When you pull up to a farmer’s market, ready to stock up on locally grown produce, you’d probably assume that everything on sale was raised by the farmers doing the selling, or that it was at least from another local grower. But you may be buying food that’s actually been trucked in from hundreds of miles away, possibly from another country. [More]
locals only

Why Can’t You Get Medical Marijuana At CVS Or Walgreens?
Even though marijuana has been legalized by Colorado and Washington, and nearly two dozen states have laws protecting medical use of marijuana, you won’t be seeing it made available at your local pharmacy unless the federal government decides to legalize it. [More]

Should NFL Teams Restrict Out-Of-State Fans From Buying Tickets?
Next Sunday, the San Francisco 49ers will travel north to Seattle to face the Seahawks for a spot in the Super Bowl, while the New England Patriots fly west to Denver for a showdown with the Broncos. But if hometown fans of the two visiting teams want to get tickets for either of these games, they’ll have to get them on the secondary market. [More]

Maine Couple On Trial For Redeeming Deposits For Bottles From New Hampshire
One of the more memorable Seinfeld episodes involves Kramer and Newman loading up Newman’s mail truck with bottles and cans and trekking to Michigan to get back double the deposit they would have received in New York. While it makes for funny TV, it’s not as hilarious to a couple in Maine who went on trial this week for redeeming a truck load of empty bottles and cans that had been brought from New Hampshire. [More]

How Local Is That "Locally Grown" Produce At Your Grocery Store?
Last October, Walmart announced a pledge to double the amount of produce it purchases from local growers by 2015, with the three-pronged goal of saving on fuel costs, reducing spoilage and catering to a growing consumer appetite for local produce. But while Walmart defines “local” as grown and sold in the same state, your grocery store might have a different definition for the term. [More]

Dutch Seek To End 'Drug Tourism'
For those of you who thought it might be worth it to be screened and patted-down by the TSA for your trip to the Netherlands, just so long as you could sit in a “coffee shop” and get stoned without threat of a legal hassle, here’s some bad news. In an effort to curb so-called “drug tourism,” the Dutch government is looking to limit the sale of cannabis to residents only. [More]

Walmart Realizes Buying Local Produce Can Be Good For Business
Now that Walmart has become the world’s largest grocer, it has realized there are both economic and environmental reasons to purchase and re-sell locally grown produce. As part of its latest sustainability efforts announced earlier today, the retail behemoth detailed a plan to increase the percentage of its produce that it gets from local growers. [More]