
VIDEO: What's So Dangerous About Drop-Side Cribs?

VIDEO: What's So Dangerous About Drop-Side Cribs?

So 2 million drop-side cribs were recalled this morning, but what is it about drop-side cribs that leads to can lead to baby entrapment, even death? What should you do if you own a drop-side crib? What’s the deal with the immobilizer devices? How do you test it to make sure its safe? Can I fix the crib myself? The CPSC answers these questions and more in a new video released this morning: [More]

2,000,000+ Drop-Side Cribs Recalled

2,000,000+ Drop-Side Cribs Recalled

The CPSC recalled over 2 million drop-side cribs from seven firms today, due to reports of falling and entrapment. The makers are: [More]

Earn $200/hr Teaching Angry Man To Use Apple Products

Earn $200/hr Teaching Angry Man To Use Apple Products

I guess Apple products aren’t idiot-proof after all. We have found your idiot nonpareil. There is a man in San Fran who needs help using Apple products. He is wiling to pay $200 an hour. This is his NSFW Craigsist ad/rant about how he is too busy to figure out how to get his credit card number from auto-populating when his kids buy stuff on iTunes, but has enough time for you to come over to his house and teach him how to use his devices. [More]

Who Keeps Trying To Kill Our Babies?

Who Keeps Trying To Kill Our Babies?

This “Recalled Baby Products 2009-2010” graphic from the website hugamonkey is massive, and it shows how many types of products were recalled over the past 16 months. You can use it as a reference tool to see if there’s anything in your home on the list, or to remind yourself why you’d rather have a houseplant. [More]

New Dry Max Pampers Causing Rash, Burns, Sores, Boils?

New Dry Max Pampers Causing Rash, Burns, Sores, Boils?

Pampers new brand of Dry Max diapers causes rashes, burns, sores, and boils on their babies, some parents are alleging in a growing online backlash. But is it really Dry Max, or just typical diaper rash that the parents are incorrectly correlating with the new diaper? [More]

Kid Racks Up $1,400 In Farmville After Stealing Mom's Credit Card

Kid Racks Up $1,400 In Farmville After Stealing Mom's Credit Card

A 12-year-old kid is probably getting his crops slashed and burned by his mum after he racked up $1,400 in Farmville purchases, draining his own savings and running up charges on her credit card. [More]

Why Does The Word "Baby" Make The Same Product More Expensive?

Why Does The Word "Baby" Make The Same Product More Expensive?

Gail has an interesting question. She would like to know why the “baby” version of her son’s eczema cream costs $.50 more than the adult formula, even though the products’ packaging and contents are seemingly identical. [More]

Teen Runs Up $22,000 Verizon Bill

Teen Runs Up $22,000 Verizon Bill

After a man added his 13-year old son to his Verizon plan, his cellphone bill rocketed to nearly $22,000. [More]

1 Million Maclaren Strollers Recalled After 12 Finger Amputations

1 Million Maclaren Strollers Recalled After 12 Finger Amputations

Following 12 reports of accidental finger amputation, stroller company Maclaren is recalling 1 million strollers. Every single Maclaren stroller sold since 1999 is included in the recall.

How Do You Explain Invisible Money To Your Kids?

How Do You Explain Invisible Money To Your Kids?

Learning about how money works is important for children. But today, when all of our transactions seem to take with the mysterious swipe of a card, or inside a computer. So how to teach children about money when nobody uses cash anymore?

Kids Design Cute Heinz Ketchup Packets, Learning Important Early Lessons In Mass-Market Commodification

Kids Design Cute Heinz Ketchup Packets, Learning Important Early Lessons In Mass-Market Commodification

Today my sandwich came with these Heinz ketchup packets with cute little designs on them, part of an insidious plot to sell more ketchup.

TSA Takes Baby Away From Mother?

TSA Takes Baby Away From Mother?

UPDATE: The TSA has posted their CCTV video of the incident from 9 different angles. In the video, the child is never picked up by TSA agents or removed from the mother’s sight.

How Do You Tell Your Kid That The Sales Clerk Is A Big Phoney?

How Do You Tell Your Kid That The Sales Clerk Is A Big Phoney?

There’s a great post over on WiseBread by someone called the Frugal Duchess, about how her 10-year-old kid was schmoozed a little too successfully by a sales clerk at a tween clothing store in the mall.

Cotton Babies Stands Behind The Cloth Diapers They Sell

Cotton Babies Stands Behind The Cloth Diapers They Sell

It’s great to find a company that stands behind the products that they sell—even beyond the stated warranty is over, and even after the products have been used for their intended purpose for an extended period. Rachel learned that online diaper retailer is one of those companies, and wanted to share her experience with Consumerist readers.

Continental Puts 10-Year-Old Child On The Wrong Plane

Continental Puts 10-Year-Old Child On The Wrong Plane

Sure, airlines misroute luggage all the time. But how about misrouting a ten-year-old girl to the wrong state?

How To Save At An Amusement Park

How To Save At An Amusement Park

For those of us thinking about hitting an amusement park this year, Smart Money has some suggestions for how to save some money including:

Tax-Saving Moves For 14 Big Life Events

Tax-Saving Moves For 14 Big Life Events

Life is full of surprises and challenges. Luckily, there’s a tax form for just about all of them. Via Kiplinger’s, here’s 14 major life events that allow for smart tax-saving moves, and how to make those moves.

50 Restaurants Where Kids Eat Free Or Cheap

50 Restaurants Where Kids Eat Free Or Cheap

With times calling for tighter wallets and tighter belts, FrugalLivingTv’s list of 50 restaurants where kids eat free or cheap is like manna from heaven.