Earlier this week, the news broke that Americans are, as a whole spending more on dining out than on groceries. In a related piece of news, a study from bank SunTrust says that a surprisingly large portion of American households that earn $75,000 per year live paycheck to paycheck because they’re spending too much money on “lifestyle expenses” to put any money away. [More]
saving money

70% Of Coupon Users Still Use Print Circulars For Savings
If you use coupons, what type do you use? Some surprising information came up at this week’s Association of Coupon Professionals conference, which is an actual thing. It’s not surprising that such a conference would discuss how much consumers like coupons, but it is surprising that 71% of consumers reportedly still use paper coupons. [More]

Have You Tried These Ways To Save Money At Amazon?
Amazon offers the best prices on many items and has an unbeatable inventory, but did you know that there are ways to save even more? Yes, there are, ranging from signing up for rebates to asking for a price-match. [More]

Can I Replace My Smartphone Screen Myself? Yes. Should I? Maybe.
Can you replace a cracked smartphone screen yourself? Yes, and there are plenty of tools, kits, and online tutorials available to help you. Should you do it? Maybe, say our colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports, armed with pentalobe screwdrivers and lab coats. [More]

These Money-Saving Tactics Really Just Drain Your Wallet
So, you think you’re so frugal, with your buy-one-get-one free fast-food entrées and your massive tubs of cream cheese? Not so fast there, Ms./Mr. Aspiring Cheapskate! These are just a few of the tactics that companies use to make you believe you’re getting a deal when you really aren’t. [More]

5 Ways To Save Money By Spending Money
It seems counter-intuitive, but frugality doesn’t always necessarily mean clutching your wallet with a vise grip and refusing to spend on non-essentials. Sometimes spending a little more doesn’t just make your life easier: it can save you money in the long run. [More]
Curb Your Shopping Impulse When You're On The Go
If you can’t restrain yourself from making unnecessary purchases, it doesn’t matter how much money you make because you’ll find a way to bury yourself in debt. By identifying your tendencies and curbing them before they victimize you, you can get your shopoholicism under control. [More]

Six Tips For Saving Money On Airfare
With fees, fine print and blackout dates, locking in a low price on your plane ticket can seem impossible. Consumer Reports has some tips that can help cut the cost of flying, plus help organize your search for the best deal. [More]

Adjustments To Help You Save Time And Money
Little tweaks you make to your daily routine can snowball into significant changes. For an example, take toothpaste. You don’t need much on your brush to get the job done, but you probably cover the entire face of the brush with the product. Cut the amount in half and it will take you twice as long to use up the tube. [More]

3 Things To Look For In An Online Savings Account
Although brick-and-mortar banks are competitive, you can often find more attractive interest rates in online savings accounts. Making the leap from traditional banking comes with some risk, so you should be careful when choosing your bank. [More]

Manhattan Twentysomething Uses Match.com To Feed Herself
There are a number of ways to deal with the problem of being young and broke in a large, expensive city. A 24-year-old woman who has trouble paying her bills could move to a cheaper apartment. She could eat rice, lentils, and ramen instead of takeout. She could take on a second part-time job. Or she could join Match.com and find men to go on a few dates with her, paying for her meals at nice restaurants. That’s one way to save money on food. [More]

Make Your Own Soy Milk At Home
Habitual drinkers of soy milk can save money and have fun getting to know what they’re ingesting on a more granular level by learning to make their soy milk themselves. It’s pretty easy, and besides soaking the beans, only takes a few minutes. [More]

Early Bird Gets The Discount Halloween Candy Worm
The best time to stock up on Halloween candy is today, the day right after Halloween. But you better get to the store early if you want to snag the best deals, and the best candy, before they get looted by everyone else. [More]

A Cheaper Starbucks Latte: Order 2 Espresso Shots, Pour Own Milk
If you order lattes at Starbucks, here’s a way to get them to for less while still getting the same drink. [More]

How Buying Grocery Items At A Drug Store Can Be A Bad Deal
Drug stores have been adding more and more food items to their shelves lately, but is it a good deal to get your mac and cheese from the same place you get your Advil? ConsumerWorld did a mystery shopping investigation to find out, and the results will give you a headache. [More]

Reader Saves $400 Using YouTube To Fix Her Washer
The fable goes that the nice white-haired appliance guys are a dying breed and they’re way better than their outsourced, van-driving, retail store counterparts. But sometimes the local guy is just as bad as the guy in the store wearing the official colored shirt. When her Kenmore model 417 front-loading washer went bust-o, Jane discovered she was able to save $400 in repair costs by learning how to fix it herself from Youtube videos. [More]

How To Have A 20-Minute Conversation With A Partner About Money
The lifestyle changes you need to get out of debt can seem overwhelming. They can seem impossible if you don’t feel your partner isn’t on board with your plan. That’s why it can be very helpful to set up a dedicated 20-minute conversation where the two of you discuss it so you can get them on your wagon of change. But you’ll want to set up the parameters and a few ground rules so that the two of you will get the most out of the talk. [More]

How A Travel Hacker Buys An Airplane Ticket
Nomadic Matt is essentially a professional world traveler, having quit his job in 2006 to pursue his love of trekking all around the globe. He shares his tips and the pricematching steps he takes before he books any ticket. [More]