Japan is a unique country with an adventurous palate, the perfect place to try out new Pepsi Yogurt flavor, aka “Pepsi White.” Reader Danny who sent this in says, “The flavor was quite sweet, and closer to that of 7-UP with some slightly milky tones (not really yogurt, just milk). Overall it was good, if odd.” In this concoction, it would appear culinary scientists have discovered found the absolute gastronomical inverse of Crystal Clear Pepsi. Congratulations, Science.

15 Victims Of The Grocery Shrink Ray
The Grocery Shrink Ray continues its miniature spree across the supermarket aisles of America. Here’s 14 more victims that have surfaced in the past week, as spotted by our watchful bands of deputized Consumerist reader-investigators…

4 Waters Enhanced With 100% Hype
“Enhanced water” is gaining popularity and is helping companies such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi to turn a tidy profit. Many of these trendy drinks contain an array of ingredients and claim a variety of health benefits. Newsweek and the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group that focuses on nutrition, say that the science behind many of these health claims is weak. They have assembled a small list of four “enhanced water” drinks which are probably doing little more than keeping you hydrated.

Get Your Drink On With Pepsi Blue Hawaii
If Ice Cucumber Pepsi only left you nauseous for more, Pepsi has unveiled its “Blue Hawaii” flavor available only in Japan. The antifreeze-blue concoction delivers hints of pineapple and lemon which if consumed, will make you feel as if you have sailed into a heavenly island paradise, or something. Having fully recovered from his Ice Cucumber Pepsi review last year, reader Peter sacrifices himself for a video review of Pepsi Blue Hawaii. The video, inside…

Pepsi & Amazon Won't Fix PepsiStuff Error, Keep Ignoring Customer
Jon saved up a bunch of PepsiStuff points and decided to redeem them for an item PepsiStuff is promoting on its website. That’s how these point redemption programs usually work, you see. PepsiStuff.com apparently thinks otherwise—they’ll let you redeem the points for a COBY player (ha ha ha ha), but the Sony alarm clock is just redemption bait. You’re not supposed to actually pick that.

Mystery Pancake Recall: ….And The Winner Is Salmonella!
The Quaker Oats Co. said Tuesday it is recalling a limited number of Aunt Jemima Pancake & Waffle Mix products because of potential salmonella contamination from raw or undercooked ingredients.

Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix Recalled Mysteriously
Here’s something sort of weird. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is saying that two products, “Aunt Jemima Complete Pancake Mix” and “Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Complete Pancake Mix” have been “recalled and are under investigation for a possible health risk, according to a press release given out by Dierbergs grocery stores.”

Cane Sugar Pepsi "Raw" Launches In The UK Only
Traditionally, Pepsi contains fructose corn syrup, sugar, artificial colourings, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavours.

Aquafina Changes Label, Admits It's Tap Water
Aquafina, PepsiCo’s best-selling bottled water, is changing its label to clarify its true source: city water supplies. The labels have never claimed to be spring water, but the price, packaging, and placement in stores apparently made enough of the world believe it was.

Aquafina To Admit Being From A "Public Water Source" On Label
Aquafina labels will soon say “Public Water Source,” a nod by bottler PepsiCo to the fact that its bottled water is the same water that goes into a Pepsi, just pre-carbonation

Coca-Cola Is The "Best Brand," Microsoft Beats Apple
Coca-Cola has come out on top of the “Best Brands” Harris Poll for the first time ever. Sony, the leader for the past 7 years slipped to number 2.

Sodium Benzoate Messes With Mitochondria?
[An] expert in ageing at Sheffield University, who has been working on sodium benzoate since publishing a research paper in 1999, has decided to speak out about another danger. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an important area of DNA in the “power station” of cells known as the mitochondria.
Ok, we know its hard to take news seriously when it comes from a guy named Peter Piper, but sodium benzoate is no joke. It’s in a lot of beverages. Coke, Pepsi, 7 Up, you name it. Constant readers will remember it as one half of the recent “sodium benzoate plus vitamin C = benzene = cancer” debacle. —MEGHANN MARCO

Pepsi Loves You And Sends You Replacement Mountain Dew
The result is a customer happy enough to write a mean old website about it.

Soft Drinks Try To Convince You They Are Healthy
While the soda business remains a $68 billion industry in the United States, consumers are increasingly reaching for bottled water, sparkling juices and green tea drinks. In 2005, the amount of soda sold in this country dropped for the first time in recent history. Even the diet soda business has slowed.
Coke’s chief executive told the NYT: “Diet and light brands are actually health and wellness brands.” Hmmm.

Pepsi Labels Will Include Caffeine Content
“Every company that adds caffeine to food should tell consumers how much they’re getting, so consumers can comparison shop and make their decisions accordingly,” said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. “Pepsi deserves credit for voluntarily putting caffeine contents on labels. I don’t know why Coke and coffee companies are so jittery about letting their customers know how much they’re getting.”
Regular Pepsi contains 25 milligrams of caffeine per 8 oz, Diet Pepsi 24. “Pepsi One and Mountain Dew have more with 36 mg per 8 ounces. Brewed coffee varies, but a 16-ounce cup at Starbucks has around 260 mg, though the company doesn’t make that number easy to find.” Mmm, caffeine. Starbucks is sort of confusing. We’re not sure why they’d neglect to mention/hide how much caffeine is in coffee… isn’t it a selling point?—MEGHANN MARCO
Phishers Switch Brands: Coke and McDonald’s
Oh man, we totally want a Mercedes-Benz ML Jeep convertible! Does that come in Corvette Hummer Mazda-6? In all seriousness, watch out for this crap. The emails will usually mention some sort of sweepstakes and use familiar-looking logos that you may have come to trust. —MEGHANN MARCO
The Adventures of Pepsiman
It’s Labor Day weekend. That means today’s a half-day for me and Ben. It also means that, depending how drunk we get, there may very well not be any posts on Monday. It also means that the posts we do put up today are going to be slacker heaven.