Seven years ago, Amazon acquired Quidsi, what was then a five-year-old competitor that ran the sites and Since then, the company has been running independently and expanded its offerings. Now Amazon is shuttering Quidsi’s brands, saying that it’s been unable to make a profit since the acquisition. [More]

Amazon Planning To Sell Groceries, Diapers Under Its Private Label
From your closet to your pantry and everything in between, Amazon will soon have something to sell under its own private label: after making a recent foray into the fashion world with in-house clothing brands, the e-commerce giant is going to start peddling its own line of food and diapers. [More]

It’s Very Gross And Very Dangerous When Dogs Eat Diapers
The very thing that makes disposable diapers so useful–their super-absorbency–can make them deadly to pets. While nobody goes around giving diapers to their dog as a chew toy, animals do have a gift for rifling through the trash, and one thing they can find there are diapers. KKTV in Colorado interviewed one family whose dog died after eating some of the absorbent material in a diaper. [More]

Amazon Yanks Its New Upscale Diaper Brand To Make “Design Improvements”
Let’s take a second to imagine what an improperly designed diaper would look like. Or hey, smell like. Now that we’ve been there, Amazon says it’s pulling the upscale brand of diapers for Prime members it introduced six weeks ago, telling customers that the diapers need some “design improvements.” [More]

Amazon Dangles The Option Of Upscale Diapers To Lure New Prime Customers
It’s not always easy convincing people to pay $99 a year for anything, but if you can tap into an existing need, the customers will often come running. And in the case of Amazon Elements, the new program rolled out to lure in new Prime subscribers, that prize it’s dangling is upscale diapers and baby wipes. [More]

Chipotle Lacks Diaper Changing Table, Mom Changes Toddler On The Dining Table Instead
Chipotle has a kids’ menu with tiny quesadillas and organic milk, and offers high chairs in its dining rooms. They seemed to Chad like an establishment that welcomes and accommodates families with small children. When his wife took their 16-month-old daughter for a diaper change, though, she found no changing table. So she did the logical thing and changed the tot’s dirty diaper on a table in the dining area. Wait, what? [More]

Restaurant Gives Mom The Boot After She Changes Baby At Table
A mom in Texas claims that a local pizza restaurant overreacted when it asked her and her kids to leave because she had changed her baby’s diaper on a table, but the eatery’s owners are sticking by their decision. [More]

Spend $5 Extra To Get $5 Gift Card At Target
Target is a successful retailer, which is impressive considering the company’s collective poor grasp of math. Reader Mireille was shopping for diapers there and spotted an interesting deal on diapers. If customers bought two boxes and paid $2.50 above the listed price on the shelf tag for each, they would get a $5 gift card. Wait, what? [More]

Flight Canceled Due To Toilet Clog, Allegedly A Diaper
Let’s get the public service announcement out of the way: if you’re taking care of someone who is very young or very old and uses diapers, there are many ways to dispose of them. Flushing them down the toilet should not be on your list of options. Allegedly, a United Airlines flight from Phoenix to Cleveland was delayed, then canceled because a passenger did just that. [More]

Have You Ever Had To Choose Between Diapers And Food? We’d Like To Hear From You
Until babies are born learning to hold their bodily wastes — a development that seems unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future — there will be a need for diapers of some sort. But according to a new study, many American families are having troubles making ends meet and keep their kids in clean nappies. [More]

When You Cut Trash Collection To Every Two Weeks, Parents Will Still Find A Way To Get Rid Of Dirty Diapers
In Oct. 2011, Portland, Oregon, switched from weekly trash pickups to an every other week system, which is fine for many people who probably just needed to invest in another garbage can or two to hold that additional refuse. Additionally, the city had a weekly pickup for recycling and its new composting program, so smelly bottles, cans, and food scraps were being hauled away every seven days. But some parents of babies with stinky diapers are not waiting for that next garbage truck to swing by, and are instead tossing out the dirty diapers with the recycling. [More]

Is It Okay To Change A Baby’s Diaper In Public If There’s No Restroom Changing Table?
The reality of babies and young toddlers it that they’re gonna go when they’re gonna go, and parents will need to change their diapers. But what if a business like Starbucks doesn’t have a changing table in the restroom — is it okay for a parent to take care of diaper duty in the public seating area? One woman did, and Starbucks employees ended up calling the cops. [More]

Explosion At Japanese Chemical Plant Results In Run On Diapers In North Texas
Over the weekend, there was an explosion inside a chemical plant in Japan. So it only makes sense that the parents of youngsters in North Texas are buying oodles of diapers. [More]

Huggies: Diapers So Good, Even Dads Can't Use Them Wrong?
For about one-third of babies and young children, their primary caregiver is their father. And most dads today pitch in with child care and have some working knowledge of how a diaper works. So it’s not hard to see why some parents are annoyed at the new “Dad Test” campaign for Huggies diapers. The concept: leaving babies alone with their dads for five days is somehow the “ultimate test” of the quality of diapers and wipes. [More]

Are Cost-Conscious Parents Being Less Generous With Diaper Changing?
The recent tough times have forced many parents to pay closer attention to the bottom line. But are they doing so at the expense of their babies’ bottoms? [More]

Procter & Gamble Agrees To Settle Lawsuit Over Pampers Dry Max Diapers
Last spring, the internet was lit up with reports that Pampers Dry Max diapers cause rashes, burns, sores, and boils on the babies who wear them. And though at least one study could find no link between the nappies and the babies’ blemishes, Pampers parent company Procter & Gamble has agreed to settle a class-action suit involving the product. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Zaps Costco Diapers
Buying diapers at Costco seems like a decent way for parents to save money, but eagle-eyed Consumerist reader Eric noticed that he’s no longer getting quite so much bulk for his buck. [More]

CPSC Says No Link Found Between Dry Max Diapers And Diaper Rash
Back in May a lotta parents were venting online about newly formulated Pampers Dry Max Diapers giving their kids bad diaper rash. The CPSC got almost 4,700 incident reports and investigated, but so far has not found any specific link that says the diapers are causing adverse reactions any different from normal diaper rash. [More]