Do you ever get the feeling that you could just live in IKEA forever, eating lingon berries and playing house in kitchens outfitted with more cheap gadgets than you have at home, and sleep on a different bed with an unpronounceable name every night? Your dreams might be coming true, if you’re willing to hang out in Hamburg. The Swedish furniture giant is going to build its own entire district in that city, and fill it with all things Ikea. [More]

IKEA Forgets To Load My New Fridge Onto Truck, Now It Won’t Take My Calls
Josh and his girlfriend are very unhappy with IKEA right now, and it’s not just because the company’s contracted delivery service mishandled several thousands of dollars worth of appliances and cabinetry. What really has them steaming is the fact that the retailer never even shipped the couple’s new fridge… and now won’t tell them where the appliance is. [More]

IKEA TV Will Allow You To Buy Things Via Remote Control
Earlier this year, IKEA announced some details about its upcoming Uppleva TV, but now it’s being reported that the TV, which also includes a cabinet thingy on which to place it, will feature technology that allows people to make purchases straight through their remote control. [More]

Didn't Notice Damage To IKEA Item Before Attaching Legs? Tough
If you want to get a refund for a damaged IKEA item, God help you if you take a few minutes to put it together first. Alan ordered a desk, which had a small dent in the side of the box. Figuring the item inside was fine, he put it together. This turned out to be a fatal mistake, since assembling an item means you’re then unable to [More]

Did IKEA Use East German Political Prisoners To Make Its Adorable Furniture?
Putting together IKEA furniture is hard enough for people who go out and willingly buy it, knowing later they’ll be gazing adoringly at the affordability of it all while digesting meatballs. But it would be much worse to be say, an East German political prisoner forced to manufacture the stuff before the fall of the Berlin Wall. [More]

How Would You Like An IKEA HDTV For Your IKEA House Filled With IKEA Furniture?
If you can already go whole hog and buy an entire house from IKEA to fill up with your IKEA shelves and bed frames and pictures of sailboats, why not watch TV on a new IKEA HDTV? It’s built in to an IKEA TV unit, of course. [More]

Now You Can Buy An Entire IKEA House For $86,500
Not content with merely furnishing every room of your house with IKEA stuff? Well, if you have a bit of land and $86,500 to spend the home furnishings chain could provide you with an entire (albeit small) house in which to put your Ektorps and Malms. [More]

Report: Ikea Paid French Police To Spy On Its Staff & Customers
A French newspaper is claiming that those fresh-faced, furniture-loving Swedes at Ikea have been handing cash to police in exchange for files on its staff and customers. The claims say Ikea asked for checks on criminal records, vehicle registrations and more. [More]
IKEA Finally Gets Around To Creating Assembly Videos
If you’ve ever tried to furnish a home or apartment without breaking the bank, you’ve probably come face to face with one or more of IKEA’s essentially wordless, diagrammatic assembly instruction booklets. And if you’ve tried to assemble something more complicated than an ottoman, you might have wished you could just watch someone else do it so you don’t screw it up any further. [More]
Movers Break IKEA Bookshelf, Shrug
For their recent move, Derek and his wife selected a local operator of North American Van Lines. Things went pretty smoothly, except for one IKEA Expedit bookcase that was somehow cracked while leaving the couple’s previous home, and subsequently fell apart when it was brought into the new house. Someone gave Mrs. Derek what she assumed was a claim form to sign, but ended up being a “Particle Board Furniture form” absolving the movers of any responsibility for cheap furnishings. [More]

At IKEA, 'In Stock' Doesn't Mean 'We'll Actually Get It Down For You'
Michael wanted to drop $600 on a pair of wardrobes from IKEA, and even called ahead before driving out to the store to make sure the items were there. When he arrived, though, he learned that “in stock” doesn’t actually mean “you can purchase it today,” because someone would have to get a new pallet of wardrobes down from an upper level of the warehouse. That wasn’t going to happen: a warehouse manager told Michael that they’d rather lose Michael’s business rather than risk the safety of employees. While this emphasis on worker safety is refreshing, Michael thinks it’s unfair. [More]

What If You Actually Lived Inside IKEA?
Christian went on a trip to IKEA with his buddies and began to imagine, as many have upon seeing the different “sets” around the store recreating rooms in a house fully furnished by IKEA furniture, what would it be like if you actually lived inside the IKEA store? Since he’s a really good photographer, he and his pals then staged a series of delightful photos bringing this concept to life. Very fun way of bringing IKEA’s marketing metaphor to its literal conclusion. It also reminds me of this short sitcom about a family that lives in IKEA that came out last year. [More]

Ikea Recalls Sniglar Cribs Over Possible Mattress Collapse Issue
Ikea has issued a recall for its Sniglar baby cribs after learning of a possible risk that the mattress support could collapse. [More]

IKEA No Longer Stocking Or Selling Incandescent Light Bulbs
IKEA has done away with energy-hogging incandescents ahead of federal legislation that would mandate more efficient light bulbs starting in 2012. [More]

Ikea Gives Out Bikes To 12,400 Employees
While Walmart was busy chipping away at employees’ perks, the swingin’ Swedes at Ikea were busy handing out early Christmas presents to staffers in the form of free bikes. [More]

Turn Two IKEA Chest Of Drawers Into A Captain's Bed
Crafty gal Suz went a little nuts and decided to turn two chest of drawers into a bed. Measure carefully, saw them in half, throw a mattress on top, and boom, you’ve got yourself a DIY captain’s bed. She walks you through how she did it, so you can play the home version of the furniture remix game. [More]

What Happens When You Let 100 Cats Loose Inside An IKEA?
Who knows better than cats what the most comfortable and interesting spaces in your house are? That’s the idea behind a new commercial for IKEA. To get the crucial kitty footage, one hundred cats were–why not?–let loose inside the Wembley store after hours to romp and nap for the cameras. [More]
Breaking The IKEA Catalog's Fourth Wall
What happens inside the pages of an IKEA catalog when no one’s looking? Don’t be silly. A catalog is just photographs, not a real-time portal into a secret world where real people are always standing very, very still to create a fa√ßade of domestic perfection on a budget. Or that’s what they want you to think. [More]