When it comes to detecting when your steak is done, there are those among us who eschew meat thermometers in favor of using what’s known as the touch-test method. But does this form of culinary palm reading actually work? [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Customer Says “Angus Steak” Sandwiches Aren’t Actually Steak
Yes, the meat in Dunkin’ Donuts’ Angus Steak breakfast sandwiches may look more like a sausage patty than a porterhouse or a ribeye, but does that mean it’s not actually “steak”? One customer says the sandwich doesn’t meet a federal definition for that term. But there’s a big bird-shaped problem with that definition. [More]

Beef Prices Are Dropping Just In Time For Grilling Season
It wasn’t that long ago that red-meat-loving Americans were paying more for beef because of shortages. Now the pendulum is swinging in the other direction, meaning there should be more — and more affordable — burgers and steaks at the supermarket this summer. [More]

Man Arrested, Accused Of Stuffing Steak Down Pants At H-E-B
As part of our ongoing coverage of people stuffing meat down their pants, here’s the latest incident out of Texas: an employee spotted a man stuffing steak down his pants in the meat department. The suspect took off on foot, and police caught up with him not far away. He was charged with theft and with evading arrest. [KOSA] [More]

Man Accused Of Shoving Steak Down Pants, Cans Of Beer Up Shirt
The Internet puts stories from news outlets all over the world at our fingertips, which leads to one inevitable question: why do people steal meat by stuffing it down their pants so often? It’s a crime that has suddenly increased in some areas, and people commit crimes against meat out of either hunger or desperation for cash. The latest alleged meat thief was making a nice meal out of a package of steaks, two 24-ounce beers, and a package of cream cheese. [More]

Man Accused Of Stuffing $80 Worth Of Steak Down His Pants
People love steak. We love steak so much that people who want to eat steak but can’t afford it will steal, it, and do so by stuffing it down their pants. Why pants? Why steak? We can answer the second half of that question, at least. [More]

West Virginia Supermarkets Dealing With Spike In Meat Thefts
Here at Consumerist, we have a slight obsession with stories in the news about people attempting to steal meat by shoving it down their pants, a crime that is simultaneously sad and hilarious. Now there’s a report out of Charleston, West Virginia that the city is experiencing a meat-theft epidemic, with supermarket employees patrolling the shelves. [More]

Mechanically Tenderized Beef To Finally Be Labeled
More than a quarter of all beef sold in the U.S. is mechanically tenderized, meaning that machines with tiny little blades have been used to make the raw product more tender. But this step can also have the effect of driving surface pathogens deeper into the meat where they might not be killed during the cooking process. Since 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has received reports of six outbreaks attributable to these products. Two years ago, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it was going to require labels for mechanically tenderized beef. Those labeling rules have now been finalized and will go into effect a year from now. [More]

Watch Woman Eat 9 Lbs Of Steak In 15 Minutes, Because What Else Do You Have To Do Today?
The Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo is famous for its 72-oz steak dinner deal, where the entire thing is free — if you eat it all (including the shrimp cocktail, baked potato, salad and roll) within an hour. That challenge was nothing for a woman from Nebraska who not only scarfed down two of these meals, but did so in fewer than 15 minutes. [More]

Chipotle Price Hike To Hurt Steak-Lovers’ Wallets The Most
Earlier this month, Chipotle (aka the restaurant your annoying co-worker calls “Chipoltay”) announced its first price hike in three years, citing increased costs for ingredients across the eatery’s menu. Now the company’s CFO is saying that customers who like the Chipotle steak burrito will likely be the ones who notice the biggest change in their lunch bill. [More]

Man Stuffing Steak And Lobster Down Pants At Safeway Is Hilarious Again: Amber Alert Is Off
Good news if you like to laugh at people stuffing frozen meat and seafood down their pants! It turns out that the suspect in Tuesday’s steak-and-lobster-down-pants incident may not have carjacked and kidnapped an older man and a teenage girl. That’s what witnesses thought they saw, prompting an Amber Alert on the vehicle, but no one has reported anyone matching that description missing. [More]

Brooks Brothers To Provide Steak Tartare Directly To Gordon Gekko
A wise man (actually, a super scary man devoid of any morals) once said: “Lunch is for wimps.” Gordon Gekko is not a real person, but if he was he might be convinced to change his tune at the news that clothing retailer Brooks Brothers is planning on opening a steakhouse. [More]

McDonald’s Adding Steak To List Of Meaty Breakfast Ingredients On The Menu
The McDonald’s menu overhaul continues and it’s about to get a lot beefier: the fast food chain announced that along with its sausage and bacon offerings on breakfast sandwiches, steak will now be available as part of the morning fare. [More]

How Harris Teeter Paid Me To Eat Ribeye Steaks
“The adage you get what you pay for holds true with Harris Teeter,” notes reader Gunnar. Yes, he says, they charge more than their grocery competition, but their stores are pleasant, their employees competent, and their selection of merchandise is good. What he didn’t know is that they also have a generous return policy when the butcher cuts your steaks up badly. [More]

Man Arrested For Overnight Grocery Store Feast Of Whipped Cream, Steak, Shrimp, And Beer
According to police, a Kentucky man held the best overnight grocery store campout ever in the wee hours of Monday morning. Employees knew that something was up when they found 57 cans of Reddi-Whip brand whipped cream in the store’s trash. The whipped cream cans use nitrous oxide as a propellant, see. Oh, but the festivities didn’t stop there. [More]

My Dad's Neighbor Ate His Delicious Birthday Steaks, Omaha Steaks Fixes My Error
Kara is a totally great daughter, which is why she sent her dad a box of Omaha Steaks for his last birthday. She isn’t as great at typing in his address, though, and the box had been delivered to a neighbor’s house. This neighbor quietly signed for and ate $70 worth of gift meats. While the good news is that Omaha Steaks went above and beyond, correcting Kara’s error and sending replacements, this still means that her dad has to live next to some jerk who ate his birthday present. Maybe this neighbor will invite him over for an incredibly awkward barbecue. [More]