Soon, instead of leaving your bacon in the frying pan — on the verge of burning — in order to get that crispy, crunchy meat, you could just buy crispier bacon from the get-go. Scientists say they have developed genetically modified pigs meant to reduce costs for farmers, while providing consumers with leaner meat. [More]

Can Retailers Use Stealth Calorie Cuts To Get Shoppers To Eat Healthier?
While there is a large segment of the population always looking for healthier, lower-calorie food options, there are some shoppers who like the things they buy just the way they are — and who react negatively when their favorite foods are tweaked. Is there a way to get these folks consuming fewer calories? [More]

Here’s Why Scientists Are Launching Bacteria-Laden Balloons During The Solar Eclipse
While people stand at the ready around the country today with special glasses and pinhole projectors to view the solar eclipse, a group of NASA scientists will be at work launching balloons in an effort to learn a bit more about life on another planet. [More]

Science Says Whiskey Tastes Better With A Little Water — Here’s Why
For many whiskey connoisseurs, enjoying their favorite brown alcohol any other way than neat is bordering on sacrilegious. But according to science, a bit of water makes the libation taste even better. [More]

FDA Warns Fertility Doc: Stop Advertising Service That Creates ‘3-Parent’ Baby
Last year, you may have heard of an impressive medical accomplishment, where the gametes of three people were combined to make one healthy baby. The doctor behind that procedure has now been warned by the Food and Drug Administration for advertising the still-unapproved procedure. [More]

Study: Happy People Buy Time Instead Of Stuff
They say money can’t buy you love — but can it buy happiness? That’s up for debate, but a new study says that using your funds to purchase time — something we all wish we had more of — can lead to increased happiness. [More]

Goop Suggests Its Critics Are Seeking Attention, Might Just Be Jealous
Gwyneth Paltrow’s “modern lifestyle brand” Goop offers customers a range of tips, tricks, and products to make their lives better and healthier, but these products and recommendations are often met with criticism from doctors, scientists, and even NASA astronauts, one of which recently called BS on the site’s claim that “healing stickers” contained the same material as space suits. But all of that criticism appears to be getting to the company, as it recently singled out a doctor who calls out the site on her blog. [More]

Worms That Eat Through Plastic Bags Could Help Cut Down On Pollution
Plastic bags clog up our gutters, landfills, and waterways, but researchers hope that plastic-munching worms may hold a secret to making these messes more manageable. [More]

You Can Hack A Phone Just By Using Sound Waves, Researchers Find
It sounds like wild science-fiction stuff: Play the right sequence of music through a speaker, and you can take over any device that “hears” it. And yet, a bunch of scientists have just announced that under the right circumstances, you can do exactly that thing. [More]

A Supplement Company Sued Over Research It Didn’t Like… And Lost
Unlike FDA-approved medications, makers of dietary supplements are not required to demonstrate that their products are safe or effective. That shouldn’t stop independent researchers from doing their own tests to find out if a product works or is dangerous, but when one Harvard professor tried to do just that, supplement makers tried to shut him up.. [More]

Study: Baseball Teams More Likely To Have A Bad Game Due To Jet Lag When Flying East
Playing at least 81 games on the road, sometimes thousands of miles from home and in a different time zone, will eventually have an effect on even the most fit professional baseball player, but is there a correlation between distance (and direction) traveled and performance? [More]

Science Says You Aren’t Alone: Drinking Booze Gives Mice The Munchies
Have you ever found yourself informing anyone who would listen after a long night out at the bar, “I could totally take down an entire pizza right now,” and meaning it with your entire heart? You aren’t alone: science says even mice get the munchies when they’re drunk. [More]

Food Scientists Trying To Develop Kale Aimed At Picky American Palates
We all know that kale is trendy, but if it were up to some American consumers, it wouldn’t be, well, quite so kale-y. [More]

Science Says: Cheese Makes Wine Taste Better
Your Friday night plans have just been validated by science: a new study finds that eating cheese with wine makes wine taste better. [More]

Researchers Detect Early Stages Of Alzheimer’s Disease In Mice With An Eye Exam
Could it be possible to detect Alzheimer’s disease in the early stages with just an eye exam? That’s the possibility researchers are floating after they were able to spot signs of Alzheimer’s in the retinas of mice using a special, non-invasive camera. [More]

Facebook Now Has An Internal Panel Reviewing Research On You To See If It’s Ethical
Odds are very, very good that you’ve been part of a scientific research experiment in the past few years. Probably more than 70% likely if you’re on the internet at all, and approaching 100% if you’re under 30. Why? Because those are the percentages of Americans who use Facebook… which is constantly conducting some of the largest-scale behavioral research ever done. [More]