
Top 25 Best Global Brands — Samsung, Microsoft Beat Apple

Top 25 Best Global Brands — Samsung, Microsoft Beat Apple

Pepsi Rock Band Contest May Have Been Unwinnable At The End

Pepsi Rock Band Contest May Have Been Unwinnable At The End

The Internets are aflame over a Pepsi contest that gave out free instant-win Rock Band codes. Apparently the powers that be shut down the contest before it was supposed to end Sept. 12 and 13, while still proclaiming on its website it was going on. has a detailed report of how things went down.

Good News,That Dead Mouse In Your Diet Pepsi Was Actually A Toad

Good News,That Dead Mouse In Your Diet Pepsi Was Actually A Toad

Remember the purported mouse that a man in Florida purportedly found in his can of Pepsi? Lab tests are back, and it turns out that it wasn’t actually a mouse.

Pardon Me, But There Is A Mouse In This Can Of Diet Pepsi

Pardon Me, But There Is A Mouse In This Can Of Diet Pepsi

(Ed. note— Ok, let me just tell you that reading this story made my stomach flip, which is something that almost never happens to me, so if you’re eating lunch or (heaven forbid) drinking a Pepsi — just go to Cute Overload and forget this ever happened.) A Florida man says he was drinking a can of Diet Pepsi when he noted that it tasted funny. (Warning: “Not Safe For Lunch” graphic picture inside.)

Pepsi VS Coke Logo Evolution

Pepsi VS Coke Logo Evolution

Some mystery genius put together a comparison of the logo evolution of Pepsi Vs. Coke. Enjoy.

Save Time With 2,000 Calorie Fast Food Meals

Save Time With 2,000 Calorie Fast Food Meals

Recently, those buzzkills at Time published this mouth-watering article about the massive caloric content of fast food. Apparently, the Senate is considering federal legislation that would require chain restaurants to list calorie counts on menus.

Naked Juice Removes Supplements, Now Just Boring Juice

Naked Juice Removes Supplements, Now Just Boring Juice

Bryan, a longtime Naked Juice customer, noticed that that Strawberry Kiwi Kick brand he always bought had a different colored cap. He writes, “Alas, the ‘Kick’ is no more. Gone are the supplements, including plain ol’ Vitamin C. Strawberry Kiwi Kick is just fruit juice.” When he contacted them to complain, they responded that their “devotees” preferred it that way, and they sent him a coupon and a temporary tattoo. Because if there’s anything that says “we take your input seriously,” it’s a temporary tattoo. (Or maybe they’re trying to tell him what they expect of real devotees.)

Move To Japan So You Can Drink Veggie Pepsi, Or Green Tea Coke

Move To Japan So You Can Drink Veggie Pepsi, Or Green Tea Coke

Two new cola taste sensations are set to hit the vending machines of Japan, and no, you can’t either. They’re Green Tea Coke and Shiso-flavored Pepsi. Who in the what now?

Do Consumers Really Care About High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Do Consumers Really Care About High Fructose Corn Syrup?

We’ve been getting reports from readers that Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback are showing up in stores. Heartening news since Passover Coke season is over. “The second ingredient (after water) is ‘Sugar’ not the dreaded HFCS. Oh, and it is delicious,” Wyatt in Minnesota told us.

Pepsi Yankees Promotion Leads To Fans Chanting "Pepsi Sucks!"

Pepsi Yankees Promotion Leads To Fans Chanting "Pepsi Sucks!"

It’s probably never a good idea to offer Yankees fans free tickets for showing up and forming a crowd, because then you’ve got a crowd of Yankees fans with nothing to do, and that’s not going to end well. In this case, after the fans found out that Pepsi over-promised the number of free tickets it was giving out, they turned hostile.

Pepsi Sues Coke For False Advertising, Demands Recall Of Sports Drink

Pepsi Sues Coke For False Advertising, Demands Recall Of Sports Drink

Pepsi is suing Coke over claims that their new sports drink, Powerade Ion4, is “more complete” than their own Gatorade.

Three New HFCS-Free Drinks From Pepsi

Three New HFCS-Free Drinks From Pepsi

We already told you about Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback — now there’s Pepsi Natural.


One final Tropicana thing: this video clip from 5 weeks ago shows Peter Arnell explaining the thought process behind the Tropicana redesign. It’s a peek behind the curtains at how much thought goes into packaging, and how it’s designed to communicate to you subconsciously. [AdAge] (Thanks to wanda!)

ATTN: HFCS Haters. Get Ready For Sugar-Sweetened "Pepsi Throwback"

ATTN: HFCS Haters. Get Ready For Sugar-Sweetened "Pepsi Throwback"

According to Beverage Industry Magazine, Pepsi will be launching “Pepsi Throwback” and “Mountain Dew Throwback,” both of which contain sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. The logos, seen above, were found through a search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Electronic Search System by, which reports that the trademarks were filed on January 9, 2009.


Pepsi is suing an Atlanta distributor for distributing Mexican Pepsi, sweetened with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup, in the U.S.

Throw Back A Fresh Glass Of Aquafina Face Juice

Throw Back A Fresh Glass Of Aquafina Face Juice

Aquafina is now making skin care products…