FedEx Vs. Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America Round 2: FedEx Vs. Time Warner Cable

It’s time to see which annoys you most: Packages that disappear into the ether, or cable installers who just never show up. [More]

Meet Your Worst Company In America Not-So-Sweet 16!

Meet Your Worst Company In America Not-So-Sweet 16!

Last week, 32 terrible titans of industry stepped on to the blood-stained mat of WCIA Death-and-Dismemberment Arena, but only 16 remain in this bestial battle royale to take home the treasured Golden Poo. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: Cablevision Vs. Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America Round 1: Cablevision Vs. Time Warner Cable

We hope you’ve got your office’s WCIA pool all set, because it’s time for the bloodshed to begin. First up in the Worst Company Dodecahedron Of Doom — two cable and Internet providers that aren’t as big as Comcast, but which customers hate anyway. [More]


Time Warner Cable To Pay $2.2 Million To Overcharged New York Customers

More than 18,000 New York state residents will be getting refunds from Time Warner Cable, now that the company has settled allegations that it overcharged subscribers in 10 towns and villages. [More]


Time For Your 7 A.M. Reminder Of Your Nonexistent Time Warner Cable Appointment

It’s 8 A.M on the East Coast as this post goes up, and James’ wife has been up for an hour. That’s because she’s getting a 7 A.M. wakeup call on her mobile phone every day from Time Warner Cable. No, this isn’t an exciting new Digital Phone service they’re offering: for some people, a wakeup call would actually be useful. No, their cable has already been installed and everything is fine. Everything is fine except for the 7 A.M. phone call that comes to remind Mrs. James of an appointment with the cable guy that doesn’t exist. [More]


Time Warner Cable: Consumers Don’t Want Gigabit Internet Yet

While the Google Fiber experiment is delivering super-high-speed broadband to people in the Kansas City area, Time Warner Cable says it has the ability to offer similar service, but “We just don’t see the need of delivering that to consumers.” [via TheVerge.com] [More]

Some of the Twitter rant.

There’s A Thin Line Between Having Fun At Time Warner Cable’s Expense And Just Being A Jerk

We understand the desire to take out your frustrations with the folks in customer service, but mocking these people when they’re just trying to respond to your complaint can make you look like a bit of a jerk. [via TheBillFold.com] [More]


After Much Delay, The Anti-Piracy “Six Strikes” Program Is Nearing Launch

A program intended to fight online piracy without resorting to prosecution was supposed to go live last year but was repeatedly delayed, most recently by Hurricane Sandy. But the folks running the Copyright Alert System (better known as Six Strikes) say it’s ready to go. [More]

(Carbon Arc)

Man Looking To Thank Anonymous Time Warner Cable Worker Who Helped Stranded Wife

A man in North Carolina is hoping to find the Time Warner Cable employee who was the only person willing to lend a helping hand to his wife when her car ran out of gas this morning. Maybe you folks can help. [More]


Time Warner Cable Lies To Me, Tells Me I Should Be Happy I’m Getting Half The Savings I Was Promised

The cable industry has two kinds of horrible people — Those who flat-out lie to customers in order to trick them into purchasing a package with hidden costs or conditions, and those who refuse to do anything about it when a customer calls shenanigans on that sort of deceit. [More]


Surprise, Surprise: Expert Says Many Broadband Meters Are Inaccurate

While Internet providers look more toward capping data usage and penalizing customers for overages (even though it’s becoming less expensive to provide this service), one expert says many devices used to determine a customer’s usage are not sufficiently accurate. [More]

(Atwater Village Newbie)

Baseball Fan Or No, Time Warner Cable Charging All L.A. Customers More For Dodgers Network

Hey, you like baseball, Time Warner Cable customers in Los Angeles? No? Kinda? In any case you’re going to be paying more on your bill, whether you want to watch a Dodgers regional sports network or not. Someone’s gotta help pay, and apparently TWC has decided that will be subscribers. [More]

(Carbon Arc)

Expert Says Time Warner Cable Customers Are Cutting The Cord Because Of Bad Customer Service

Much of the coverage surrounding the phenomenon of cord-cutting has focused on the cost savings of ditching cable. But some of the blame for all these fleeing customers has to be pinned on the cable industry’s notoriously bad customer service. [More]

Cable companies and airlines dominated the ACSI's worst-of list for 2012.

List Of Companies With Worst Customer Service Scores Is Full Of Familiar Names

Bank of America, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Delta, Charter, American Airlines — these are just a few of the all-too-familiar companies sitting comfortably in the back of the pack in terms of customer service for 2012. [More]

I'm heeeere!

Time Warner Testing System Where Technicians Show Up Within 1-Hour Window (Gasp!)

Could it be? Is it actually possible to not spend hours upon hours waiting for the cable guy to show up and despairing when he takes four hours or even worse, never shows up? Time Warner Cable says it’s working on a new system wherein a technician would arrive within a one-hour window instead of that, “sometime between here and there” four-hour window system that it currently employs. [More]

(From the New America Foundation report)

New Report Says “Cash Cow” Data Caps Are About Pleasing Investors, Not Relieving Congestion

Internet users have been complaining about data caps — and the costly penalties for going over said caps — for years, while both wireless and fixed broadband providers claimed these caps were an absolute necessity to curb runaway use. But a new report attempts to debunk many of the ISP industry’s claims. [More]


Netflix Now Posting Monthly Rankings Of ISP Speeds

If, during the course of watching a 50-hour marathon of Burn Notice on Netflix, you find yourself occasionally annoyed by drops in resolution or — heaven forefend — buffering, it might be your Internet service provider. Well, now you can get a better idea as Netflix intends to post monthly rankings of speed on 21 major ISPs. [More]