If you find the idea of ice cream that doesn’t melt after sitting out for hours in 80-degree heat unsettling, you aren’t alone. And because you can’t believe everything you hear on the news, our knowledge-thirsty compatriots at Consumer Reports decided to test out those never-melting ice cream sandwiches for themselves. [More]

Cafe Press Sends You Free Shirt After You Ordered Wrong Size
Shelley is really happy with Cafe Press! She recently lost a lot of weight and ordered what she thought was the right sized shirt, but when she got it, it didn’t fit. Hey, she’s still getting used to her new thinner size, so cut her some slack. That’s exactly what Cafe Press decided to do. [More]

Mysterious JetBlue Creature Offers Free Tix To Passengers
If you wish hard enough on your next JetBlue trip, maybe the airline’s People Officer will magically appear and hand out free tickets. That’s what happened on David’s flight home over the weekend. To be fair, the free ticket giveaway probably happened because JetBlue asked everyone to show up two hours early due to a computer glitch. It’s still a much nicer airline story than what passengers usually send us. Also, this People Officer hinted to the OP about the airline’s future Wi-Fi plans. [More]

10 Easy Ways To Keep Your Flight Attendant Happy
A happy flight attendant makes for a happy flight, and 24-year-old flight attendant Brandi Lynne has a list of 10 things you can do to make your next flight a little more enjoyable…

IKEA Flies Your Sofa Cover From Philly To LA In Their Luggage
IKEA isn’t really known for their customer service, but apparently one location in LA is trying to change that.

Having Your Credit Card Stolen = Accidentally Free MP3 Downloads From Amazon?
Amazon.com apparently has a glitch whereby if you have 1-click ordering set up to buy MP3 downloads, and you forget that you canceled your credit card because it had been stolen by a random French person, you’ll end up with a bunch of “free music.” And, if you’re an honest person like Jeff Somogyi, when you try to contact Amazon to pay for the music, they’ll chuckle at you.

Comcast Worker Saves Couple From Blazing Apartment
A Comcast worker woke to find that his apartment building was on fire, so he decided to save some people using the ladder from his truck. Nice guy.
Hartnett jumped into action, knocked on residents’ doors and ushered people to safety.

Bank Of America Refunds $325 In Overdraft Fees To Customer Who Was On Cruise
Don’t say we never printed anything nice about you, BoA. One of your customers just had an experience with you that—despite still having an overdraft fee of $20 to pay—has left her feeling pretty good about you.

Circuit City Extends Return Window For Suddenly Obsolete HD DVD Players
Circuit City, which has a usual 30-day return policy, is allowing customers who purchased HD DVD players to return them for store credit. The policy doesn’t apply to HD DVD movie discs.

California Seeks To Fine Blue Shield $12.6 Million For Illegal Cancellations
The LA Times says that the State of California is seeking a $12.6 million dollar fine against Blue Shield for 1,262 violations of claims-handling laws that resulted in 200 people losing their insurance. Blue Cross and Blue Shield have already been fined $1 million for improperly terminating the policies of the sick and pregnant.

Costco Finds Item You Accidentally Left In The Parking Lot And Holds It For You
I wanted to let you know that Costco customer service is awesome. Last Sunday, My family went to Costco to shop. I saw they had a good deal on a chair mat. Right before we checked out, I went back to get it. As we were headed to the exit, my wife figures out they overcharged her for something. So (with help from a CSR) we split up so I could load the car. Well, I put the chair mat somewhere and forgot about it. (probably against the car) I realized it later that night that I had forgotten it, and had written it off. Today, I went to Costco to get a prescription filled and I thought I would ask about it. Apparently an employee found it, logged it, and put it back on the shelf. The CSR told me to get another one off the shelf and gave me a note to get through the cashiers with it. The cashier then radioed to the receipt checkers, so I didn’t even have to wait in the exit line!
Well, damn. That’s really nice! Good job, Costco.

One Laptop Per Child Has Good Customer Service
We opened the following email with trepidation, thinking it might be a horrible customer service story about a charity.

Zappos Sends You Flowers
We get nice stories about Zappos’ customer service all the time, but this one seems to have touched a lot of our readers.

5 Business That Were Nice to Us Lately
5) Anata Jones at the Hilton in Fort Wayne, IN made us an awesome omelet. She talked to the eggs and coaxed the omelet into folding perfectly without breaking.

Donate Your Breast Milk
Jill ended up starting the International Breast Milk Project, which sends tested and pasteurized breast milk to orphanages in Africa. So if you’ve got some extra milk, why not send it? —MEGHANN MARCO
Don’t Leave Your Phone At The Yosemite Riverside Inn
- Last Thanksgiving weekend my girlfriend and I stayed at the Yosemite Riverside Inn for its proximity to El Capitan and its “Riverside Cabins with Rustic Charm.”…

The Restaurant That Lets You Pay What You Want
Time magazine is profiling a couple restaurants run by hippies (shhh, we kid, we kid) that let you pay whatever you think the meal is worth. We know we could never go to these restaurants because we would feel extreme guilt and overpay for our food. Actually, that’s sort of the idea.