
Sprint Nextel Purchases $483 Million In Virgin Mobile Prepaid Minutes

Sprint Nextel Purchases $483 Million In Virgin Mobile Prepaid Minutes

Sprint Nextel announced this morning that they will purchase Virgin Mobile USA. The company, which specializes in prepaid mobile phone service, started as a joint venture between Sprint and Virgin, and Sprint owns 13% of their stock. Virgin Mobile USA phones already use the Sprint network.

Verizon Limits Handset Exclusivity To 6 Months

Verizon Limits Handset Exclusivity To 6 Months

Verizon announced it will limit handset exclusivity deals to 6 months, a bow to pleas by small wireless carriers, and in advance of possible Department of Justice action on its inquiries on the one-carrier deals for the iPhone, Pre and LG Voyager. In its announcement, Verizon noted 24 rural carriers had asked it to limit these anti-competitive deals. Yes, apparently there are that many small carriers still left.

Sprint Tech Support Goes To Porn Ad

Sprint Tech Support Goes To Porn Ad

Man’s Blackberry chokes. Man calls Sprint. Sprint says hold. Man gets transferred to porn ad.

Man Uses New Tracking Feature To Hunt For Stolen iPhone

Man Uses New Tracking Feature To Hunt For Stolen iPhone

On Saturday, Kevin lost his iPhone in a bar in Chicago, and by lost we mean someone grabbed it within seconds of him leaving the bar, but no one had seen a thing when he ran back in to ask about it. Since he had the Find My iPhone service activated on it, and his friend had a Sprint 3G dongle on his laptop, they decided to see whether they could track it down. AT&T and Sprint: working together to fight crime!

Sprint Employee Changes Customer's Name To "Pain In The A$$"?

Sprint Employee Changes Customer's Name To "Pain In The A$$"?

Update: Some of our readers who are Sprint customers say they don’t think the screenshots are legit. We asked Sprint for an opinion, and they responded, “We had noticed the post on sprintusers.com earlier today and are tracking down the answer. I’ll get back to you asap.” We’ll post further updates when they arrive.

Think The iPhone 3G S Costs Too Much? Don't Buy It

Think The iPhone 3G S Costs Too Much? Don't Buy It

Apple fans around the country are foaming at the mouths over the jacked-up pricing AT&T has announced for the upgraded iPhone. AT&T apparently can’t afford to subsidize the phones for existing customers, because if you currently have an iPhone and more than 6 months left on your contract, you’ll have to pay $417-$517 for the newer model (that includes an $18 “upgrade” fee).

AT&T Wireless Customer? Turn Off Phone Purchasing Power To Prevent Unauthorized Charges

AT&T Wireless Customer? Turn Off Phone Purchasing Power To Prevent Unauthorized Charges

If you’re managing cellphones for a family or your parents, or let’s say hypothetically you have a boyfriend who says he reads Consumerist but really he doesn’t or else he would have known better, you’ll probably run into stupid subscription and content fees from time to time. You know how people are when it comes to fake “free” offers.

Sprint Customer Receives Fake-Looking Phone Bill

Sprint Customer Receives Fake-Looking Phone Bill

Update: Lloyd, a Sprint “Customer Experience” Manager, wrote in to let us know that the bill below is indeed legitimate:

Reach Executive Customer Service For Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T

Reach Executive Customer Service For Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T

Say you got a problem with your cellphone company and you want it solved, pronto. You’ve already called regular customer service and they’re either unable or unwilling to help you, or you’re just sick of waiting on hold. You’ve got things to do! That’s where executive customer service comes in handy. Just about every big company has a pack of these people who can basically walk on water within the company and get any problem solved. The key is reaching them. Naturally, you won’t find them in an overseas call center at the end of the 1-800 number. Rather, they’re attached to the corporate headquarters executive offices. Don’t worry, we did the hard part for you. Here’s up-to-date phone numbers for the executive customer service departments for Sprint, Verizon, T-mobile, and AT&T:

Worst Company In America: Citibank VS Sprint

Worst Company In America: Citibank VS Sprint

A bailed out bank? Or a struggling wireless company? Who offends you more?

"Sprint Won't Stop Calling Me To Make Sure I Am Happy With Them"

"Sprint Won't Stop Calling Me To Make Sure I Am Happy With Them"

One of our readers can’t get Sprint to stop calling him. He’s happy with the service, and they just want to make sure he’s happy. Repeatedly. To the point that they’re starting to get on his nerves.

Worst Company In America: Verizon VS Sprint

Worst Company In America: Verizon VS Sprint

Which phone giant will taste your fury? Did FiOS burn down your house? Did Sprint’s wandering CEO step on your toes?

Dan Hesse, You Can Keep Making Commercials Forever

Dan Hesse, You Can Keep Making Commercials Forever

Tonya emailed us a video clip of a cute little piggy with a robot voice complaining about being trapped on hold. We appreciated the rant, but were even more fascinated with the technology that allowed her friend to turn a long, written diatribe into an instant cartoon. You know who needs this? Dan Hesse, shunned pitchman and CEO for Sprint! You’ll never have to stop making commercials now. Also, we’ve decided to make you British.

I'll Miss Our Soft Talks Together: Sprint CEO Ads To Stop

I'll Miss Our Soft Talks Together: Sprint CEO Ads To Stop

Dan Hesse will no longer be appearing in artsy black and white Sprint commercials, wandering around the city of New York, trying to find his company’s lost credibility. I think his feet hurt. [WSJ]

Sprint Lies To FCC About Ripping Off Consumer Reporter

Sprint Lies To FCC About Ripping Off Consumer Reporter

Dan Hesse should be ashamed. Ripping off a consumer reporter and then lying to the FCC about it? Bad idea. Here’s what Sprint did to The Red Tape Chronicles reporter Bob Sullivan


I think I figured out why Sprint CEO is always walking around New York, looking in diners, and taking taxis. He’s looking for his lost customers. The black and white is because he’s sad.

Sprint Loses Another 1.1 Million Customers

Sprint Loses Another 1.1 Million Customers

Wondering why Sprint CEO Dan Hesse has time to wander around NYC telling people about Sprint products? Well, it’s apparently come to that. Sprint has lost another 1.1 million customers.

Sprint Helps You Deal With Your Deadbeat Brother

Sprint Helps You Deal With Your Deadbeat Brother

Reader B. probably shouldn’t have used her credit to help her less-than-creditworthy brother get a cellphone, but this story has a happy ending thanks to some helpful customer service from Sprint.