Imagine losing your cat on the very day that you are planning to move thousands of miles away. And then, miraculously, someone finds your feline friend a few weeks later. But by that point, you’re so far away that you can’t afford to fly or drive back to bring him back. [More]

Seattle City Attorney: Anyone Who’s Gotten A Ticket For Marijuana Should Fight It
After the Seattle Police Department announced at the end of July that a police officer had been reassigned and was under investigation for issuing 88% of the city’s marijuana citations, the city attorney is telling anyone who got a ticket to contest it. [More]

Witnesses Report Drone Allegedly Crashed Into Space Needle, Police Find No Evidence Of Actual Impact
Maybe he was just practicing for future drone deliveries? Okay, probably not, but an Amazon employee visiting from out of town allegedly crashed his personal hobby drone into the Space Needle earlier this week. [More]

Police: Man Called In Bomb Threat To Southwest Airlines To Ruin Ex’s Vacation
There are plenty of immature ways that you could — but most definitely shouldn’t — get revenge on an ex. While most of them are, at worst, misdemeanors, a Seattle man is facing a much bigger penalty for allegedly calling in a bogus bomb threat to Southwest Airlines just to get back at an ex-girlfriend. [More]

San Francisco Voters To Consider $15/Hour Minimum Wage
In the wake of the Seattle City Council approving a plan to gradually increase the local minimum wage to $15/hour over the next three-to-seven years, the residents of San Francisco will be asked to decide on a 4-year schedule for raising pay in the city to the same level. [More]

Franchisees Will Go To Court To Stop Seattle’s $15/Hr Minimum Wage
Yesterday, the Seattle City Council unanimously approved a plan that will raise the minimum wage for workers to $15/hour over the next three-to-seven years. But business-owners who run franchise operations in the city say they are being unfairly targeted, and it looks like this issue may end up in a courtroom. [More]

Seattle City Council Approves Plan To Increase Min. Wage To $15/Hour
While federal lawmakers mull over the President’s call for a $10/hour minimum wage, the Seattle City Council has approved a phased-in wage increase that will eventually lift the city’s minimum hourly pay to $15 an hour, the highest rate in the entire country. [More]

Of All The Things To Steal From Subway Restaurant, Customer Walks Off With Toilet
Your local Subway sandwich shop has all sorts of things one could (but shouldn’t) steal — like cash registers, food items, and kitchen supplies. But one Seattle-area man overlooked all of those common-sense possibilities and decided he’d be different; he’d steal the toilet. [More]

Seattle Apologizes For Labeling Stuck-In-Traffic Drivers As “Scumbags”
When government organizations try to be funny on social media, it usually falls flat. And when that attempt at humor is directed at people who are likely in a humorless mood — like, say… people stuck in a traffic jam — it will probably end in an apology. [More]

49ers Fan Sues NFL For $50 Million For Letting Teams Sell Locals-Only Tickets
During the most recent NFL playoffs, some teams opted to only allow people in certain areas to buy tickets. The idea was to make sure as many home team fans had access to these important games as possible, but some claim it’s an illegally discriminatory practice. [More]

Seattle Mayor Takes Swipe At Comcast, Bites The Hand That Helped Elect Him
Last fall, a number of people watching the Seattle mayoral race were concerned about what influence Comcast would have on the city’s municipal broadband plan if candidate Ed Murray were elected. After all, the Kabletown Krew had dumped thousands of dollars into his campaign coffers. The now-Mayor Murray is attempting to show that he’s not a puppet for Comcast by issuing a thinly veiled ultimatum to the company. [More]

Should NFL Teams Restrict Out-Of-State Fans From Buying Tickets?
Next Sunday, the San Francisco 49ers will travel north to Seattle to face the Seahawks for a spot in the Super Bowl, while the New England Patriots fly west to Denver for a showdown with the Broncos. But if hometown fans of the two visiting teams want to get tickets for either of these games, they’ll have to get them on the secondary market. [More]

Seattle’s Plans For Fast Fiber Internet Are On Pause (Or Buffering… Buffering… Buffering…)
Los Angeles might be planning to build a city-wide fiber network, but elsewhere on the West coast it looks like fiber plans are fizzling. A planned municipal fiber-optic network in Seattle is on pause after a deal with provider Gigabit Squared has died. [More]

Dear Seattle: Comcast Doesn’t Want You To Have Fast Internet
Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn is pushing for a low-cost, high-speed fiber network that, at least in theory, would offer city residents better service at a better price than they currently receive. Comcast says this has absolutely nothing to do with why it has donated gobs of money in an effort to defeat his re-election effort. [More]

Seattle Police Ran Out Of Hempfest Giveaway Doritos In 10 Minutes
Maybe it was all of the publicity. Figuring that people ignore flyers and throw them away, but that visitors to Hempfest might pay attention to containers of snack foods, the Seattle Police Department had the idea to distribute mini bags of Doritos with a stickers outlining the basics of current marijuana laws in Washington state. It was a great PR move, and successful: they ran out in ten minutes. [Twitter] [More]

Seattle Fines Comcast — Twice — For Being So Bad At Customer Service
The city of Seattle has an agreement with Comcast requiring the cable company to answer 90% of calls within 30 seconds. If you’re a Comcast customer, you are probably laughing, while also crying a bit as you flash back to interminable waits to speak to a Kabletown rep. But Seattle isn’t taking this standard lightly, as it has attempted to fine Comcast twice in just the last few months. [More]

Is Seattle Plastic Bag Ban Actually Leading To More Shoplifting?
Last summer, Seattle enacted a ban on plastic shopping bags in the city with the intention of cutting down on waste and litter. Some reports claim that this ban has led to an increase in people shoplifting with the aid of reusable cloth bags, but do the numbers back that assertion up? [More]