With foreign newcomers like Lidl and Aldi landing on our shores, and online services like Amazon creeping onto an already crowded grocery battlefield, traditional grocers are willing to do whatever they can to keep customers coming back. At Kroger, that means slashing prices on popular staples like milk and eggs, in an effort to signal to customers that their stores have the best deals on the everyday items they need. [More]

Florida’s Definition Of Skim Milk As “Imitation Milk Product” Ruled Unconstitutional
The long-running legal battle over Florida’s definition of “skim milk” may have finally come to an end today, with a federal appeals court ruling that it’s unconstitutional for the state to require that unfortified skim milk be labeled “imitation milk product.” [More]

Products From Hy-Vee, Albertsons, & Tom Thumb Recalled For Potentially Contaminated Milk Powder
The Great Powdered Milk Recall of 2016 has become even greater, expanding to include even more candy-coated items. It turns out that Hy-Vee and Albertsons also get their store-brand confections from Palmer Candy Company, which are part of a massive powdered milk recall. [More]

USDA Asks Meat, Dairy Companies To Replace Confusing Expiration & Sell-By Labels With “Best If Used By” Date
Though almost every food item you buy at the supermarket has some sort of expiration date — under the headers of “Sell By,” “Use By,” “Use Before,” “Best Before,” among others — printed on the packaging, the truth is date labels are largely voluntary and determined by the food producers. If handled properly, most foods are perfectly safe to eat after whatever date is on the label, but stores and consumers throw away an inordinate amount of food every year simply because that date has passed. In an effort to reduce food waste, the federal government is hoping to encourage meat and dairy producers to all use the same phrase: “Best If Used By.” [More]

Yes You Can Milk A Reindeer: 9 Dairy Animals That Don’t Say “Moo”
We’re all familiar with cow’s milk in its many possible forms: in your coffee, on your cheese sandwich, in a sundae, and of course as the butter sculptor’s medium of choice. And most of us have dabbled at various times in goat’s or sheep’s milk and cheese while out to eat or strolling down the “fancy” aisle of the supermarket, but these few farm animals are just some of many mammals whose milk can be enjoyed, or at least tolerated. [More]

U.S. Farmers Have Dumped 43 Million Gallons Of Milk So Far In 2016
Whether it’s in your coffee, cereal, dessert bowl, cheese sandwich, or straight up in a chilled glass, most Americans consume milk in some form on a pretty regular basis. But with a glut of cheap white stuff on the market, farmers have reportedly spilled some 43 million gallons of milk through just the first eight months of 2016. [More]

Big Dairy Settles Claim It Killed Cows To Keep Milk Prices Up; Are You Due A Piece Of $52M?
What’s one way to keep milk prices from going down? Cut down on the number of cows producing that milk. An dairy industry group representing around 70% of the milk we buy has agreed to pay $52 million to settle an antitrust complaint alleging that industry illegally inflated milk prices by paying farmers to slaughter cows prematurely. [More]

Starbucks Will Start Offering Almond Milk In U.S. Stores Next Month
There will be another dairy-free alternative for Starbucks customers come September: alongside soy and coconut milk, the chain will be offering almond milk as part of its milk lineup. [More]

Dean Foods Buys Ice Cream And Intellectual Property From Friendly’s, Will License Back Trademark To Restaurants
You may remember that ice cream parlor and restaurant chain Friendly’s filed for bankruptcy back in 2011. Since then, the chain closed some restaurants and kept going. Now the nation’s largest dairy distributor, Dean Foods, wandered past the remaining business that Friendly’s has, and likes what it sees in the ice cream case. It’s acquiring the retail and ice cream making parts of the business, but not the chain of restaurants. [More]

Move Over, Almonds: New Non-Dairy Milk Product Is Made Out Of Peas
By now, we’ve gotten used to the idea that not all milk on the market comes from cows, which is a great thing for lactose-intolerant people or those who prefer not to consume animal products: there’s soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk, hemp milk, and almond milk, among other things. One non-dairy product we never saw coming? Pea milk — which is now a real thing. [More]

Court Agrees With Florida: Skim Milk Is “Imitation Milk Product” Unless You Add Vitamins
Last year, we told you of a long-running dispute over a Florida state law that says skim milk must be categorized as “imitation milk product” unless the dairy adds vitamins to the final product. This week, a federal court finally chimed in on the matter, upholding the state regulation. [More]

Walmart To Open Dairy Processing Plant, Will Make Its Own Milk For 600 Stores
While Walmart generally sources its store-brand products from third-party private label companies, the mega-retailer is deviating slightly from that trend with the news that it will soon be supplying its own milk for hundreds of Walmart stores.

WV Lawmakers Legalize Raw Milk, Drink Raw Milk, Get Mysterious Stomach Bug
In West Virginia, farmers and fans of raw milk celebrated this week as the governor signed a bill that, among other things, legalizes the sale of raw milk to consumers. Some delegates celebrated by drinking cups of raw milk from a local farm, or at least tasting it. Some of them are now sick with a mysterious gastrointestinal illness. Is it a coincidence or deep irony? [More]

Florida Says Skim Milk Is “Imitation Milk Product” Unless You Add Vitamins
Is “skim milk” just the same as “whole milk” with the cream skimmed off? Not according to the state of Florida, where producers of skim milk must either add vitamins to their product or be forced to carry the stigma of it being categorized as an “imitation milk product.” [More]

Dean Foods Moving Its 31 Milk Brands Under One National Name
Soon your regional milk brand might be getting a bit of an image makeover, as Dean Foods says it’s taking all 31 of its brands and pushing them under one national umbrella in an effort to unite against struggling milk sales. [More]

Researchers Find That Some Breast Milk Sold Online Contains Cow’s Milk
Many parents choose to buy breast milk to feed their babies, for various reasons, but those folks are under the belief that the stuff is coming from humans. Researchers published a report into the online breast milk industry that said despite the expectation that the milk comes from women, some samples tested positive for cow’s milk. [More]