You don’t need a driver’s license to own a home. You don’t need to own a home to drive a car. But Allstate insurance has launched a product in Oklahoma that looks at policyholder’s driving records when determining their homeowner’s insurance rates. [More]

Legislator Calls For Ban On Imaginary Practice Of Using Aborted Fetuses In Food Products
Because the lawmakers of this nation don’t have real-world issues that need to be resolved, a state senator in Oklahoma has introduced legislation that would finally put a stop to the abominable, completely nonexistent practice of using tissue from aborted fetuses in food. [More]

Oklahoma Couple Enjoys Dream Wedding At Starbucks
In a scene that could be straight out of Best In Show, a couple whose romanced blossomed over cups of Starbucks’ pricey caffeine decided that the java joint was the perfect place to bind themselves together for eternity. [More]

Borders Store To Be Turned Into Library System Nexus
Here’s another cool liquidated Borders store conversion story. The Pioneer Library System in Oklahoma is buying up a 25,000 square foot Borders store and turning it into their new book master control system headquarters. [More]
Man Goes Balls Out — Literally — Trying To Steal Soda Truck From Chili's Parking Lot
While some inept robbers think wearing panties on your face will mask your identity, one man in Oklahoma seems to think that a complete lack of underwear — or really any clothing — is the key to a successful crime. [More]

Panty-Faced McDonald's Burglar Arrested
Remember last week, when we reported on the McDonald’s drive-thru that had been robbed by what appeared to be a female wearing what appeared to be a pair of pantied stretched across her face. Apparently we were only right about one of those assumptions — Yes, in spite of many readers’ doubts, that was a woman in the photos; but it wasn’t a pair of panties; it was a girdle. [More]

Woman Wears Panty Mask To Rob A McDonald's Drive-Thru
Perhaps in an effort to hearken back to her bandanna-sporting bank robber forebears, a woman in Oklahoma decided to fashion a mask out of a pair of undies for her late-night burglary of a McDonald’s drive-thru. Thank God it was caught on camera. [More]

Prom Night Spoiled When Limo Is Repossessed In Front Of Teens
So many things can go wrong on prom night — ill-fitting tuxes, zits, wilted flowers, your date running off with someone else — but a group of high school students in Oklahoma had their evening spoiled in a way that is all too indicative of the times we live in: They watched as the limo they’d rented was repossessed. [More]

Definitely Not "Free"To-Lay: Woman Arrested For Trading Sex For Chips
You know you’re in a recession when you have to barter starchy snacks for oral sex.

Walmart Violates Company Policy, Pretends Not To Accept Bike Returns
The Walmart in Norman, Oklahoma refused to accept bike returns until a district manager, acting on a reader tip, reminded the store that they were violating company policy. Reader Keia tried to return the “shoddily constructed,” “dangerous piece of garbage” for a bike that Walmart sold him, but an employee, backed by the store manager, explained that since Walmart could repair the bike, their return policy didn’t apply. That didn’t sound right, so Keia went over their heads…

Oklahoma Legislature Has Cocaine (The Drink) Party, Stays Up All Night Debating Ban, Grinding Teeth
Should an energy drink be allowed to brand itself with the name of an outlawed drug? A state lawmaker in Oklahoma says no, especially not when kids can buy it, and he’s trying to get the drink pulled off of shelves in the state.

This Garden Ridge Christmas Display Is Obscenely Unseasonal
We thought Hobby Lobby’s August Christmas trees might be the height of this season’s Christmas Creep, but wow were we wrong. Garden Ridge is striving to be a one-stop panacea for all your summer Christmas needs. They’re already stocking Christmas trees, ornaments, lights, snowy yard inflatables, and what looks like a snow toboggan complete with Tigger, Winnie The Pooh, and everybody’s favorite Christmas downer, Eeyore!

Lowe's Driver Caught With Hand In The Hooker Jar
Sick of prostitutes and their customers infesting their communities, Oklahomans are videobusting them and posting the results on YouTube. This one catches a Lowe’s delivery driver picking up a hooker in a residential neighborhood and retiring to the back of his truck for a playdate. It’s the work of a one man citizen journalism campaign by Brian Bates, who’s been at it in OK since 1996. It seems in the 12 year he’s been at it, he hasn’t run out of material. Full vid inside.

Discover Card And The Tale Of The $502.55 Tank Of Gas
If a gas pump ever accidentally charges you $502.55 for 17 gallons of gas, you’d expect to be able to quickly and easily challenge that charge with your credit card. Unfortunately for James Maddux of Collinsville, OK, it wasn’t that simple.

Mom And Toddler Kicked Off Continental Flight For Talking Too Much
A passenger on a Continental ExpressJet flight from Houston to Oklahoma City says she was removed from the flight because her toddler would not stop repeating the phrase, “Bye, bye plane.”

Home Depot Employees Fired For Helping Police Catch Shoplifters
“We saw them with the merchandise. We saw them run out of the store. I never kept my eyes off of them. Then when we asked them for a receipt, and that’s when they dropped the merchandise and they kept running. One guy still had a chainsaw while he was running, and that’s when the cops tackled him,” he said.

AOL CSR Not Making Enough Money, Robs Bank
On her blog, this former AOL call center team manager describes the the pleasure of overseeing some simply delightful underlings.