Now Available At Hobby Lobby: Christmas Trees?

Why is Hobby Lobby selling Christmas Trees in August? WHY?! We can understand the tinsel and countdowns, maybe, but !@$% Christmas trees? This picture comes from Hutchinson, Kansas where it will be 92 degrees on Friday. We called Hobby Lobby for an explanation…

A disarmingly unseasonal saleswoman explained that all Hobby Lobby locations now sell Christmas trees. They’re not real, because real trees die after one month, nature’s way of telling you to slow down and appreciate Thanksgiving. The saleswoman found nothing wrong with the new arrivals, and thought it was “great” that the trees were finally available in August. Reader Justin disagrees:

From a store I’ve never heard of called “Hobby Lobby” in the small town of Hutchinson, Kansas. This picture was taken on August 12th. Seeing the Christmas trees this early literally made me sick to my stomach.

Christmas is over four months away—126 days and counting—something we’re going to remember and appreciate tomorrow as we relax on a hot sunny beach.