There are delivery drivers who throw packages over gates or chuck from the window into someone’s yard. But there are also apparently drivers who place a package in just the right spot… to trap you in your apartment. [More]

FedEx Ditching Most Holiday Shipping Surcharges This Year
It’s only August, but already the holiday shipping wars are heating up: After UPS announced recently that it would be tacking on new surcharges during the busiest time of the year, FedEx says it won’t be adding extra fees on most packages shipped near the holidays. [More]

UPS Deliveries By Golf Cart Now Legal In Kentucky
UPS is testing package delivery drones on trucks so a single driver can make multiple deliveries at once, but how can it make short-range deliveries now, without buying more trucks? A new law in Kentucky allows for package deliveries by golf cart on public roads. Yes, golf carts. [More]

Your Holiday Shopping Could Get More Expensive, Thanks To UPS
If you were planning to do your holiday shopping from the comfort of home, scooping up bargains with a click, you should know that you may have to pay a little more this year since UPS is tacking on a holiday delivery surcharge during the busiest weeks of the year. [More]

JCPenney CEO: Postal Service Is Really Online Retailers’ Biggest Problem
As bricks-and-mortar retailers attempt to attract more customers and make more sales, they are increasingly courting online shoppers. But all of those two-day shipping services and other free shipping guarantees are putting pressure on delivery companies, and that could be a big problem, according to the top executive at JCPenney. [More]

UPS Rolling Out Saturday Ground Deliveries Nationwide
Nine months after announcing it would test Saturday package delivery to keep up with online shoppers’ demands, UPS says it’s given birth to a nationwide plan for weekend deliveries for ground shipments. [More]

UPS Testing Residential Drone Deliveries Launched From Trucks
After first testing the idea of using drones to deliver packages to extra remote locations, UPS is making its move into more residential skies with octocopters that can be launched from roving trucks. [More]

UPS Expecting To Send 1.3M Packages Back To Retailers On ‘National Returns Day’
If you’re the kind of person who likes keeping track of arbitrary holidays, here’s one more to add to your list: Jan. 5, known as “National Returns Day,” or, “The Day You Send That Horrorshow Of A Sweater Back From The Fiery Chasm From Whence It Came.” [More]

Video Shows UPS Worker Dumping Packages Over A Garden Wall
Where there’s a will, there’s a way, or so they say. But when it comes to overcoming a delivery obstacle, that way shouldn’t involve simply dumping packages marked “fragile” on the ground. [More]

UPS, FedEx Already Struggling Under Avalanche Of Holiday Deliveries
One might think that after years of online shopping growing in popularity that major shipping carriers would finally be prepared for the Big Show, also known as the holiday season. And yet here we are again, heading into crunch time, and UPS and FedEx are having trouble keeping up with all those packages. [More]

UPS Driver Helps Save Woman Held Captive After Spotting Note On A Package
A woman who was allegedly being abused and kept captive in her home by her husband was rescued this week when an observant UPS driver noticed the plea for help she’d scrawled on a package waiting to be picked up. [More]

Monday Projected To Be A Record Day For Online Shippers
In news that will surprise absolutely no one, the major package carriers, UPS and FedEx, expect to handle record numbers of packages this holiday seasons. As Americans shift more of our holiday shopping — and more of our shopping in general — online, that makes this Monday particularly important for retailers. [More]

UPS Testing Using Drones For Package Deliveries In Remote Locations
Whether it’s robotic carrier pigeons or unmanned aircraft dropping off burritos, drones are big in the delivery world. UPS is the latest company to take to the drone-filled skies and see if the aerial vehicles are the right fit for its delivery system. [More]

Online Shopping: Great For Rural People, Less Great For Delivery Services
More than a century ago, the Sears Roebuck catalog arrived in the mailboxes of rural Americans and changed their lives. It didn’t just make fine toilet paper: shoppers could order everything from clothing to guns to entire houses and have it delivered to their homes. Now online shopping has opened the world up even more to rural people, letting them buy food cheaper than local supermarkets and clothing that the Walmart a half-hour drive away doesn’t carry. [More]

Amazon May Or May Not Be Trying To Overtake UPS And FedEx
When you see a UPS or FedEx truck in your neighborhood on a weekday, or a U.S. Postal Service truck on a Sunday, they’re probably there with some kind of delivery from an online retailer, and that retailer is likely to be Amazon. As more of our everyday shopping happens online, someone will need to bring those items to our doorsteps, but it may not necessarily be the carriers we’re used to. [More]

UPS Installing A Bunch Of Lockers In Stores Because They’re Tired Of Driving To Your House
It’s not that UPS is ungrateful that all of us are shopping online so much and having items shipped to our homes. The problem is that making multiple stops in residential areas, dropping off only one package each time, is a lot less efficient than the business-to-business shipping that UPS was used to before Amazon Prime happened. That’s why the company is expanding its network of lockers, which allow 24-hour access to your packages without a delivery truck actually coming to your house. [More]

UPS Survey: Online Shopping Has Surpassed In-Store Buying For The First Time
While there are no doubt innumerable studies, surveys, and reports on the habits of modern shoppers, at least one survey says that consumers are buying stuff online more than they are in stores, for the first time ever. [More]