Because nothing gold can stay, AMC’s popular Mad Men has reached the final episode of its final, seventh season. Over the course of the show, we’ve seen pitches for a multitude of companies, brands, sports, groups and even cities. While some of those brands were created for the show, the large majority were very real — and some continue to exist today. In the spirit of nostalgia, we thought now might be the right time to check in on those products and companies pitched by Sterling Cooper (and its various rebirths), to see which have been lost to the mists of time, and which still remain. [More]
mountain dew

That Was Then, This Is Now: How 72 Brands From ‘Mad Men’ Have Changed Since Don Draper Was In Charge

Dew Shine From Mountain Dew Looks Like Booze, But Isn’t
Back when high fructose corn syrup hadn’t yet been invented, the phrase “Mountain Dew” meant something very different. While that name now reminds us of a highly caffeinated soft drink, originally it referred to homemade corn-based booze, or moonshine. Mountain Dew’s new limited-edition product is supposed to evoke moonshine while removing corn from the beverage altogether. [More]

Not Even Stephen Colbert Can Keep A Straight Face Discussing Dorito-Flavored Mountain Dew
We recently told you about Dewitos, the nightmarish concoction that combines Mountain Dew and Doritos into a beverage that is more of a dare than a drink. Last night, the hard-hitting Colbert Report took on this story and not even stone-faced host Stephen Colbert could keep from laughing. [More]

Dorito-Flavored Mountain Dew Really Exists Outside Of Your Nightmares
In the last day or so, a specter of horrifying flavor has haunted the Internet. A student at Kent State University in Ohio posted a photo of a Mountain Dew taste test on Reddit. There were a few experimental flavors, and one of them was an orange-colored confection. Was it some pleasant citrus variant? No. Flavor wizardry has brought us Dorito-flavored drinks. If this idea makes you want to blow up civilization and start over on a deserted island, you are not alone. [More]

Mountain Dew Doesn’t Make DWI Go Away After Cops Turn Down Soda Bribe
When you’re in a tight spot, it’s natural to take a quick look around and assess the tools at your disposal. While MacGyver could change his fate with a piece of gum and a 1993 issue of TV Guide, one DIY wannabe thought he’d be able to disappear a DWI charge with Mountain Dew. [More]

Coke, Pepsi Now Removing Brominated Vegetable Oil From All Drinks (Yes, Even Mountain Dew)
Yesterday, Coca-Cola made news when it confirmed that it was phasing out the use of brominated vegetable oil (BVO), a food additive that is banned in other parts of the world, in Powerade. Last night, both Coke and Pepsi announced they would be getting rid of the controversial ingredient in all remaining drinks — including Mountain Dew. [More]

Elementary School Decides To Stop Giving Kids A Dose Of Mountain Dew Before A Big Test
If I learned anything from spying on my brothers playing Dungeons & Dragons in the basement with their friends, it’s that Mountain Dew is often the preferred fuel of choice for staying awake and making sharp decisions. That being said, a Florida elementary school was getting a heck of a lot of criticism for giving kids a dose of the stuff before taking high-pressure tests. [More]

Mountain Dew Cheetos Are Now A Reality…In Japan
Strange and magical things come out of Frito-Lay Japan. Things that we in Frito-Lay’s home country never get to see. The latest bit of corporate synergy/snack food horror to hit shelves across the Pacific? Mountain Dew flavored Cheetos. [More]

Vanilla Mountain Dew, Strawberry Pepsi Made Possible By New Soda Fountains
Four years after Coca-Cola launched its Freestyle soda fountains that allow users to mix/match/blend/concoct whatever flavor monstrosities they want without the hassle of having to bounce from nozzle to nozzle, PepsiCo has finally gotten on board the Fantasy Flavor Train with a test of a new soda fountain that allows customers to add shots of extra flavor into their sweet drinks. [More]

Pepsi Pulls Mountain Dew Ads Following Complaints Of Racial Stereotyping, Violence Against Women
A bizarre online ad for Mountain Dew, featuring a talking, abusive goat and a bruised and battered woman has been pulled by parent company PepsiCo following complaints. [More]

Mountain Dew… Now For Breakfast
For people who think Taco Bell’s “Mtn Dew A.M.” blend of Mountain Dew and orange juice is just a little bit too natural for a breakfast drink, the folks at PepsiCo have heard your pleas and are rolling out an actual breakfast-drink version of Mountain Dew called “Kickstart.” [More]

Gird Your Mountain Dew-Soaked Loins: Dungeons & Dragons Archive Going Digital
All I need to do is close my eyes and I’m transported back to sometime in the mid-’80s, the unmistakeable scent of Cool Ranch Doritos wafting on the air and the sloshing of multiple liters of Mountain Dew as I creep down the basement stairs. “What are you doing down here for so long?” would inevitably be answered by “We’re playing Dungeons & Dragons, go away or we’ll tell Mom you’re bugging us.” That would happen for hours on end, and now it can again with a digital archive of the role-playing adventures. [More]

Mountain Dew Debacle Shows Why You Can't Let The Internet Play Mad Libs With Your Product
UPDATE: Reps for Mountain Dew have sent a statement to Consumerist clarifying its involvement (or apparent lack thereof) in the disastrous promotion. [More]

Midwest To Play Guinea Pigs In Test Of Malt-Flavored Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew, long treated like the haggard, unemployed cousin of the big brand sodas, is about to try to go up-market with the test of a pricier, malt-flavored variety of the drink called “Mountain Dew Johnson City Gold.” [More]

Taco Bell, Where 'Mountain Dew A.M.' Is A Breakfast Drink
Taco Bell has been flirting with breakfast for years and only recently decided it was something that all its restaurants should eventually serve. But ever the food innovators, the folks at the Bell have apparently come up with the perfect drink to accompany its breakfast burritos, something called Mountain Dew A.M. [More]

Pepsi: Mountain Dew Isn't Just For Suburban Teens Playing Video Games, Really!
If Mountain Dew brings up images of your older brothers hunkered down in the basement with said soda and bags of Cool Ranch Doritos, during marathon sessions of Dungeons & Dragons or World of Warcraft, you aren’t the only one. Pepsi acknowledges that their “dew message” isn’t reaching big cities, and is trying to spread the bright green liquid love to “cooler” places than the suburbs. [More]

Canadian Scientists: Actually, Mountain Dew Can't Dissolve A Mouse
The Canadian Broadcasting Company has an important message for the soda pop-buying public: PepsiCo’s claim that Mountain Dew can’t dissolve a whole mouse into a “jelly-like substance” seems unlikely to them. A rodent in a small container of soft drink is going to decompose, not dissolve. Doesn’t that make you feel better? [More]