
Apple Sells You The Wrong AppleCare Package, Then Loses Your Refund

Apple Sells You The Wrong AppleCare Package, Then Loses Your Refund

Apple sold reader Melody the wrong AppleCare package, but instead of switching her to the proper coverage, they issued a refund and told her to re-purchase the warranty extension. They even gave her American Express transaction reference numbers so she could track the refund, but AmEx says the numbers are invalid and that they have no record of a refund posting. Melody’s been out $195 since February, and thinks it’s time for Apple to cough up her money.

This Florist Has A Loose Grasp Of Geometry, Flower Arranging

This Florist Has A Loose Grasp Of Geometry, Flower Arranging

Erik ordered an unusual flower arrangement for his wife earlier this week. [More]

Chase Stops Charging $120 Annual Fee For Balance Transfer Customers

Chase Stops Charging $120 Annual Fee For Balance Transfer Customers

We wrote in January about a new $10 per month fee that Chase was arbitrarily imposing on customers who had transferred balances to their Chase cards. Well after having a little chat with New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Chase announced that they’ll stop charging this ridiculous fee and they’ll be refunding customers’ previous payments.

Walmart Violates Company Policy, Pretends Not To Accept Bike Returns

Walmart Violates Company Policy, Pretends Not To Accept Bike Returns

The Walmart in Norman, Oklahoma refused to accept bike returns until a district manager, acting on a reader tip, reminded the store that they were violating company policy. Reader Keia tried to return the “shoddily constructed,” “dangerous piece of garbage” for a bike that Walmart sold him, but an employee, backed by the store manager, explained that since Walmart could repair the bike, their return policy didn’t apply. That didn’t sound right, so Keia went over their heads…

This Is Why You Don't Order From Fad Diet & Wellness Sites

This Is Why You Don't Order From Fad Diet & Wellness Sites

Christina decided to give the famed acai berry a try. What the heck, she must have thought, it won’t cost me that much ($10) and the site’s refund policy clearly indicates when I can return the product, cancel the “subscription,” and move on. She knew the cancel-by date and was prepared to follow the rules. had other plans, which are best summed up by this email they sent to her: “You can get your refund in hell. haahah.”

"TicketsNow Hangs Up When I Say 'Refund'"

"TicketsNow Hangs Up When I Say 'Refund'"

TicketsNow has a pretty explicit guarantee that if the tickets you buy aren’t good, they’ll refund the money. In Sean’s case, they seem to have found a way to avoid delivering on that promise: they just disconnect whenever he mentions the word “refund.”

Best Buy Goes Above And Beyond To Make Up For Selling Busted Camera As New

Best Buy Goes Above And Beyond To Make Up For Selling Busted Camera As New

Michael is happy to report that he got a really great resolution from Best Buy, who had sold his grandma a broken camera as new and then accused them of breaking it themselves. The shots of Best Buy employees Michael found on the camera, and the repugnant attitude he encountered when they tried to return it and disinterest when he complained to corporate multiple times, only made the story that much juicier. After Micheal’s story went up on Consumerist and hit Digg, Best Buy contacted him. Here’s what they did to make nice:

EHarmony Reunites Customer With His Money, Apologizes

EHarmony Reunites Customer With His Money, Apologizes

David, who we noted earlier this week was out an extra $140 because eHarmony decided to open a second account in his name, has written back with an update.

United Promises There's No Fee, Then Takes $150 Out Of Your Account

United Promises There's No Fee, Then Takes $150 Out Of Your Account

We all know that just because a rep on the phone promises you something, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily true. But in Alan’s case, two different United reps both confirmed, repeatedly—he asked several times before completing the purchase and again before canceling—that he could cancel his tickets within 24 hours of purchase without paying a fee. A week after he canceled, he was hit with a $150 non-refundable fee that one United rep admitted was a new policy that wasn’t in writing—but United still refused to reverse it.

Best Buy Sells Busted Cam As New, Blames You. Oops! Employee Pix!

Best Buy Sells Busted Cam As New, Blames You. Oops! Employee Pix!

UPDATE: Best Buy Goes Above And Beyond To Make Up For Selling Busted Camera As New

McDonald's Apologizes To 911 Nugget Lady

McDonald's Apologizes To 911 Nugget Lady

We’ve made it pretty clear that we don’t condone Latreasa Goodman’s attempt to use 911 to report a McNugget Emergency, but in all fairness to Goodman, she was being shafted by the lying, uncooperative McDonald’s employee who said “all sales final” and refused to refund her money. McDonald’s has released a statement where they own up to their role in escalating things in the first place, and they’re sending her a free meal gift card as well as the refund she originally requested. Now she can enjoy a complimentary lunch on the day she goes to plead “no contest” to the judge for abuse of 911.

E-Harmony Gives You 58 Dimensions Of Suck By Billing You For Two Accounts

E-Harmony Gives You 58 Dimensions Of Suck By Billing You For Two Accounts

Update: eHarmony has returned the money.

Vonage Silently Adds "Optional" Feature, Refuses To Refund Your Money

Vonage Silently Adds "Optional" Feature, Refuses To Refund Your Money

We’re having a hard time figuring out how Vonage can justify pulling their “Visual Voicemail” scam on customers without even offering the option of a refund, but that’s exactly what they’re doing to Daniel. They quietly turned on the feature over a year ago. You’d think in a year of logging onto the website, an observant customer would catch that sort of thing—only Vonage makes it actually look like it’s not enabled on your control panel, all the better to sneak it past you. Here’s how they pulled it off with Daniel’s account.

Help, This Restaurant Won't Accept My Coupon!

Help, This Restaurant Won't Accept My Coupon!

Adam bought a gift certificate coupon from, but the restaurant where he tried to use it turned him down: “They informed me that had started selling certificates to their restaurant without the restaurant’s knowledge or approval.” Now he wants to know what to do.

Dell Hasn't Refunded Money For 45 Days

Dell Hasn't Refunded Money For 45 Days

Rob bought a monitor from Dell. Not just any monitor, a defective one. Ok, he didn’t specifically request it to come defective, but that’s how it did. So did its replacement. “The backlight was flickering constantly and it made me feel nauseous just looking at it,” writes Rob. He’s returned the monitors but Dell has yet to give him back his money. Every time he calls, they tell him it will be just 7-10 days more and that he paid with two credit cards is complicating things. So far it’s been 45 days.

JetBlue Will Refund Your Ticket If You Get Laid Off Or Fired

JetBlue Will Refund Your Ticket If You Get Laid Off Or Fired

Afraid you might get laid off? Too worried to book plane tickets? JetBlue thinks you are. They’ve launched a program that guarantees a full refund to those of you who get laid off at least two weeks before you fly.

Fandango & Regal Play Blame Game For Missing Tickets

Fandango & Regal Play Blame Game For Missing Tickets

After waiting in line ~10 minutes I swipe my credit card only to get the following message “Tickets cannot be found, please try another machine.” After trying several other machines, I quickly realize that nobody can find their tickets.

Proflowers Does Not Want This Man To Send Flowers

Proflowers Does Not Want This Man To Send Flowers

William has given Proflowers three chances to send his flower orders to a loved one. So far, they’re 0 for 3. William says they’ve refunded his money, so he doesn’t feel cheated or anything. But as he points out, since flower deliveries are usually a time-sensitive matter, reliability is really the number one goal you’re looking for in a flower company.