John’s wife ordered a pair of boots from Macy’s, returned them, and got a refund. In a perfect world, that would be the end of this post, which would be very short and very boring. John lives in the real world, though, where Macy’s just went ahead and charged the couple a second time for the boots three weeks later for no clear reason. No one can explain where the charge came from, and no one has been able to get their $180 back for the last two months. [More]
double charged

Bank of America Charges Guy Twice For Money Order, When Told, Corrects Problem With Ninja Reflexes
Nathaniel got a money order to pay rent, and noticed Bank of America charged him twice for the transaction. He placed a call to customer service expecting a long, difficult battle, but was pleasantly surprised with the outcome:

E-Harmony Gives You 58 Dimensions Of Suck By Billing You For Two Accounts
Update: eHarmony has returned the money.