Because the lawmakers of this nation don’t have real-world issues that need to be resolved, a state senator in Oklahoma has introduced legislation that would finally put a stop to the abominable, completely nonexistent practice of using tissue from aborted fetuses in food. [More]

Why Siri Won't Help You Find An Abortion Clinic
Siri, the helpful virtual assistant in the iPhone 4S, will help you find the nearest Thai restaurant, tell you your nearby options to get an oil change and suggest places to get a haircut. What she reportedly won’t tell you, for now, is where to find an abortion clinic. [More]

Seven States Sue Over Health Worker "Conscience" Rule
Seven state attorneys general, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU have sued to overturn the so-called “conscience” rule, which allows doctors, pharmacists, and other health care workers to refuse to perform procedures or dispense medication that conflicts with their beliefs.

Walgreens Jerks You Around When You Try To Buy Plan B
A reader’s girlfriend tried to buy Plan B yesterday, but the Oxford, MS Walgreens pharmacy seemed to go out of their way to make it has hard as possible. Mere incompetence doesn’t explain what happened. Instead, it sounds more like a consciously decided system of policies designed to discourage people from buying the pill…

Proposed Legislation In Ohio Would Require Women To Get A Man's Permission To Have An Abortion
New proposed legislation in Ohio would make it illegal for a woman to get an abortion without a man’s permission, according to the Record-Courier.

FDA Approves Over The Counter Plan B
Consumers everywhere can now put down their Siphilum divining rods, the Food and Drug Administration gave thumbs up for a next-day pregnancy prevention pill without prescription.