While we’re still not quite in the midst of cord-cutting revolution, at least the TV industry is opening up and broadening customers’ options for how we watch our shows. Apple TV and Time Warner Cable are reportedly close to inking a deal that would give cable subscribers access to channels on the set-top device. [More]
boob tube

Airbrushes Starting To Get TV Stars "HD-Ready"
Before going on TV this week, the makeup person used a device with a long nozzle and tube to apply base to my face. When I asked her what it was, she said it was an airbrush, and they “you’re going to see it a lot more with HD.” Apparently an airbrush can get the makeup and smooth cover into all the little cracks and imperfections that would otherwise be exposed with the new hi-definition TV sets. No doubt the makers of Desperate Housewives will be copping the technique. The show saw its ratings plummet after the advent of Hi-Def sets let viewers see the stars wrinkles and age-lines in true detail. Just when you think the veil of magic of is going to be destroyed, TV builds a thicker veil, with more sequins. Thanks, Television, for keeping the dream alive!

DirecTV Titanium, TV For The Elite
You can have every single DirecTV channel and subscription, including all the porn, and 24/7 at-your-door customer service, if you sign up for DirecTV Titanium *.