Though we might not think about hearing our food when we eat it the way we do when it comes to taste, smell and even sight, if you bit into a potato chip and it didn’t make a sound in your head, it’d be weird, right? A new study that looks into how the sounds our food makes when we eat it factors into the overall experience. [More]

Cut Carbs With These Food Substitutions
If you’re trying to lose weight by cutting down on carbohydrates, you don’t necessarily need to alter your diet drastically. By swapping out carb-rich ingredients in favor of low or no-carb stuff with similar shapes, tastes and textures, you can stick to your plan without much sacrifice. [More]

Reasons To Eat Orange Peels Rather Than Trash Them
Orange-eaters who dismiss the peels in favor of the good stuff within are missing out on some considerable bonus health benefits. Peels may not taste as good as slices, but there are reasons to get tough and gobble them up rather than throw them away. [More]

Streamline Your Grocery Shopping Routine
While one way to be more efficient when grocery shopping is to pick up what you need every day, it’s tough to find the time or patience to do that. Another way to simplify your routine is to go the opposite direction, minimizing trips to the store with careful planning. [More]

3 Tips For Sticking To Your Diet While Traveling
The holidays not only bring diet-ruining parties, but travel vortexes that trick you into changing your eating rules as you make long trips. If you have any hopes of emerging from holiday travel without the phenomenon known as “Christmas butt,” you’ll at least need to get to your destination without going overboard. [More]

How To Thaw A Turkey
Turkeys are complex beasts that beleaguer you with infinite ways in which you can screw up cooking their corpses. The myriad ways to clean, cook and carve a bird can stressify your Thanksgiving, but before you get into all that, you can start by thawing your tryptophan delight. [More]

How To Eat Cheaply And Healthily
It’s easy enough to spend as little money as possible on food. A diet consisting of ramen and dollar menu items will accomplish that feat. Higher-quality food that’s actually good for you tends to cost more, but with some creativity and effort you can spend little while maintaining a healthy diet. [More]

Yelp Reviewer Gives 1 Star For Restaurant That Hasn't Opened Yet
As with any community-sourced online content, Yelp’s reviews can vary widely in quality. Still, this may be one of the most ridiculously self-entitled and clueless reviews anyone has ever posted about a restaurant: [More]

Crazed Ice Creampreneur Keeps Inventing Horrific Flavors, People Keep Buying Them
If you were tricked into volunteering for a Big Brothers Big Sisters-style program, and you live in San Francisco, here’s an easy way to get out of the job. Take your kid to the Humphry Slocombe ice cream shop in San Francisco’s Mission District and order her some Coconut Candy Cap Caramel sorbet–the “candy cap” is mushroom! Or try the Salted Licorice, which Elizabeth Weil in the New York Times says her kids threw on the sidewalk. Or leave the kids at home and try the Secret Breakfast, which contains so much bourbon that “the scoop always runs soft.” [More]

Loud Restaurants Make You Eat And Drink More
It turns out that, at least for smart restaurateurs, making the dining experience ridiculously noisy is good for business: people buy more drinks per hour, and they finish eating and leave sooner. [More]

To Your Brain, Bacon And Chocolate Are Sort Of Like Cocaine
A recent scientific study on rats shows that our brains’ wiring is what causes humans to love overeating so darn much. Rats offered a selection of rich, tasty human foods not only became obese, but their brain chemistry changed. The rats needed more food to feel content…and discomfort wouldn’t keep them away from their tasty snacks. [More]

Visit NYC, Eat Breast-Milk Cheese
If you want to try human breast-milk cheese, make sure you stop in at Klee Brasserie in New York City the next time you visit. It’s made from the chef’s own wife, and he tells the New York Post, “It tastes like cow’s-mik cheese, kind of sweet,” and changes flavor depending on “what the mother eats.” His wife says, “The breast is there to make food.” Maybe, but I’m thinking this is a good way to shave a little off the cheese budget. [More]

23 Things Restaurants Do To Save Money
Coupon Sherpa put together a list of 23 ways restaurants cut costs. [More]

Consumers No Longer Forking Out For Knives
Culturally bankrupt shoppers are now buying twice as many forks as knives, according to a British department store. The Brits blame the erosion of their cherished culture on “the American habit of using a single fork.” And that’s not all. Apparently we’re also ruining their understanding and respect for the elegant tradition of proper place settings.

Eat Out And Save
Eating out is one of the fastest ways to burn a hole through your wallet, but with a few tips from Five Cent Nickel, you can still enjoy a good meal without breaking the bank.

More People Are Getting Their Food Straight From Farms
Farmers markets aren’t just for dirty hippies anymore. Everyone’s starting to catch on to food straight off the farm, according to a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service.