

T-Mobile came in first in a J.D. Power and Associates study of cellphone customer care performance, with 755 out of a possible 1,000 points. Actually, though, all the carriers came in above the 700 point range except for Sprint, which was in the 600s. [RCR Wireless]

Sprint Rebate Line Expedites Rebates

Sprint Rebate Line Expedites Rebates

Having trouble redeeming rebates for your Sprint phone? Keep getting denied for seemingly no good reason? Try calling the Sprint rebate line at 800-477-4127. Reader Emily wrote, “I have tried on several different occasions to get rebates on my phone. Seems as though you have to call the Sprint Rebate line and have them resubmit the rebate for you. I have had to do 4 separate rebates this way.” (Photo: hyku)

Sprint Closes Crappy Teleperformance Call Center We Exposed

Sprint Closes Crappy Teleperformance Call Center We Exposed

Sprint is closing a call center we posted ex-employee accounts about that alleged on-the-scene drug use, sex, and theft of customer credit card numbers, among other infractions.


Sprint will cut a total of 8,000 jobs by March 31st, says CEO Dan Hesse, who enjoys being filmed in black and white as he takes long walks toward cameras. Sprint is also suspending its 401(k) match program, tuition reimbursement program, and is freezing salaries. [CNNMoney]

Sprint Clears Up 'Unlimited Messaging' Confusion

Sprint Clears Up 'Unlimited Messaging' Confusion

We got an email today from a Sprint representative addressing the confusion over just what “unlimited” means in their unlimited messaging package. If you recall, Erica says Sprint told her she would still be billed per message when sending pics or video, which runs contrary to the offer she signed up for. Now Sprint has officially responded that unlimited means no additional charges, and they’re investigating the matter. Below is their statement.

Sprint's 'Unlimited' Messaging Package Charges You Per Message

Sprint's 'Unlimited' Messaging Package Charges You Per Message

Sprint offers an “Everything Messaging Family” package that promises “unlimited nationwide, text, picture and video messaging to anyone on any network.” The catch? Unlimited seems to mean “you have the capability to send messages, but you’ll still have to pay for each message you send.” Erica has called in twice to clear up the mistake, but the CSRs are telling her it’s not a mistake. Oh. Well then, is it a lie?

Get $90 Or $35 In The Sprint Early Termination Fee Settlement

Get $90 Or $35 In The Sprint Early Termination Fee Settlement

A proposed settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit against Sprint over early termination fees (ETF). It seems to basically apply to anyone who has had a time-based contact with Sprint that had an etf clause it i.e. most Sprint wireless customers. You get $90 if you were charged an ETF and can provide proof, and $35 if you didn’t cancel a contract for fear of getting charged an ETF. You can file at www.sprintetfsettlement.com, and get a more in-depth and explainer of the terms over at Top Class Actions.

Reach Sprint's Retention Department

Reach Sprint's Retention Department

Retentions, the place where you threaten to cancel because service sucks and they throw goodies and freebies and discounts at you to get you stick around, the place where dreams come true. Here’s two numbers to directly reach Sprint’s Retentions Department: 800-235-1185, 888-211-4727. (Photo: SlapAyoda)

Teleperformance USA: Call Center Of Customer Service Nightmares

Teleperformance USA: Call Center Of Customer Service Nightmares

Wanna know why your call to customer service went so poorly? Maybe because it was routed to an outsourced call center run by Teleperformance USA where, according to an insider, customer service goes to die…

Reader Escapes Sprint With No ETF Thanks To Admin Fee Increase

Reader Escapes Sprint With No ETF Thanks To Admin Fee Increase

Reader Kenneth says he escaped Sprint without paying an ETF because of our post “Escape Sprint ETF-Free Over Administrative Fee Increase.” He sent us the transcript of his chat with Sprint so you can see how he did it.

Sprint Asking Employees To Please Pink Slip Themselves

Sprint Asking Employees To Please Pink Slip Themselves

Sprint has asked some of its employees to consider voluntarily resigning by December 3rd in exchange for a compensation package. Says a spokesperson, “No one is being forced to do anything. There are no forced reductions. There are no layoffs in store. It’s a matter of employees having the option to exercise discretion. No targets have been announced.” IntoMobile says retail store employees and managers are not being included in the offer. Update: We’ve received a little more info from an anonymous tipster about the downsizing, and what it might mean for customers of Sprint.

Reader Saves $230 On Cable And Phone Bills By Rocking The Cancellation Threat

Reader Saves $230 On Cable And Phone Bills By Rocking The Cancellation Threat

Here’s how Stephanie saved $230 on her cable and phone bills after following the tips in “3 Ways To Lower Your Out Of Control Cable, Internet And Phone Bills

Escape Sprint ETF-Free Over Administrative Fee Increase

Escape Sprint ETF-Free Over Administrative Fee Increase

Want to break your Sprint cellphone contract without paying an early termination fee? On January 1, 2009, Sprint will increase the Administrative fee to $.99 per line. Because this is what is known as a “materially adverse change of contract,” and because of the basic contractual principle that you can’t change someone’s contract without their explicit permission (not the tacit, “opt-out” kind), you can use it to argue that the fee renders your contract void and you can end service without a termination fee. You do have to be willing to argue without giving up with a number of different Sprint employees first, like Matt did…

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies

Inside, email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses for over 100 different companies to inject your customer service complaints into their corporate executive offices, and get it well on the way to success.


The attorney who won a verdict against Sprint in California has filed a $1.2 billion class action lawsuit, claiming that early termination fees are not legal. [Information Week]

Leaks: Details On Sprint's New Decreasing ETF

Leaks: Details On Sprint's New Decreasing ETF

More details have emerged about Sprint’s new decreasing-monthly ETF, thanks to a page from the Sprint customer service manual that fell into NeoWin’s hands. Basically the ETF on a 2-year contract is $200 after the first 30 days and until month 20, then it starts decreasing by $10 at month 19, until it gets to month 5 where it holds at $50. However, they say it’s their policy to waive it if there’s less than 30 days left. Once again, the decreasing-ETF will only apply to new contracts signed after November 2, 2008. Full scan of the internal document, inside…

Sprint To Start Discounting ETFs Monthly

Sprint To Start Discounting ETFs Monthly

Sprint is expected to soon start making the early termination fee (ETF) decline every month, possibly as early as November 2nd. Previously, whether you canceled service 1 day into or one day before the end of your service contract, you would get a $200 fee. That fee is supposed to reimburse the company for the cost of providing you a cellphone at reduced cost. The change is expected to be only good for new subscribers and is not retroactive, so, sorry Charlie if you were hoping to go get an iPhone.

Wireless Carriers Tell Senate: "Text Messaging Rates Have Dropped, And Your Queries Have Led To Lawsuits Against Us!"

Wireless Carriers Tell Senate: "Text Messaging Rates Have Dropped, And Your Queries Have Led To Lawsuits Against Us!"

The national wireless carriers have responded to the Senate’s request for information on why its text-messaging fees have doubled over the past three years. Their collective response: they haven’t gotten more expensive, they’ve gotten cheaper—and your public suspicion of our business practices has led to lots of class action lawsuits!