One does not simply walk into Mordor, mostly because of the ever-watchful burning eye of Sauron. The Transportation Security Administration might need some of that juice after eleven people strolled right through a security checkpoint at John F. Kennedy airport in New York. [More]
don’t mind if i do

American Airlines Flight Delayed After 2 Passengers Walked Onto Plane Without Showing Boarding Passes
You know that feeling you get when you realize you’ve left the car unlocked overnight? That may be what American Airlines felt like after two passengers were able to walk onto an apparently unlocked plane sitting at Philadelphia International Airport without showing anyone their boarding passes. [More]

Hungry Sea Lion Pup Seats Herself In A Booth At Fancy San Diego Restaurant
We’ve heard tales of animals taking a walk on the tame side and frequenting human businesses before, but usually we’re talking about bears, more bears, deer, more deer, and other strictly land animals. Things are a bit different in San Diego, where a hungry sea lion pup eschewed the surf and took a table for herself at a fancy seaside restaurant. [More]

Dutch Supermarket Invites Shoppers To Pop A Squat And Try Out Different Brands Of Toilet Paper
I know, I know — we’ve all got our favorite brand of toilet paper, the only one you want coming in contact with your precious rumps. But maybe you don’t really know what the difference feels like between different brands — because really, how often do you buy multiple kinds of TP and test them all out? More often if you live near one Dutch supermarket. [More]

Congratulations, Everyone: U.S. Is Now The Top Wine Market In The World
While they’ve been enjoying Pinot noir and sampling fine Champagne over in France for more years than the United States has been a country, there’s a new No. 1 wine market in the world and it rhymes with “USA, USA!” Yes, it’s our sipping habits that have made our country the top when it comes to swilling vino. [More]

Study: Wine Drinkers Often Have Heavier Hands When Pouring For Themselves
There’s a condition often suffered by wine drinkers, one that I always attributed to the fact that my skeleton is made of Osmium, wherein your hand becomes so heavy that before you know it, there’s quite a large serving of wine in the glass. The only way to resolve that situation is of course, to drink it. But it turns out not everyone has dense hand bones, says a new study, wine drinkers just tend to be the over-serving sort when pouring for themselves. [More]

Cops: Man Used Guests’ Credit Cards In Order To Live The High Life At Luxury Hotels
Can’t afford to stay in the priciest hotels, order the swankiest room service and wash your hands with the nicest-smelling fancy soaps? Don’t use other guests’ credit cards to make your dreams come true, as cops say one homeless man did. He was busted for allegedly posing as guests at luxury hotels and going on spending sprees at the expense of his victims. [More]