The Department of Homeland Security is telling airports around the world that they could face a ban on carry-on electronics for U.S.-bound flights if their security doesn’t meet new DHS standards. [More]
security screening

TSA May Want To Flip Through Your Summer Reading Next Time You Fly
At this point, most travelers know that your electronics, your shoes, your food, and your liquids are going to have to come out of your bag (or off your person) and get extra screening just so you can get on a flight. But now, it seems books — good, old-fashioned paper books — may be joining that list. [More]

Woman Says TSA Pat-Down Of Son Was “Horrifying”
Last month, the Transportation Security Administration unveiled a new, more “comprehensive” pat-down procedure, but a Texas woman says that the physical security check she requested for her special needs son crossed the line. [More]

United Airlines Opening Fully Automated Airport Screening Lanes
In an effort to ease congestion at security checkpoints — like last year’s unholy traffic jams during the busiest season for travel — United Airlines has outfitted an entire airport terminal in New Jersey with automated screening lanes. [More]

11 Passengers Walk Through TSA Checkpoint Without Screening At JFK Airport
One does not simply walk into Mordor, mostly because of the ever-watchful burning eye of Sauron. The Transportation Security Administration might need some of that juice after eleven people strolled right through a security checkpoint at John F. Kennedy airport in New York. [More]

3,000 Checked Bags Stranded At Phoenix Airport After TSA System Glitch
Thousands of travelers arrived at their destination only to find their checked bags were left behind at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport on Thursday after a Transportation Security Administration computer system suffered a technical issue that took the airport’s bag screening system out of operation. [More]

TSA Adding More Security Screeners To Help Combat Long Lines At The Airport
After getting called out by airlines, airport officials, and lawmakers for super long lines at the nation’s airports, the Transportation Security Administration says it’s increasing staff at checkpoints as part of its effort to cut down on those excessive wait times. [More]

Delta Employee With $282K In Backpack Arrested For Illegal Money Transmitting
Between the JetBlue flight attendant recently arrested for trying to get 69 pounds of cocaine through airport security and a Delta baggage handler taken into custody for allegedly smuggling more than 100 guns onto flights, you’d hope that airline staffers would think twice before abusing their positions. Apparently, that didn’t cross the mind of another Delta ramp agent arrested over the weekend with a backpack full of cash. [More]

No Charges For Fired TSA Screeners Accused Of Conspiring To Grope Attractive Male Passengers
You might recall the tale of two Transportation Security Administration screeners who were accused of conspiring to tweak the system so they could give very thorough patdowns to the good-looking male travelers who passed through their post at the Denver Airport. But months after the workers were fired amidst allegations of a groping scheme, prosecutors have declined to file charges. [More]

Yes, The TSA’s Airport Security Screening Rules Still Apply To Travelers Who Are Mad About Missing Flights
Listen, I know it feels like the sun and moon revolve around your head and the entire fate of humanity lies in your hands. But that’s not reality, and even if you’re late for your flight, you still have to go through the annoyance of security checkpoints at the airport, just like the rest of us. Otherwise, the entire airport terminal might just get locked down and that’s just a rude inconvenience for other travelers. [More]

TSA Makes Disabled Child Remove Leg Braces, Walk Through Metal Detector
The TSA forced a disabled 4-year old to get out of his stroller and remove his leg braces and walk unassisted through the metal director. After the humiliating and frightening incident, the boy’s father, a cop, told the supervisor, “This is overkill. He’s 4 years old. I don’t think he’s a terrorist.” It turns out that this didn’t even follow TSA policy, which would have allowed for the boy to be privately screened and swabbed for explosive material traces, without having to remove his braces.
Another case of TSA overkill [philly]

TSA Declares Victory, Achieves Same Vaunted Status As IRS
The IRS is celebrating the results of an AP poll that ranks the TSA as the most hated arm of the federal government. More than anything, Americans apparently hate being inconvenienced by seemingly pointless and arbitrary security checks.
The AP poll, conducted Monday through Wednesday, found that the more people travel, the less they like TSA.