Do the construction or the princess kids’ dish designs that accompany this post look familiar? Does your child have a similar plastic plate, bowl, or eating set that features animals, superheroes, or other kid-friendly themes? If so, check over those plates and bowls: They may be one of millions of dishes that could have its plastic coating peel off, posing a choking hazard to the child. [More]

Child Makes Adorable Case In Favor Of Toys ‘R’ Us
The filings in bankruptcy cases, especially large and complex ones, tend to be long and not terribly exciting reading. You can find important bits of information like store closing lists and gift card policies, but what one doesn’t expect to find among thousands of pages of legal forms is a handwritten letter from a child defending a chain retailer with 866 stores. [More]

Mom Spots 2-Year-Old In Hot Car At Target, Alerts Police
Even though summer is winding down, temperatures can still be pretty hot, and it’s especially dangerous to leave children or pets behind in your car. That’s why it was fortunate that one shopper at an Ontario, CA, Target store happened to notice a small child in the backseat of a locked car in the store’s parking lot. [More]

Fewer Restaurants Serving Up Sugary Drinks On Kids’ Menus, But Most Still Do
American kids are eating out at fast-food and full-service restaurants more than ever, and that makes it even more important what restaurants are serving to them. A new study of restaurant offerings by the Center for Science in the Public Interest shows that while they’re not as common as they were in the past, meals that include soda or other sugar-sweetened beverages are still common. [More]

Winkel Colorburst Toys Recalled Because They May Crumble, Seem Edible To Babies
The Winkel Colorburst is an adorable and colorful teething toy. “Colorful loops made from soft, pliable plastic are easy to grasp and hold,” its manufacturer, Manhattan Toy, says on its website. Yet on some of the colorbursts, the plastic loops may become brittle and break, and the infant may try to eat these pieces, because that’s how infants roll. [More]

Should Pre-Teens Be Allowed To Own Smartphones?
From their earliest moments, some children are constantly connected to a screen. By the time many kids hit middle school, they already have their own smartphone. However, some parents not only want to limit their kids’ use of these devices, they want the state to ban sales of smartphones to kids under 13. [More]

Walmart Employees Break Car Windows, Save Infant Left In Hot Vehicle
When employees of a Walmart in South Carolina learned that there was a baby in a hot car in the store’s parking lot, they took action, breaking the closed windows and rescuing the shaking, sweating 6-month-old inside. Local police are now investigating the situation. [More]

Graco Recalling 25,400 Carseats That May Not Properly Restrain Children In A Crash
If you tote your child from point A to point B in a Graco carseat, listen up: The company has recalled eight different carseat models after finding they may not adequately restrain a child. [More]

Pediatricians: Give Your Kids Fruit, Not Fruit Juice
Juice is a delicious source of carbohydrates and vitamins, and can be part of a healthy diet, but a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics clarifies infants (under one year old) should not drink fruit juice, and children of all ages should be consuming a lot less of the sweet stuff. [More]

Family Accuses Delta Employee Of Smacking 12-Year-Old’s Hand During 17-Hour Delay
Facing a long airline delay during a trip to Florida with his family, a 12-year-old from New York state did what many Americans now do: He whipped out his iPhone to film the Delta Air Lines agent explaining the issue to angry customers. That’s when, according to a lawsuit filed by the family, the Delta employee told the pre-teen that shooting the video was illegal and swatted his hand. [More]

Some Schools Shame Students When Their Parents Can’t Pay For Lunch
Shaming a debtor may be an effective — and potentially illegal or unethical — way of getting them to pay up, but should children who have no control over their family finances be publicly shamed if it gets their parents to pay their outstanding school lunch bills? [More]

Gymboree Rumored To Be Prepping For Bankruptcy, So Use Your Gift Cards Now
Do you have a Gymboree gift card, or items to return or exchange? Stop putting that shopping trip off, because there are reports that the debt-laden children’s clothing retailer and enrichment class provider might be preparing to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy soon. [More]

680,000 Baby Rattles Recalled Over Choking Hazard Concerns
Baby rattles come in all shapes, sizes, and designs, but they all have one purpose: To entertain children, not hurt them. For that reason, 680,000 rattles have recently been recalled because they pose a choking hazard. [More]

Chinese Factory Accused Of Labor Violations Loses Disney Contract
“Dongguan Qing Xi Juantiway Plastic Factory” isn’t a household name, but you’d probably recognize the products it made for the world’s largest entertainment company: the factory was one of thousands making official products featuring Disney characters. [More]

Stroller, Infant Carrier Falls & Tip Overs Send Two Children To The Hospital Every Hour
Strollers, carriers, and baby wraps are a necessity for parents looking to transport their kids from one point to another. Yet data in a new study shows just how many children are injured each year in incidents involving one of these devices. [More]

State Fairs Of Yesteryear Often Featured Creepy Baby-Judging Contests
Just imagine: you’re standing in the crowd at the state fair, gaze fixed on a stage filled not with plump vegetables, carefully crafted pies, or prize cows, but babies. Yes, the past could get pretty creepy. [More]

There Were 3 Other IKEA Dresser Toddler Deaths Dating Back To 1989
While dressers and chests in IKEA’s Malm family have drawn attention this week for being recalled after the deaths of three children were linked to them, those aren’t the only deaths that dressers from IKEA alone have caused: other models of dresser are linked to an additional three deaths of children age three or under, and the first one was in 1989. [More]