More than a century ago, the Sears Roebuck catalog arrived in the mailboxes of rural Americans and changed their lives. It didn’t just make fine toilet paper: shoppers could order everything from clothing to guns to entire houses and have it delivered to their homes. Now online shopping has opened the world up even more to rural people, letting them buy food cheaper than local supermarkets and clothing that the Walmart a half-hour drive away doesn’t carry. [More]

Law Enforcement Agencies Using New Card Reader To Seize Prepaid Card Funds
Millions of unbanked consumers unable to open a traditional bank account have turned to prepaid debit cards in recent years. But now these reloadable, and often untraceable, cards have also become a method of choice for criminals to transport a large amount of cash from one place to another. A new device aims to make it easier for police to seize these ill-gotten funds, but some advocates worry the card scanner could be putting legitimate prepaid card users’ civil rights at risk. [More]

6 Walmart Trucks Shot At On Oklahoma Highway Since Sunday
A number of Walmart trucks have arrived at their destination this week, only to find out that they had been used as target practice while driving along a stretch of highway in Oklahoma. [More]

Kids Football Team Wants Walmart To Rebuild Field Used To Build Store That Closed In Less Than A Year
Less than a year after seeing their patch of grass transform from a football field to a Walmart Express to a closed Walmart Express, the members of one Oklahoma youth football team are calling on the world’s largest retailer to replace their lost gridiron. [More]

Jury: Cox Violated Antitrust Laws By Forcing Customers To Rent Set-Top Boxes
Should you be forced to be required to pay your cable company extra money for a set-top box in order to get cable TV service you’re already paying for? According to a federal jury in Oklahoma, which recently returned a $6.31 million verdict against Cox Communications, the answer is no. [More]

Uber Won’t Allow Drivers To Discriminate Against Gay Passengers Even If A State Law Allows It
Even as lawmakers in Oklahoma sign off on a ridesharing service bill that removes protections for gay and transgender passengers, Uber has made it clear that changes to state laws will not alter its anti-discrimination policy. [More]

Connecticut Tribes Join State Leaders In Fighting Unlicensed Payday Lending By Oklahoma Tribe
The fight against payday lenders operating through affiliation with Native American tribes to skirt Connecticut law escalated this week as leaders of the state’s federally recognized Indian tribes joined forces with state officials to denounce the often financially devastating credit practice. [More]

University Of Oklahoma Blacklisted After Publishing Jack White’s Guacamole Recipe
One of the most powerful talent representation companies in the world has decided to boycott the University of Oklahoma after a school newspaper dared to publish the rather bland details of a concert contract rider, including the rock star’s secret (not any longer) recipe for guacamole. [More]

Oklahoma Moms Stage Walmart Nurse-In After Store Tells Breastfeeding Customer To Cover Up
No matter how many stories we write reminding people that every state has a law allowing nursing moms to breastfeed in public, some manager at a store will still screw things up and ask a mother to leave the store or cover up. The latest incident involves a Walmart in Oklahoma, where several woman recently staged a nurse-in to drive their point home. [More]

Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need
Almost exactly a year ago, a Walmart in Ohio made headlines for an employee food drive intended to help support their fellow Walmart workers. Now come reports of additional stores rolling out the donation bins, showing that the retailers employees try to take care of one another while also spotlighting the question of whether or not Walmart is paying its associates sufficient wages. [More]

Cattle Rustling Is Making A Comeback In Oklahoma
Cattle rustling is an old-timey regional term for one of the oldest crimes in human civilization: walking off with someone else’s livestock. It turns out that when animals have been bred to be docile and to trust humans, it’s not hard to drive off with them. Auction houses don’t ask for proof that the cattle you’re selling are actually yours, there are no standardized ear tags, and the unwitting public ends up eating the evidence. [More]

McDonald’s Won’t Serve Pedestrian At Drive-Thru, So He Steals Customer’s Car
For many of us, that brief time between placing your order at the fast food drive-thru and waiting for your food is a couple minutes to do a whole lot of nothing; maybe get your wallet out, change the radio station, check your makeup in the rearview mirror. One thing you’re probably not expecting is to be carjacked. [More]

Don’t Ask The Teen Taco Bell Employee To Hold On To Your Bottle Of Booze Until Tomorrow
There’s asking a fast food employee to do you a minor favor — like asking for extra condiments or having a dirty booth wiped down — and then there’s asking that employee to do something against the law — like stashing your bottle of booze in the eatery’s fridge for a day or so. [More]

Teen Scams Walmarts Out Of $30,000 By Pretending To Be Manager From Another Walmart
I once knew a guy who said that with the right outfit and enough confidence, you can get through any door. Looks like a 17-year-old in Oklahoma took that lesson to heart, walking into multiple area Walmarts and walking out with wads of cash in his pocket. [More]

Homophobe Restaurant Owner Shouldn’t Be Surprised His Eatery Now Touted As “Best Gay Club” On Yelp
If a local restaurant owner goes on local TV to talk about how he hates gay people and doesn’t want them as customers, it’s not a shock that people will get angry and boycott, protest, petition… the usual stuff. But in the age of Yelp, that owner should probably also expect to find that his business is now being written up online as the “best gay club” around. [More]

Chick Fil-A Franchisees, Bridal Store Owner, Designer Team Up To Help Bride Who Lost Dress In Tornado
When the owners of a Chick fil-A franchise in Oklahoma found out that one of their employees had lost her wedding dress to the tornado that recently tore a path of devastation through Moore, OK, they decided to do something about it. But their one phone call set off a chain reaction of niceness. [More]

Oklahoma Tornado Survivors Need Your Help, Scammers Don’t
24 people are confirmed dead, and many are still missing after a massive tornado destroyed homes and lives outside of Oklahoma City. Don’t let yourself become an indirect victim of the natural disaster by giving money to a fake charity or social media account set up to take advantage of well-meaning and generous people who want to help. [More]